Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Has anybody seen ...  (Read 703 times)

Offline The Wagged Wascal

either of these girls:

External Link/Members Only


External Link/Members Only

If so, any thoughts / comments would be much appreciated.



  • Guest
either of these girls:

External Link/Members Only


External Link/Members Only

If so, any thoughts / comments would be much appreciated.

Sorry I cant say your name............ the first one, she looks too nice to be true!!!

Offline Oooops

Duplicate ads for what appear to be two stunners. Until I see the filly in the fleash I'd treat them as potential scams.

Offline JEH7376

I'm no Alan Turing mate but I believe the mathematical formula for your profiles there is as follows:

'hello gentlemans' = Romanian + vivastreet = AVOID!

Hope that is of some help.


  • Guest
The other part of the enigma code is I speak English/French/Italian = Romanian 


  • Guest
Duplicate ads for what appear to be two stunners. Until I see the filly in the fleash I'd treat them as potential scams.
Nice one mate  :D


  • Guest
The other part of the enigma code is I speak English/French/Italian = Romanian

 :lol: :lol: :lol: