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Author Topic: EliteSexy  (Read 457 times)

Offline Rick2468

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Has anyone seen this lady? She is mentioned in a Soho thread on here. I was going to meet her today got all ready then I called her and the phone call gave me cold feet. She wasn't rude just a bit short. Would still like to see her if she is good.

Offline mrx007

Funny I was possibly going to see her today but possibly in the week now. She replied to a message saying she's near Stratford...

Offline Rick2468

Did you speak to her? If so what was she like with you? Asking because I wonder if I said something wrong that put her off.

Offline mrx007

No just asked her where she was because if she was in Soho I wasn't going to bother going up there. Stratford will be busy enough today with shoppers too...

Offline Fijo26

Would seriously like to know what this girls like, her body looks good and those boobs look exactly like my kinda thing.