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Author Topic: MK Helen in London  (Read 1669 times)

12 review(s) for mkhelen (10 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline peter_bungee

I recently saw Helen a few weeks back, she is based in MK but tours London/Birmingham and was at a clean discrete central apartment.  She is well reviewed and not being a seasoned punter was slightly nervous but with her reputation thought this was be a good encounter and just wanted a simple GFE

Good communications during booking and do not think she was too busy on the day, however once i arrived she was rude and giving me attitude  which killed the mood.  We started just foreplay and there was no conversation and she was troubled making it difficult to get into it.  She did lighten up towards the end and think she felt bad and felt she wanted to provide a good service which i don't doubt, just caught her on a bad day and she told me of some personal concerns which i won't mention here.

PLus not to be rude her breath was quite bad making it impossible to kiss her.   

I don't doubt she is a decent and honest person, but this meeting left me feeling short changed

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« Last Edit: December 20, 2015, 02:15:40 pm by peter_bungee »

Offline naz

Sorry you had a crap experience. Always wondered if these touring girls actually worry about the feedback, especially once they have enough reviews and field reports.  Bad breath, rude and attitude sucks.

slow and low

  • Guest
If a punter turned up with bad breath or hygiene issues they would get a complete bollocking. Service providers are duty bound to be clean and fresh, if not time to walk. :dash:

Offline peter_bungee

If a punter turned up with bad breath or hygiene issues they would get a complete bollocking. Service providers are duty bound to be clean and fresh, if not time to walk. :dash:

its confusing she is so well reviewed so i think this must have been a one off as others would notice.  i really don't know what the smell was but it was making me  :vomit:  I felt like walking minutes in should have done

slow and low

  • Guest
Well your review is a good warning notice.

Offline Dougie

Hope this is once off was tempted to book her during  tour this week.

Offline pewpewpew

Can't be dealing with bad breath mate. That's a total killer for me

Offline mattismyname

Thanks for the report, I have to admit I was thinking of seeing her in the next few weeks but this has put doubt in my mind. Seems a bit cold on her twitter and perhaps more into the domme side of things rather than the 'sex' side?
Always good (not for you however) to see the bad side of things considering all other feedback elsewhere seems overly good.

Offline Bangers and Gash

I recently saw Helen a few weeks back... She did lighten up towards the end and think she felt bad and felt she wanted to provide a good service which i don't doubt, just caught her on a bad day and she told me of some personal concerns which i won't mention here.

And she shouldn't of used excuses (probably made up) as justification for dishing out shit service. Her problems are hers, not yours. She should of took the fucking day off if things were that bad. Cheeky bitch!  :thumbsdown: