I've had dozens of punts through AW and have learnt over the years that the feedback is, by and large, bullshit. There's one in particular, I've punted with her recently, she has 190+on AW, almost universal praise, yet it took me to find this site to get a nugget of truth on her. I wasn't setting impossibly high standards, she was just a fucking shit prossie.
I don't know why guys leave positive feedback on AW for a crappy punt but I get why people are afraid to leave negative feedback, it's the worry of some tramp sullying your profile by making a claim of some sort against you; he tried to bareback me, stole my money, his cock stinks. I'll hold my hands up and say I'm guilty of that too, I've been afraid to leave negative feedback on a crap punt, preferring to stick her in the shit-list and never visit again. On here though, it's separate from AW and they have no way of destroying a punter's AW profile with nonsensical feedback. I won't say I'm happy to bad-mouth a prossie, but I'm more comfortable with my anonymity here to tell the truth.