Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Do you know who I am?  (Read 4728 times)

Offline Turtle Z

I recently had a conversation with a highly rated and now retired East Midlands working girl who was telling me that she was contacted a while back from a venerable UPK member with regard to booking a punt. She didn't tell me who it was and I didn't ask. He was trying to book for the first time and made a big thing of his UKP membership and how important he was on here. He said that if she was 'a good girl' during his booking that he would write her a nice review. She responded by saying that she didn't understand what he meant by 'a good girl' but that her service and offerings were well reviewed and that he should make up his mind as to whether he wanted to book based on that, not whether she intended to be a good girl.  Clearly he didn't get the response he was looking for and actually the girl concerned found his approach to be a little creepy and self important and on this occasion his mention of UKP membership backfired on him. I really can't see many circumstances where mentioning UKP membership when planning a first booking is a good idea and yet some are under the illusion that a mention of their UKP membership is enough to get them special treatment. I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?


  • Guest
You are correct sir, they sound like the actions of a deluded fuckwit


  • Guest
 Definitely frowned upon. Might have to report the bounder to the committee!

Offline cueball

It seems it's already happened in the NE with bb mentioned or a poor review as a result.

Rather than name and shame on here I'd let admin know the story. Not good practice to use ukp membership to curry favours

we don't need slimy under handed members like that.

Offline Bangers and Gash

I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?

Nope. And calling a fully grown woman a ''good girl'' is the height of arsehole-ishness. The mentioning of online profiles pre-punt is to get the pro$$ie to up her game. I've never done it, and think dimly of punters who do do it.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Marmalade

I really can't see many circumstances where mentioning UKP membership when planning a first booking is a good idea
No. It's downright fucking stupid.

I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?
Not so much delusional, more of 'traitor.' One Scottish cunt boasted about doing it. (But claimed he was 'joking' when called on it.) A bit like joking at the airport over things that piss them off. Especially when there is a string of positive reviews of prossies against your name.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 04:09:54 pm by Marmalade »


  • Guest
I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?

Its a cuntish thing to do in my opinion.

Its a recipe for dishonest reviewing & that kind of shit has no place on this forum.

Offline threechilliman

I'd avoid it. Some girls will give you a knock back if they know you're a member on here.



  • Guest
This is the height of deluded self importance.

UKP is only a tiny proportion of the punting population so why some people think being a member/poster/reviewer here is anything to shout about are sorely wrong.

Offline WelshClipper

TBH, I am proud of my new UKP membership, but the very idea of letting a prossie know I was a member let alone using it as leverage is quite frankly inconceivable bordering on crass stupidity.  IMHO. :hi:

Offline Urban_G

While I have discussed UKP with a couple of well known London w/g's in the past, I'd never try and use it as leverage, an ultimatum or anything of that sort.

Offline stevedave

Mentioning UKP membership prior to a punt is stupid and down right is the tacet suggestion that "extra's will result in a good review" etc is just fucking rude.

I'd never mention it personally, though obviously if you are seeing someone for a second time, they may know.

I'm also reticent to arrange punts via UKE for this precise reason...I value my punting anonymity and would prefer the girl to not be aware of my UKP membership, should I wish to review her.

Offline RedKettle

I try and avoid talking about UKP and if the site gets mentioned - which it has been a few times - I say that I am a lurker!!

Very lowlife to try and use it for a better/free/unavailable servcie


  • Guest
I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?
No, it is very clear the person saying this is a twat, or could even be lying and using another forum members name, she wouldn't know either way !


  • Guest
sounds like those people thinking of themselves as food critics just because they put shit reviews on yelp

Online Nagilum

The guy is a pillock. What is the point of blackmailing the girl when that will only cause tension and perhaps destroy what would have been a great punt.


  • Guest
What a bellend. The only time I let them know I'm a UKP member is after the punt. Not every time. Particularly when I've had a shit punt though. I.e - "do you know UKPunting? - you should read the London review section later!"


  • Guest
I bet this was Unclesweetoldfart. Sounds like the sort of cuntish trick he would try and pull.

Offline smiths

Its a cuntish thing to do in my opinion.

Its a recipe for dishonest reviewing & that kind of shit has no place on this forum.

I agree but I think it happens more than we know as of yet sadly. I don't tell any WG nowadays that I post on here, if they work it out its not through me telling them before or during a punt, they may read my review obviously afterwards. I don't punt with WGs I know post on here though, though I have punted with some who are members but that was before I was, or I didn't realise they were members.


  • Guest
What a bellend. The only time I let them know I'm a UKP member is after the punt. Not every time. Particularly when I've had a shit punt though. I.e - "do you know UKPunting? - you should read the London review section later!"
Have any turned up here pleading the prossie amendment after you told them ?

One of my negatives texts me when in town periodically, as instructed her to before our meet so cannot blame her for that.  Confirms to me she is not aware 6 months later, gives me pleasure may have saved a few guys shit punts and ring cuts on their groin without her knowing.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Seems fairly unanimous that the bloke is a wanker, I don't tend to mention UKP unless it's one of a few regulars who already know i'm on here.
Even after a shit punt I don't mention it but get satisfaction as i'm leaving that she is going to get a negative review, best not to mention it as your UKP name and AW name can then get linked easily by the girl.


  • Guest
Have any turned up here pleading the prossie amendment after you told them ?
Just Renata (or whatever she calls herself now) - the Romanian girl in Preston Road / North Wembley. She responded to my review with typical prossie bullshit lies. She couldn't answer the phone when I arrived for my pre-booked appointment as she was with her letting agent. It's either that or the fucking landlord has turned up unannounced :lol:

Offline SpunkyMunky

Had to read this twice - thought he had mentioned being a member of UKIP...


  • Guest
Had to read this twice - thought he had mentioned being a member of UKIP...
Nigel Farage is almost certainly a punter!

Offline cueball

Nigel Farage is almost certainly a punter!

He gets my vote then  :D

Offline GreyDave

I never say I am a member of here or the other sites just Ive read you ad and would like to meet up...

Reminds me of Peter Cooks story when he was asked  "Do you know who I am?"    his reply

.....Ladies and Gentlemen could you help? This Gentleman has forgotten who he is :D :D :D :D

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would never say who I am at the start of a punt however I have done a few times when the punt is over, bear in mind that some girls have never heard of UKPunting let alone Jimmyredcab.    :hi:


  • Guest
You mean there are people who DON'T KNOW who Jimmy Redcab is?
How very dare they.

Offline Jimmyredcab

You mean there are people who DON'T KNOW who Jimmy Redcab is?
How very dare they.

Believe it or not there are some people who have never heard of me ---------------- bear in mind I have used the same name for the past 14 years --------------- unlike many on here who have had a dozen different names.   :rolleyes:


  • Guest
 :P  :P   :P

hahaha, touche!
I may have had many names but am still the same old same old.
Hope you're keeping well, old fella  ;) xx

Offline Jimmyredcab

:P  :P   :P

hahaha, touche!
I may have had many names but am still the same old same old.
Hope you're keeping well, old fella  ;) xx

Probably a previously banned member.    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline NIK

Similarly I have never punted under the name NIK.
That's why the sisterhood were loopy when they used to say I would never be allowed to book them. On the non existent chance I was interested  they wouldn't have known it was me.
Indeed the only prossy ever I'm aware of who knew me as NIK was crazy Lou4Fun!  :scare:


  • Guest
Probably a previously banned member.    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Don't be daft.
I've only ever been banned from me local pub, and that was only for breaking a glass  :D

Offline Jimmyredcab

Don't be daft.
I've only ever been banned from me local pub, and that was only for breaking a glass  :D

Strange that you only discovered us two weeks ago --------------- just saying.     :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline azrael

I realy cant see why some one would try something like that other than to appease his own ego, but seriously what would he have gained other than a red flag amongst other wg. As to naming ad shaming him that would have to be down to OP but i would pass on his name to admin at the very least


  • Guest
I recently had a conversation with a highly rated and now retired East Midlands working girl who was telling me that she was contacted a while back from a venerable UPK member with regard to booking a punt. She didn't tell me who it was and I didn't ask. He was trying to book for the first time and made a big thing of his UKP membership and how important he was on here. He said that if she was 'a good girl' during his booking that he would write her a nice review. She responded by saying that she didn't understand what he meant by 'a good girl' but that her service and offerings were well reviewed and that he should make up his mind as to whether he wanted to book based on that, not whether she intended to be a good girl.  Clearly he didn't get the response he was looking for and actually the girl concerned found his approach to be a little creepy and self important and on this occasion his mention of UKP membership backfired on him. I really can't see many circumstances where mentioning UKP membership when planning a first booking is a good idea and yet some are under the illusion that a mention of their UKP membership is enough to get them special treatment. I wonder if it's possible to mention UKP membership and to dangle the carrot of a 'nice review' on a first booking without sounding like a delusional twat?

Its a form of manipulation and power to even mention this. The only reason you go out of your way to mention this is to get the girl bowing down to you and making sure she does exactly what the punter wants for a review...I don't agree with this way of doing things there abusing UKP in my opinion and if I was a WG I would decide not to see them if I got approached in that way. :thumbsdown:

Offline HappyandLucky

I can't see any benefits bar cuntish manipulation, but can see many negatives.
My preference is to punt anonymously, it ensures my reviews are balanced and to date have not received any abuse from wackos when I post a neg

Offline hantshagger

Nigel Farage is almost certainly a punter!

and a member of UKP  (as well as UKIP) too    ;)

Offline Weyoun

I think I can guess who the OP is referring too but it's up to them to pass it on to admin. I've largely scaled back on punting now as I felt I was spending an unhealthy amount of money and also time looking at sites such as AW, UKP and UKE. I occasionally just have a quick browse for interesting topics but this one caught my eye.
I've noticed recently, especially in the East Midlands section, there are a few members who seem to have become a little too wrapped up in punting seemingly spending most of their time on UKP and UKE bragging about their prowess (one has even started advertising himself as a service provider on UKE) and the spending lots of time in conversation with WG's on UKE. I think in  few cases the feedback they have received and encouraging comments from other members have gone to their heads and some perceive this as a kind of celebrity and that they should be entitled to "special treatment" from WG's. To me they seem to have forgotten that they are men paying for sex and not rockstars and I find it a little disturbing.

Offline HappyandLucky

I think I can guess who the OP is referring too but it's up to them to pass it on to admin. I've largely scaled back on punting now as I felt I was spending an unhealthy amount of money and also time looking at sites such as AW, UKP and UKE. I occasionally just have a quick browse for interesting topics but this one caught my eye.
I've noticed recently, especially in the East Midlands section, there are a few members who seem to have become a little too wrapped up in punting seemingly spending most of their time on UKP and UKE bragging about their prowess (one has even started advertising himself as a service provider on UKE) and the spending lots of time in conversation with WG's on UKE. I think in  few cases the feedback they have received and encouraging comments from other members have gone to their heads and some perceive this as a kind of celebrity and that they should be entitled to "special treatment" from WG's. To me they seem to have forgotten that they are men paying for sex and not rockstars and I find it a little disturbing.
As a non UKE viewer, can you give us a clue to whom you are referring  :hi:


  • Guest
He gets my vote then  :D
He's probably the fluffy fucker who told British girls to put their price up. 

Offline Cuntminion

Any walk of life

Don't you know who I am?=cunt

Offline Weyoun

As a non UKE viewer, can you give us a clue to whom you are referring  :hi:

Just spend ten minutes in the East Midlands forum or reviews section and you can work it out for yourself.


  • Guest
I'd avoid it. Some girls will give you a knock back if they know you're a member on here.


Certainly avoid mentioning. This site ,,half the girls I have met hate this site so don't be stupid

Offline blackburnian

Any walk of life

Don't you know who I am?=cunt

Thought this thread was a re run of the Ronnie Pickering thread in off topic   :lol:

External Link/Members Only



  • Guest
Just spend ten minutes in the East Midlands forum or reviews section and you can work it out for yourself.

The guys a cunt no doubt but speculation of who he may be without evidence is also quite a cuntish thing to do.

If you know something & can prove it then spit it out, if not see above.


  • Guest
Quote from: Jimbo Redcabbo
Some old load of drivel

That's cos I have (mostly) been doing completely un-punting related stuff for many years :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:  :P :P :P One has a life outside of maiding in Ilford, you know - always have, always did, even before I ended up there.

Accidentally typed "pun" instead of "pin"* when I was searching for something on Pinterest, and punting came up on my browser, so I thought I would stroll thru and relive some old history ... as ya do ... and this site turned up more interesting posts than the other one.

So what's the haps round here, then. One assumes its not exactly Punters' Parlour.
It certainly looks a lot less sycophantic  :D
Any mischief I can get into?

*that would be my atrocious antipodean accent, then ...


  • Guest
Any mischief I can get into?
Telling the truth here gets a battalion of white knights chasing you down the forum highway.

Neobellendism also gets you chased out of town


  • Guest
Does that mean I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T tell the truth?



  • Guest
Does that mean I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T tell the truth?

The truth will set you free !