It's been mentioned a few times over the past few months but apparently the north east forum is the worst forum on ukpunting for arguments, petty squabbles & agency wars.
The million dollar question is how do we stop all the shit that happens on this forum & get back to what the forum was started for ie; sharing info, friendly banter & trusted reviews.
Can I also ask that only north east members reply to this thread with suggestions in a constructive manner, no personal comments to other members,just positive ideas on how to make this forum a great place to visit again.
I hope long term members like Anthg will have some great ideas but equally would like to hear suggestions from new members also.
I’m a relatively new member of UKP initially using only for reference and more recently for occasional comment and review. I have however been punting for years.
I agree, for a forum for people with like minded objectives / benefits there does seem to be more negativity than is healthy. I’ve been guilty of it myself.
What do I think the members could perhaps do prevent / reduce?
Collective self-restraint, pointing out negatives is important and fine but sometimes the language and tone on some postings is provocative and can easily trigger retaliatory responses and spirals off.
We could be more tolerant of each other’s differences, after all one man’s honey can be another man’s poison.
There often seems to be negativity related to the main agencies with their shortcomings being focused on. Perhaps we should be pointing out when we receive excellent service from them. We all know that the agencies read this site. If we point if they do really well, we set the bar / expectations higher which may compel all the agencies to recognise the importance of customer satisfaction and that they recognise their actions have an impact on decisions we make. If all we do is point out negative experiences about agencies the other agencies just think “we are not as bad as that” whereas if we report excellent service perhaps the other agencies will recognise where their competitors are succeeding and think “what do we need to do to replicate that as if we may see our business reduce otherwise” Personally, my preference is to see independent ladies as I’d rather put all the money in their pocket but I do use agencies also at times. I use one mostly simply because the service is very good, any questions I have are answered honestly, their recommendations are always sensible. By contrast there is another agency I only use because there is a particular lady I like to see. If she were not there I’d never use that agency as their manner on phones in my view is not what you expect when you are paying for what are expensive services.
Agencies, I expect you will be reading this thread. You should ask yourselves what can you do. As I’ve commented above, I prefer using independent ladies as I, and I am sure many others also, resent the fact that you retain the amount of our hard earned money that you do. Yes, you have a role to play, convenience, and that some of the most appealing ladies only work for agencies so if we want to see them we have no choice but to use you. I’m aware from what some of your ladies have divulged just how much you retain and it’s just not right. As a customer, it rankles with me. As for the ladies, well, except for the elite ladies who are always in demand and probably force you to more generous split of money, many of the rest of the ladies probably just make ends meet. Someone commented further above about agencies hating each other, that’s capitalism but there is also consumerism i.e. looking after your customers and attracting new customers, attempting to narrow that gap between the choice of using independents over agency ladies. Perhaps you should start thinking outside the box. The world has changed, we all have access to so much information / opinions on our tablets / phones. The result is that it has driven the standards in most industries higher. Perhaps you should be seeking to achieve the same in yours. We'd then have less to complain and fall out about !