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Author Topic: Are my eyes finally giving up on me ?  (Read 989 times)

Offline Garden69

Was browsing, as one does, and I came across the following profile which claims to be for an "Elite International Ebony escort". Now I know my eyesight isn't that good but how ebony do you think she is ? A bit of rouge on the checkbones doesn't make a girl ebony does it ?!

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Offline Roth

Was browsing, as one does, and I came across the following profile which claims to be for an "Elite International Ebony escort". Now I know my eyesight isn't that good but how ebony do you think she is ? A bit of rouge on the checkbones doesn't make a girl ebony does it ?!

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Maybe her meat flaps are ebony?  :unknown: :wacko:  She sure isn't. :dash:

5th Musketeer

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Was browsing, as one does, and I came across the following profile which claims to be for an "Elite International Ebony escort". Now I know my eyesight isn't that good but how ebony do you think she is ? A bit of rouge on the checkbones doesn't make a girl ebony does it ?!

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She's been a member for 4 years, only 3556 views (as I write this) and zero reviews.  And, as you say, does not look at all "ebony" - maybe there is a new group which calls itself "Elite International Ebony Escorts"  :wacko:  For $100 an hour and offering such sophistication, discretion, athletic prowess, and beauty, she's a real steal, although the "steal" maybe in the other direction.  Definitely not worth risking. :dance:


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Could she have been using that Michael Jackson cream :)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 01:19:37 pm by Grumbleguts »

Offline Bangers and Gash

You'd think a postgraduate that can speak 2 languages could at least get a real job.


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Her photo's are probably so old that they have faded...


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I would not care if she said she was green, if that came to my door i would be a very happy guy and would shag it all night  :diablo:

Offline Bangers and Gash

Could she have been using that Michael Jackson cream :)


Or maybe she just nips into the bathroom to blacken up?

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Online WelshClipper

There was an article in the paper a while back where there were twins from a mixed family where one twin was white like the mum and one black like the dad. Yet they were twins.

So it IS conceivable.

But going by her photos, the one of her with her twin they look exactly the same colour so ........ neah !!!  :thumbsdown:

Offline nike

Maybe sergie is just getting a bit too clever. :lol: she certainly looks nice , ebony or not. Maybe they used too much flash in the photography and it bleached the image. :P