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Author Topic: Three "Ladies" on tour  (Read 837 times)

Online GDYork

Noticed these three ladies are on tour in the region
I know they offer BB but if they didn't, would anyone be willing to TOFTT  :wacko:

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Offline cueball

Offline stevedave

Oldfadge  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, though... :unknown: :vomit:

Offline cueball

Handy for my terrible recommendations list though

Online GDYork

Oldfadge  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, though... :unknown: :vomit:

When I first noticed the advert - I didn't have my glasses on & thought it said OldFridge  :scare:

Offline george r

old fadge looks like its her holidays snaps ?  beer googles a must !!

Offline cueball

When I first noticed the advert - I didn't have my glasses on & thought it said OldFridge  :scare:

Ha ha, yerr, right you did :sarcastic:


  • Guest
old fadge looks like its her holidays snaps ?  beer googles a must !!

beer googles...more like bottom of a vodka bottle googles :)

i would assume you need to have taste for them in order to enjoy...