There is a difference between spunking your own money on prossies and looking forward to the death of your relatives so you can spunk more money on prossies
but each to their own
Well this is the thing with modern social behaviour, so hell bent on literal and PC behaviour and so serious.
Ahh its all good.
Personally I'd rather my parents out live me than me have their inheritance as we're that close of a family, I wouldn't trade them for anything. - I mean, if you're being serious then this is how I truly feel, a big wet softy bloke. But there you go so macho.
Was just saying that when they do pop their clogs, if I'm still able to get it up, my cock will be very happy.
In all serious and depressive talk now that you mention it; I'm 34, not putting much money away into a pension and never have done, I plan to do a suicide in my 50's and then my sisters three kids can split my current £140k value. So yeah, I plan to live life as much as I can right now. So depressive?