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Author Topic: Sexy Morenna  (Read 946 times)

Offline MisterMr

Hello all,

Has anyone had the pleasure or misfortune in visiting this beauty?

External Link/Members Only

I hope it won't be a case of TOFTT  :(


Offline backofthenet

I think it might, my friend. Why don't you set your expectations to low, pop over there and tell us how you got on?

You should also mention that describing oneself as 'old lady milf' won't have the punters rushing to book, and seems particularly odd when she's only 28. Perhaps life expectancy for a woman in her native Romania is only 30.

Online regenmeister

She has bare backing in her likes list, I would avoid personally.

Offline MisterMr

Thanks guys.

I think I will pop over there at some point this weekend. Definitely not going for the Bareback though  :scare:

Offline davidgood

Thanks guys.

I think I will pop over there at some point this weekend. Definitely not going for the Bareback though  :scare:

If you get there can you find out if she actually does anal and is it in her usual price? Or  is that just a teaser on her profile.



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Offline FCB

Any update on this ??
Yes, check her ratings, a neutral that sounds like a bait and switch, another feedback that points out that she doesn't do some of service's advertised and her verification photo doesn't look that appealing (to me at least).

Offline FCB

Any update on this ??
And as pointed out by another forum member she has bareback on her enjoys list  :scare: for me that's one to avoid.