Sugar Babies

Author Topic: kayla massage northeast  (Read 2219 times)


  • Guest
Where has kayla gone???
The best massage i have ever had.
Last known address was gateshead and before that was fencehouses.


  • Guest
Beginning to think that because she didnt do extras that no one here has seen her for a massage before

Offline maxxblue

I saw her last year. Really nice girl but legit.

Offline Sar-Major

I saw her last year. Really nice girl but legit.

Some you win........................Some you don't  :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare: :scare:

 :cry: :cry: :cry:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac

Offline bob0411

I saw her last year. Really nice girl but legit.

Ditto, great massage but 100% legit.

Offline nerascal

Such a hard massage though!

Could have done with something to bite when she did my calves!

Is her number no longer working? I've got it still


  • Guest
Yes 100% legit. But definitly the best massage around.


  • Guest
Such a hard massage though!

Could have done with something to bite when she did my calves!

Is her number no longer working? I've got it still

She definitly sorted out my calves after i'd been training. Just wish she'd come back to work


  • Guest
Looking like jin has vanished :(
Best massage ever. May have to try Niki in hexham. She has had good reviews re the massage

Offline maxxblue

Looking like jin has vanished :(
Best massage ever. May have to try Niki in hexham. She has had good reviews re the massage

It's a hard life. :hi:

Offline Sar-Major

It's a hard life. :hi:

SURE IS DUDE..............well until the end of the massage and she gives you a good old TUGGING  :scare: :scare: :scare:

 :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

 :hi: :hi:
Banned reason: Fantasy reviews. Using UKP name to push boundaries and attempt bareback & stalker
Banned by: daviemac