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Author Topic: Alcohol during a booking  (Read 1853 times)

Offline Donnie69

Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?

I had an overnight recently and I didn't have quite as much sex as usual.  I only managed sex 3 times which was ok.  I still had a good time, because the WG was willing and was even ok with being woken in the night for sex.

I think I possibly overdid the booze; 4 large glasses of red wine, a Singapore sling and a half bottle of gin in the hotel room.  I was never drunk, just tipsy.  The WG had 2 strawberry daiquiris, and a large bottle of blue WKD.

I think next time I do an overnight I should booze less!


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Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?

I had an overnight recently and I didn't have quite as much sex as usual.  I only managed sex 3 times which was ok.  I still had a good time, because the WG was willing and was even ok with being woken in the night for sex.

I think I possibly overdid the booze; 4 large glasses of red wine, a Singapore sling and a half bottle of gin in the hotel room.  I was never drunk, just tipsy.  The WG had 2 strawberry daiquiris, and a large bottle of blue WKD.

I think next time I do an overnight I should booze less!

Can one safely assume that this encounter was with a courtesan ??

Offline Sonny Crockett

Absolutely no way. It would affect my performance in the punt. Besides I don't drink.

Offline Roth

Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?

I had an overnight recently and I didn't have quite as much sex as usual.  I only managed sex 3 times which was ok.  I still had a good time, because the WG was willing and was even ok with being woken in the night for sex.

I think I possibly overdid the booze; 4 large glasses of red wine, a Singapore sling and a half bottle of gin in the hotel room.  I was never drunk, just tipsy.  The WG had 2 strawberry daiquiris, and a large bottle of blue WKD.

I think next time I do an overnight I should booze less!

Sorry to hear this.  :( I think she saw you coming and cos of the booze made easy money that night.  :unknown:

IMHO stick to a couple of drinks max and save the boozing for a punt-free evening otherwise you end up spending a fortune and getting very little back for it.  But as I say it's just IMHO. :unknown:

Offline threechilliman

With me alcohol and sex are not compatible. I like both, but not mixed. For those that do enjoy, I wonder what you might call the resulting 'cocktail'?


Offline MintRoyale

I agree with those guys as well. Alcohol prob makes it more fun for the girls, but for guys we all know that too much booze will affect the veins or something so getting a stiffy isn't as easy as it should be

Offline Donnie69

Can one safely assume that this encounter was with a courtesan ??
She is far from posh, a bit rough and dirty.  I would do a review but she hasn't been on AW for the past year.
I don't do many overnights, but next time I'll booze less! 

I can't complain, the WG was willing and tried her best!  Sex 3 times (and cumming) is the minimum for an overnight.  After all it was my fault. 

Offline Roth

She is far from posh, a bit rough and dirty.  I would do a review but she hasn't been on AW for the past year.
I don't do many overnights, but next time I'll booze less! 

I can't complain, the WG was willing and tried her best!  Sex 3 times (and cumming) is the minimum for an overnight.  After all it was my fault.

Put it down to experience.  :rolleyes:

Just cos she's not in AW you could still review her and out in a link to how she advertises - agency, VivaStreet etc?  :unknown:

Offline cueball

No beer and podging at the same time for this lad neither.


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She is far from posh, a bit rough and dirty.  I would do a review but she hasn't been on AW for the past year.
I don't do many overnights, but next time I'll booze less! 

I can't complain, the WG was willing and tried her best!  Sex 3 times (and cumming) is the minimum for an overnight.  After all it was my fault.

yeah the big bottle of wkd blue sort of gave that away

Offline a_test_person

As I prefer a longer punt yes. Usually 1hr in public / bar and 2 hr private time. usually get through a fair bit, never had a performance issue. I have found much better GFE if the girl gets to know me first too.


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  • Guest
Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?

I had an overnight recently and I didn't have quite as much sex as usual.  I only managed sex 3 times which was ok.  I still had a good time, because the WG was willing and was even ok with being woken in the night for sex.

I think I possibly overdid the booze; 4 large glasses of red wine, a Singapore sling and a half bottle of gin in the hotel room.  I was never drunk, just tipsy.  The WG had 2 strawberry daiquiris, and a large bottle of blue WKD.

I think next time I do an overnight I should booze less!

There is a lot of girls that don't like punters drinking too much as things can take a different turn but it all depends on the girl as some girls love a fair few drinks......but I don't think its good to get drunk you need to be aware of everything on a booking with a stranger.


  • Guest
I have done this with a agency party girl. Would not recommend doing it with a independent you have not met as you don't know how she/you might react to certain situations. Then again I have done it with a independent for a 6 hour punt but luckily it did work out.

« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 10:05:12 pm by Ben4454 »


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There's a few girls that I've had a drink with before or during a punt. If I have an outcall to my place, i'd always offer them a drink initially as I would to anyone. Some don't want to drink but others are more than happy to partake.

Offline subzero

For me sex and alcohol go really well together .
  Never in my life has alcohol stopped me getting a full hard-on , but it does delay me cuming , which is mostly a good thing . With a bit of drink I can usually delay cuming as long as I like . Fucking for an hour , or even two , non stop , is a great workout :D
  But a little too much booze and I can have difficulty cuming at all .
    The most I can remember drinking on a punt was 7 bottles of wine and a couple of pints - all shared fairly equally with the girl on an overnight . That was exceptional , but I have met quite a lot of  wgs that love to drink , and sharing 2 bottles of wine after a few cocktails is pretty typical for a longer meeting .


  • Guest
Never in my life has alcohol stopped me getting a full hard-on , but it does delay me cuming , which is mostly a good thing.

In that case I suspect you are a relatively young guy. I was the same until I hit my late 40s. After that it became gradually more difficult to perform after drinking. I could always get a hard-on but it wouldn't last long enough to get the benefit of a full-blown shagathon. Now, aged 59, I try not to drink alcohol at all before a punt. Viagra/Kamagra help a bit, but if I've had enough drink to feel slightly pissed, then a full, rock-solid erection is out of the question. I know it doesn't affect everyone that way, but for me, that's life.

Offline shagbambi

Hightens the desire, but lessens the performance.


  • Guest
Hightens the desire, but lessens the performance.
Certainly does, have had many a 2am outcalls fail because of the old booze, a few years back one girl turned it into a positive she had a portable pole in the car and turned the lounge into a pole dancing club for me for the remaining time.  :hi:

Offline Donnie69

I'm normally ok up to a bottle and a half of wine.  Too much alcohol and I can't be bothered with sex quite so much.  I must be getting old!  The WG doesn't advertise at the moment, I'm a 3 year + regular of hers.  We've done quite a few overnights, she has no problems with me getting quite drunk.     

I mostly do 1 - 2 hour bookings and never booze till after the sex.

Offline The_Don

Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?


Offline smiths

Just wondering if any other guys drink quite large amounts of alcohol during a booking?

I had an overnight recently and I didn't have quite as much sex as usual.  I only managed sex 3 times which was ok.  I still had a good time, because the WG was willing and was even ok with being woken in the night for sex.

I think I possibly overdid the booze; 4 large glasses of red wine, a Singapore sling and a half bottle of gin in the hotel room.  I was never drunk, just tipsy.  The WG had 2 strawberry daiquiris, and a large bottle of blue WKD.

I think next time I do an overnight I should booze less!

Water only for me usually at a punt nowadays, I virtually never punted without being pissed and/or stoned in my youth though. The former is better than the later in my experience.

Offline Donnie69

Sensible 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks during a punt in future.

I have had a WG pass out drunk on me, but then I wasn't paying her for the overnight.  So I can't complain too much.  I had paid her for sex in the parlour and she came out drinking after work.   


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Offline The_Don


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Alcohol can be good but we have had reports here about girls getting too drunk and passing out. If that were me i would be royally pissed off. In the past I have had civvie dates with girls that involved too much alcohol and twice i had my shirt plastered on. not a nice thought but stay away from too much alcohol girls can't handle it.

Offline Nagilum

Having a couple beers before a punt will boost confidence, personally I do not after my bad experience with a Romanian girl.  I would suggest mints before you see the girl as she may have DFK (at discretion) and then she may choose to exercise that.

Offline Marmalade

Most people gave very little idea of the exact degrees to which alcohol affects them. If you are a heavy drinker, a glass of wine at her place probably won't affect your judgement or ability. Personally I only accept it if it is her wine, but few are that generous.

As to benefits vs drawbacks, if you can guage the amount and onset period it shouldn't be hard to work out. A mouthful of vodka just before a ten minute taxi ride to her place for instance. Treat the punt as the pleasure and the alcohol as a carefully imbibed drug.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Getting half pissed during a punt ... :drinks: :thumbsup:

Offline Mr Sinister

Only did it on a punt abroad as been clubbing, usually find these days alcohol gives me a real hard stiffy(I have also suffered from the opposite effect) but find it hard to cum and can go on for a long time which at times is great sometimes not so great for the girl at others.

Offline claretandblue

With the likes of dee and platinum Cindy I have had a few vodka cokes and that's been fine, I also punted miss sexmachine with a hangover and that tool something away from the punt but I was close by so it was too good a chance to miss

Overall I think a couple of drinks is fine, unless your a complete lightweight