Sugar Babies

Author Topic: How to take your mind off punting  (Read 1300 times)

Offline NIK

Was intending to go for my first local punt in over two years today, but have decided to tidy out my cupboards instead! It's probably more satisfying in the long run.  ;)
I'm another year older on Friday and I'm certainly acting like it.   :blush:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I know the feeling well.     :( :( :( :(

It is hard to get tempted when Adultwork is full of complete crap, headless photos or Romanians.    :bomb: :bomb:

Offline Marmalade

Many happy returns for Friday, Nik  :drinks:

Offline HappyandLucky

Checking the cash withdrawals on the account always gives me a reality check and makes me think of other hobbies. But then I think that golf wouldn't raise the pulse like a punt.


  • Guest
Happy Birthday for Friday Nik

The question is did you find anything exciting or interesting when your sorted them out ??

Offline NIK

Happy Birthday for Friday Nik

The question is did you find anything exciting or interesting when your sorted them out ??

Not really, but at least it saved me £100!  :thumbsup:

Offline NIK

Checking the cash withdrawals on the account always gives me a reality check and makes me think of other hobbies. But then I think that golf wouldn't raise the pulse like a punt.

This is another reason.
Then again think I'd sooner suffer a poor punt than a round of golf.
That's one hobby that really is yawnsville as far as I'm concerned.  :thumbsdown:

Offline sgb66

golf is my excuse for going on a punt

don't phone me love as you cant use a mobile phone on a golf course
4hrs a round of golf takes plenty of time for seeing a young lady

don't knock golf its a life saver chaps

Offline RedKettle

I just click on the AW links on the reviews that HP has posted.... :D :vomit: :D

Offline Urban_G

Not really, but at least it saved me £100!  :thumbsup:
Which you can spend celebrating your birthday, perhaps?


  • Guest
Happy Birthday for Friday Nik  :)

Gym: Weight training usually takes my mind off it... until the scantily clad girls in leotards ask me to spot for them....  :blush:

Then it's back to thinking about the next punt, whilst trying not to stare at their gazongas   :sarcastic:


Offline Mi-Go

For the price of a punt, you could buy yourself a train-set.  Hours of fun!


  • Guest
 Have a wank - it works for me.

Offline stevedave

Have a wank - it works for me.

I was just about to say this...chuck one off the wrist, and you won't feel like punting (for a few hours at least  :D)

Happy Birthday for Friday, NIK, hope you have a good one  :drinks:


  • Guest
Have a wank - it works for me.
Only works for me if I move my punterphernalia soon afterwards. E.g I'll put my punting phone somewhere difficult for me to get to. If it's still in my coat pocket then I'm highly likely to arrange an impromptu punt at any time (most likely after having a drink).


  • Guest
Have a wank - it works for me.

Or 2 wanks, just to drain yourself properly.  :D


  • Guest
Or 2 wanks, just to drain yourself properly.  :D

  Believe me, at my age one is more than enough! :cry:


  • Guest
If I have a wank I can't punt for at least 3 / 4 days, plus can't wank for 3 / 4 days before a punt, been gagging for one but saving it up go the weekend, it's a hard !

Offline webpunter

Being on UKP isn't the best way to take your mind off punting !!