Sugar Babies

Author Topic: HarrogateGirl  (Read 1443 times)


  • Guest

Have any of you seen this girl:  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only ?

Any info you can provide would be appreciated.

Many thanks,


Offline daveev

sent email, read no reply :( not a good start

Offline cueball

You'd have thought the yorkshire podging team would have had a sniff there. Be quick before your rivals over the penines wear her out

Offline anonyorks

Been close to a dabble a couple of times but I'm never free when she is and vica versa. Comms have been slow


  • Guest
Thanks gents :hi:

She's in the recycle bin  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
She is friends with ' therealsophiejames' who does respond but never able to get timings sorted out . Offered me a foursome with Harrogate girl and my friend for  £180 for 45  mins


  • Guest
She is friends with ' therealsophiejames' who does respond but never able to get timings sorted out . Offered me a foursome with Harrogate girl and my friend for  £180 for 45  mins

Thanks for the info Blindboy  :)

Oh and welcome to the forum  :hi:

Offline stevedave

Anyone got any more info on this lass? Seems to have changed her AW name now, to xxx_Rachel_xxx, but she looks mighty fine...if I can ever get to Harrogate I'd be very tempted to toftt.


  • Guest
Anyone got any more info on this lass? Seems to have changed her AW name now, to xxx_Rachel_xxx, but she looks mighty fine...if I can ever get to Harrogate I'd be very tempted to toftt.

Profile says free today. Anal only on hour bookings which are 150.