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Author Topic: comms  (Read 775 times)


  • Guest
I haven't been punting that long, but I was wondering if it's the norm how many WGs just ignore Emails is it just
that they feel its not worthwhile to reply or just bad manners. Maybe I'm reading more into this than I should but
when I keep making enquiries and no reply received, l think that the WGs must be so loaded with work they don't
even need to try any more, oh well gripe over I'm sure there must be one or two that may decide to reply. :dash:

Offline Bangers and Gash

You must remember pro$$ies are businesswomen who lead busy lives. Most don't roll out of bed till around noon-ish, then drink 3 mugs of strong coffee whilst smoking an entire packet of duty free fags, followed by a couple of hours watching 'Can't Pay We'll Take It Away' and Judge Rinder on catch-up. Do you really think they've got time to reply to texts, emails and calls?



  • Guest
You must remember pro$$ies are businesswomen who lead busy lives. Most don't roll out of bed till around noon-ish, then drink 3 mugs of strong coffee whilst smoking an entire packet of duty free fags, followed by a couple of hours watching 'Can't Pay We'll Take It Away' and Judge Rinder on catch-up. Do you really think they've got time to reply to texts, emails and calls?


Dont think so mate, they cant be watching Judge Rinder as they are too busy watching Jeremy Kyle :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline pewpewpew

Thing is witha bit of effort and savvy these girls could retire at 30 and live a moderately luxurious life. To be honest i don't get why more woman aren't jumping on board

Offline Marmalade

Bangers has pointed out thr context. But as you're new maybe check the UKP tips pages as well. Read the profile (most are gibberish but some mean it): if it says text or phone don't email. It might be that WG's way or it might be she doesn't want to have to write English or she may just think you're a text wanker.

Lay out your request in a short email. 2 sentences is usually max. Time, date, how long for. If it's anything other than a booking request in that format you're less likely to get a reply. Avoid big words. A lot of them are morons.


  • Guest
I have the same issue, I have plenty of all positive feedback on AW even tho most WG don't require or ask for a booking through AW, I will text and/or email, Each time I'll keep it to the simple are you available on this day at this time for this long, I'll always give 48 hrs notice minimum, I will usually only get a 10% response rate, sometimes a WG who I messaged the previous month who did not respond will reply the next time. I think it's most likely they are booked or busy but don't want to tell you in case it puts you off, Would have thought they could come up with an excuse or simple reply to be polite

Offline Roth

Bangers has pointed out thr context. But as you're new maybe check the UKP tips pages as well. Read the profile (most are gibberish but some mean it): if it says text or phone don't email. It might be that WG's way or it might be she doesn't want to have to write English or she may just think you're a text wanker.

Lay out your request in a short email. 2 sentences is usually max. Time, date, how long for. If it's anything other than a booking request in that format you're less likely to get a reply. Avoid big words. A lot of them are morons.

Spot on.  :thumbsup:  And if the dopey prossie can't be arsed to reply then move
on to the next.  :hi:

Offline Marmalade

Assuming they exist...

But if they've been reviewed on here then it's more worrying I suppose. Also check "last logged on" date. Some don't remove the profile when they fuck off. Just don't expect a 100% response rate. As the previous poster said, a few busy ones will just take the first few bookings they like the look of and then once their two hours a day for two days a week is filled, just watch telly. It's not like buying things from John Lewis.

Offline WelshClipper

Just one more observation.

One girl told me she goes down the email list and picks out the ones that are actually looking for a booking. But once she has filled her 'diary' for maybe a couple of days, she just stops.

So if she sees 3 guys a day and your message is number 10 or 15, she simply won't bother. Brutal reality of this business :hi:

Offline Marmalade

Same as any market stall though. Same happened when they were on the street. They're hookers, not

Offline Roth

Same as any market stall though. Same happened when they were on the street. They're hookers, not

+1.  :hi:

Offline uutarn

I haven't been punting that long, but I was wondering if it's the norm how many WGs just ignore Emails is it just
that they feel its not worthwhile to reply or just bad manners. Maybe I'm reading more into this than I should but
when I keep making enquiries and no reply received, l think that the WGs must be so loaded with work they don't
even need to try any more, oh well gripe over I'm sure there must be one or two that may decide to reply. :dash:
Its a learning curve.

In my relatively short time doing this i've learned many things in the art of the first contact, but it largely comes down to the girl in question with which there's no way of knowing first hand.
If the girl is worth her weight in salt she will note her preferred method of contact on her profile.
Some girls like you to state an exact date, some like you to give them the choice.
Some will purposely ignore the first mail, but answer the second as a sort of screening to see if you're not timewasting.
Some are busy, lazy, air headed... there is no set rules or guidelines.

But there are but two bits of advice i can give you
1) Patience
2) Know when to knock it on the head

For 1) remember, as previously stated some girls have a day job and/or do sex work part time. My first contact took 2 emails and 1 week of waiting, maybe an extreme case but it paid off in the end.
For 2), i give it 3 mails/texts. If i get no joy from that, i move on.

Don't get impatient, shop around, try not to let it become your only focus and things will happen.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 09:07:13 am by uutarn »


  • Guest
I haven't been punting that long, but I was wondering if it's the norm how many WGs just ignore Emails is it just
that they feel its not worthwhile to reply or just bad manners. Maybe I'm reading more into this than I should but
when I keep making enquiries and no reply received, l think that the WGs must be so loaded with work they don't
even need to try any more, oh well gripe over I'm sure there must be one or two that may decide to reply. :dash:

I've found that the more intelligent ones like to know you've read their profile. Its been commented upon a few times in replies.

Offline Nagilum

Offline Urban_G

Just phone... That is all.
This is the best solution and what I do. Once contact is made by phone I find they are happy to reply to texts regarding your questions.


  • Guest
Thanks for the comments it seems its quite a common thing as one contributor advised I try to keep comms to the point, not using long words when there's no phone number on the profile Email is the only contact , so no reply and that's my problem with WGs that can't be arsed. I would definitely rather phone its the best way of making a first assessment of who's on the profile, direct contact gives you more insight into the WG than dozens of electronic communications and can save a lot time and disappointments.

Offline Marmalade

I've found that the more intelligent ones like to know you've read their profile. Its been commented upon a few times in replies.
And the really intelligent* ones write a profile that doesn't take all day to read...

*I use the word flippantly of course. If they were that bloody intelligent they'd be running their own business or something and I don't mean flogging their fannies. But intelligence is a characteristic, not a virtue. Some of the best prossies (and even nicest people) are thick as shit.


  • Guest
I rarely get ignored. You have to spot the genuine prossies. Prossies with no feedback for a few months and no number displayed usually wont respond. Some move to webcamming. Others respond randomly when they feel like it. Although it is my true belief that if a prossie cannot respond to a genuine booking attempt they are best left alone anyway.

In the past when I found it difficult to book someone there was always something wrong in the booking on the day. Either she wastes time a bit or something always didn't go as expected. Think of it as a pre-red light.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 12:40:01 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Nagilum

This is the best solution and what I do. Once contact is made by phone I find they are happy to reply to texts regarding your questions.


That is my experience too.