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Author Topic: Sexy Martina - Sheffield (A BIG NO NO)  (Read 2974 times)

9 review(s) for Sexy Martina (5 positive, 0 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Really really poor experience guys its probably completely put me off punting. I've only started doing punts this year and this was my 6th so I thought I'd read up some previous reviews and go for Martina.

The location is poor as the building smells of weed and is full of dodgy characters through and through. I opened the door and was greeted by Martina in quite an attractive lingerie set. I set upon to have a shower to realize the facilities were awful with used towels all over the floor and a horrible odor. Regardless after I showered I paid for the 30minute session with £60 which Martina then said "It's £80 for 30minutes" I can assure you it wasn't so I shower her the adultwork profile and she said she changed it so I had to just quickly run down to the nearest ATM and grab another 20. When I returned we quickly got down however she was not offering oral without and would not even kiss me. I asked about it and she said she didn't want to, when I referred to the adultwork she then again said she changed it. She kept looking out the window throughout the sex and really wasn't into it at all, because of my determined nature to go through with this all I kinda fell flat and came 5 minutes in. I notified her and told her I'd be ready in another 5 as we still had 25minutes to go by this point. Martina cut me off told me to get changed and go as I have came. I tried to protest but she wasn't having any of it and told me if I didn't leave then and there then she would get some guys to "sort this problem" (I kid you not she fucking said that). I thought I'd have had enough and just got up and left, she near enough threw me out and the moment the door shut I heard laughter and another voice. Fair to say It was on of the worst punts one can ever have.

A big no no for you guys, I would recommend you stay well clear from this girl. She overcharges and changes what she does and doesn't when she feels like it.


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Just like to say I am a longtime lurker and this was my first post because I've seen other positive reviews on this site for Martina but it seems her attitude has changed completely and I really don't want someone else to go through with what I did.

Offline sheffpunter1

Got to say you should have walked when you had the opportunity, I'd never pay more than advertised and would always say I've only bought the right money. You did well to find a cash machine close by though, can't think of one closer than the sainsburys at the tram stop


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Slightly suspicious first post...

Offline Sentinal

Seems a bit weird having a shower without her confirming how long you're here for and for how much. In my experience with these type of girls, it's the first thing they ask as you walk in the door.

I would have walked

Offline stevedave

Seems a bit weird having a shower without her confirming how long you're here for and for how much. In my experience with these type of girls, it's the first thing they ask as you walk in the door.

I would have walked

Seems a bit weird that he had a shower and then went to the nearest atm. I'm pretty sure that I'm butt naked when I get out of the shower - if I had to get dressed again to get extra cash, I wouldn't be going back!

I smell bullshit.

Offline sheffielder

Why would you go to an Atm and get another £20? Surley this would have been a great time to walk??? I have seen her once. I had to ask for Ow as she was going to go straight down and I dont do owo and she kissed passionatly and had a great personality. Main let down was imo shes a 7/10 and pics look more like 9/10  but who doesnt use flattering pics. Not calling you out and thanks for the post but does look suspect being your first.

Offline p3ngu1n

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Really really poor experience guys its probably completely put me off punting. I've only started doing punts this year and this was my 6th so I thought I'd read up some previous reviews and go for Martina.

The location is poor as the building smells of weed and is full of dodgy characters through and through. I opened the door and was greeted by Martina in quite an attractive lingerie set. I set upon to have a shower to realize the facilities were awful with used towels all over the floor and a horrible odor. Regardless after I showered I paid for the 30minute session with £60 which Martina then said "It's £80 for 30minutes" I can assure you it wasn't so I shower her the adultwork profile and she said she changed it so I had to just quickly run down to the nearest ATM and grab another 20. When I returned we quickly got down however she was not offering oral without and would not even kiss me. I asked about it and she said she didn't want to, when I referred to the adultwork she then again said she changed it. She kept looking out the window throughout the sex and really wasn't into it at all, because of my determined nature to go through with this all I kinda fell flat and came 5 minutes in. I notified her and told her I'd be ready in another 5 as we still had 25minutes to go by this point. Martina cut me off told me to get changed and go as I have came. I tried to protest but she wasn't having any of it and told me if I didn't leave then and there then she would get some guys to "sort this problem" (I kid you not she fucking said that). I thought I'd have had enough and just got up and left, she near enough threw me out and the moment the door shut I heard laughter and another voice. Fair to say It was on of the worst punts one can ever have.

A big no no for you guys, I would recommend you stay well clear from this girl. She overcharges and changes what she does and doesn't when she feels like it.

Just out of interest, who were your other 5??

Offline NIK

Just checked your isp and it would appear you travelled to Sheffield from well out of the area for this. Is that correct?

Offline Ali Katt

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Obviously a suspicious first post. If the are is where I think it is, it's pretty much a university area. The real rough shit holes were you would smell weed are some distance away.

However, there are a lot of Polish groups doing the rounds in the area (and Doncaster) from my experiences the Polish are generally good.

Offline NIK

Obviously a suspicious first post. If the are is where I think it is, it's pretty much a university area. The real rough shit holes were you would smell weed are some distance away.

However, there are a lot of Polish groups doing the rounds in the area (and Doncaster) from my experiences the Polish are generally good.

Yes, I don't hold my breath that we will hear any more form the op.

Offline p3ngu1n

I know walking can be difficult but, who would shower first ...THEN head to the ATM??? :wacko: More holes in this than in emmental cheese.

Has all hallmarks of a pissed-off bf, a white knight who got turned down or maybe competition  :unknown:


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My location is from Sheffield but I changed it on the website for personal reasons, just here to clarify a few details. I confirmed on the phone the session was for 30minutes and in a brief exchange before getting in the shower Martina confirmed a 30 minute session, I said it would be a quick shower which it was so she wasn't fussed about waiting for the money after. As for the ATM it was literally just outside the building and I was determined to go through with it now that I saw her so I thought fuck it due to other peoples reviews off her. As for the other 5 girls I have seen, one of them was Carmen located on West Street, her account has been taken down so I can't link it. Here are the other 4 which were good punts.

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Also I know some of you will say this is suspicious because its a first post and what not but I heard them laughing the moment the door shut and it got to me. I was so angry and only later I realized someone else might get mugged off so I just wanted to get the word out that Martina is not reliable.


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to "sheffpunter1" there is an ATM on the estates just behind the towers, there used to be an old Sainsburys there so the ATM is still there mate literally a 1/2min walk.

Offline wristjob

Suspicious post.

Why would you go to an Atm and get another £20? Surley this would have been a great time to walk??? I have seen her once. I had to ask for Ow as she was going to go straight down and I dont do owo and she kissed passionatly and had a great personality. Main let down was imo shes a 7/10 and pics look more like 9/10  but who doesnt use flattering pics. Not calling you out and thanks for the post but does look suspect being your first.

Pretty much exactly the story when I met her.

Giving the OP the benefit of the doubt maybe she has gone back home and it's some B&S on her profile.

A bit of punting advice - pick a couple of "too good to be true" girls and go visit them with the expectation it will be B&S and planning to walk. Either you get a nice surprise or you learn a new skill. The other thing - I'll allow a bit of leeway on the pictures but I clear up the details before the punt (forget phone calls, the pimp will offer the world) and if anything is off I'll walk, cos once they have lied about 1 thing who knows where that ends.

Offline sheffpunter1

to "sheffpunter1" there is an ATM on the estates just behind the towers, there used to be an old Sainsburys there so the ATM is still there mate literally a 1/2min walk.

Fair enough, didn't know about that one, I'd have still walked when she asked for 80


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Looking back on this now, I still would avoid Martina because of the "changing" charging more and not doing things which she stated she already did. However I do acknowledge how dumb I am for continuing with the punt when she asked for more because I could've avoided a really bad time and saved some money. Thanks for the advice from some of you  :rolleyes:


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Well she joined and posted her "rebuttal" (Bullshit) that was deleted, so looks like the review is genuine  :music:

Offline NIK

I had her in my AW Hot List.
Needless to say she is no longer there.  :angry:

Offline BP96

I would have liked to have seen the rebuttal. What was the gist of it?

PS I'm seeing a pattern here now. A girl gets a few good reviews, people get all excited, then a few bad ones come in and we discover that she's only average. I was booked in to see this girl when she first came onto the scene but had to cancel... lucky escape?

PPS for a punting forum we don't half get on each others backs when something looks odd. What happened to bro's before ho's? I'm sure when I was a newbie punter I did some odd things too because it was unfamiliar territory.

Offline Ali Katt

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I would have liked to have seen the rebuttal. What was the gist of it?

PS I'm seeing a pattern here now. A girl gets a few good reviews, people get all excited, then a few bad ones come in and we discover that she's only average. I was booked in to see this girl when she first came onto the scene but had to cancel... lucky escape?

PPS for a punting forum we don't half get on each others backs when something looks odd. What happened to bro's before ho's? I'm sure when I was a newbie punter I did some odd things too because it was unfamiliar territory.
The typical Ad-hominem arguments guys breath stank so she turned away by looking out the window. Didn't kiss because his breath stank. Yet she never offered a mint and took his money. A typical sour grapes attitude from a prossie.

Offline pdq

recently been a turn over of profiles to new girls in sheffield. Orginal goes home new wg takes profile with fb
aware of it happening twice to polish wg profiles

Rocky Maivia

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It's funny how she has moved to leeds. I thought about it but the comments on here has really put me off and pictures are photo shopped and that puts me off even more

Offline stevedave

It's funny how she has moved to leeds. I thought about it but the comments on here has really put me off and pictures are photo shopped and that puts me off even more

Same here, I would have been tempted but this, and her new location which is difficult for me, have put me off.

Her "duo partner" looks good too, but I'm guessing should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

Offline wristjob

Hi guys,

we need elemental pendents to get the north wall sorted. As these are craftable and use T4 resources this needs to be a bit of a team effort. I kow it;s hard to divert gold from upgrades and what you are doing so me and Pepin hattched a little plan.

We're happy to buy up elemental pendents in CT for 40k each til the upgrade is done. Obviously if you want to donate them yourself that is fine too :) We just want to try and get this done though cos it's a bonus to all in klash.


It's funny how she has moved to leeds. I thought about it but the comments on here has really put me off and pictures are photo shopped and that puts me off even more

When I saw her I had her booked in Sheffield and she just cancelled on me, or stopped replying to texts - not sure which. Next day she was in Leeds so I saw her there. I'm guessing location/profile was out of her control.

I'm thinking B&S is most likely. When I saw her she was supposed to be staying around 4 weeks, then maybe visiting a friend in Blackpool for 2 weeks. Most likely is the pimp is keeping a well reviewed profile going. Considering how crap the photos were it could be anyone. 


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I've seen Martina 3 times and never had a problem (i.e flat was nice enough, she didn't try to charge any extra, offered services as advertised). She was definitely the girl in the photos on AW.

So yeah, maybe B&S? Sorry the OP had a bad punt anyway. Don't let one shit experience put you off too much.


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why dont you post the negative review to her prof in adult work itself ?

Offline CityTillIDie

She's in York currently. I went to see her this morning and she's bloody excellent.
I've posted a review.
Incidentally I did mention to her BEFORE I WENT ALONG the negative comments she's had on here. She answered them all honestly and openly and said I was welcome to leave if, on arrival, I did not like her for any reason. We talked about this again later, and to be fair she has a point: if someone is not clean, or has bad breath, etc etc, why SHOULD a WG kiss them. I always try to ensure I'm as clean and fresh as possible for every punt, chewing gum, eating mints, shower on arrival etc etc.

Anyway, she's an excellent girl and I'd thoroughly recommend if she's in your neighbourhood!