Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Sharing a WG'S postcode/address with other members  (Read 3703 times)


  • Guest
Simple question really.Would you give another member a WG's address or full postcode/road either through the forum or via pm if asked? To me following the recent spate of stalkers/nutjobs  I just cant see a reason why anybody would need to ask on here and not just phone the girl herself. I know some people will say that this is a forum for punters to share information but as a punter I don't want some WG's stalker hanging around on his obsessions street seeing me on my phone getting buzzed in to the only apartments on that street and trying to follow me in, take my photo, kick my car, give me a dirty look or whatever else he can come up with.(a stalkers imagination is probably a lot better than mine)

Offline Jimmyredcab

Not to someone with 5 posts that's for sure.    :rolleyes:

A postcode does not reveal the girl's full address.


  • Guest
Hmmm 5 posts eh ?

In my view it is the WG's responsibility to ensure that her address is safe and secure from nutters, if she does not that anything that gets out will primarily be her liability.

AS for sharing details between punters here, whilst I generally disapprove, there may be times when it is  justified such as when a punter has been scammed / stood out / reneged on without good reason or recompense, then there may a good reason to release such details as justice done.

The arrogance of some WGs cannot be underestimated. I know of one case where the girl  cares not if someone other than trusted punters know her details. In such a case she is being very reckless and any misadventure would be in part her fault.


  • Guest
No not at all, would only pass a link to their profile unless i thought they were an oddball.

Odd question has someone asked you ?


  • Guest
No not at all, would only pass a link to their profile unless i thought they were an oddball.

Odd question has someone asked you ?

No Nobody has asked me anything but I have seen a few posts on reviews asking for street names I know you are pretty active on the West Mids threads so you probably saw that Victoriaxoxo came on here yesterday saying she was having trouble with a stalker it made me wonder because with her road name or full postcode it would be pretty easy to at least figure out which building she works from.


  • Guest
No Nobody has asked me anything but I have seen a few posts on reviews asking for street names I know you are pretty active on the West Mids threads so you probably saw that Victoriaxoxo came on here yesterday saying she was having trouble with a stalker it made me wonder because with her road name or full postcode it would be pretty easy to at least figure out which building she works from.
I know the soho walk up places post stuff but generally most people say near the XXX.

Imagine the stalker may have met her, cannot be nice for her but there are rules here, if you spot any click report to admin on the post but generally people abide by the rules.

General description of incall locations is acceptable, but not specific house numbers and street names.

Shame its happened, they are a nice group, of girls victoria is the only on not met.

On booking they send out postcode and street name instantly from dealing with the other 2 so maybe got it that way and doing a no show.


  • Guest
Not to someone with 5 posts that's for sure.    :rolleyes:

A postcode does not reveal the girl's full address.

I think you missed the point I wouldn't share a fullpostcode with anybody regardless of how many posts they have and a full postcode is not a full address but is does narrow it down to within about 50 yards or so, so if there is one or two apartment blocks in that postcode it's not a massive leap  to think that somebody could hang around and figure out at least which block the girl works from


  • Guest
I am certain no one here would like their details shared between wg's?

Goose and gander comes to mind.

Offline Roth

Giving a rough location is fair enough to allow interested punters to get an idea of where they might be going.  Something like on the Wells Road or near College Green.  That way they can work out whether to drive, bus or train.  What parking is like, if the area is safe etc. :thumbsup:

Giving an exact address is cuntish behaviour IMHO.  :dash: Same as openly naming hotels which gives the management a clue to what is happening and can then fuck up other punters. :dash:

If a punter books a prossie then the prossie, if she is genuine, will give him all the details he needs to get to her place.  End of.  :timeout: :hi:


  • Guest
Dear Mr Getdown,

Your subject caught my attention because I was defrauded out of money I paid a WG for an overnight session last year. I am not a stalker or a violent man (just a fool some would say) but would love to know where she moved onto in the East Midlands after she had to move due to domestic violence from her partner. So in my view there is a case for sharing information on this site when it comes to catching out thieves and those who waste your time.

Offline Roth

Dear Mr Getdown,

Your subject caught my attention because I was defrauded out of money I paid a WG for an overnight session last year. I am not a stalker or a violent man (just a fool some would say) but would love to know where she moved onto in the East Midlands after she had to move due to domestic violence from her partner. So in my view there is a case for sharing information on this site when it comes to catching out thieves and those who waste your time.

So she had to move cos of domestic violence and your after her address.  Deffo cuntish behaviour IMHO

How do we know your not her ex-partner?  :unknown:

If she genuinely diddled you out of cash then report her to the police if you've got the balls to do that or name an shame her on here and she can be added to the prossie blacklist. :hi:

« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 03:19:01 am by Roth »


  • Guest
No Nobody has asked me anything but I have seen a few posts on reviews asking for street names I know you are pretty active on the West Mids threads so you probably saw that Victoriaxoxo came on here yesterday saying she was having trouble with a stalker it made me wonder because with her road name or full postcode it would be pretty easy to at least figure out which building she works from.
Just searched the road name and postcode and not here on this website at all.

If you see her post he was a past client
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 03:29:18 am by vw »

Offline Roth

I am certain no one here would like their details shared between wg's?

Goose and gander comes to mind.

Some used to do that via AW notes system only available to prossies.  It was open to abuse and seemingly AW stopped the service.   :(


  • Guest
Just searched the road name and postcode and not here on this website at all.

If you see her post he was a past client

It was her post though that first got me thinking because having visited her building it struck me that with just her postcode it would be pretty easy to figure out where she works from. Victoria also said she had to move because of her stalker so any info would still be of use to him I suppose. I have also sent you a pm


  • Guest
It was her post though that first got me thinking because having visited her building it struck me that with just her postcode it would be pretty easy to figure out where she works from. Victoria also said she had to move because of her stalker so any info would still be of use to him I suppose. I have also sent you a pm
Yes Admin has kindly removed the flat number from the review you mentioned.



  • Guest
Yes Admin has kindly removed the flat number from the review you mentioned.


Thanks appreciate the help


  • Guest
Dear Mr Getdown,

Your subject caught my attention because I was defrauded out of money I paid a WG for an overnight session last year. I am not a stalker or a violent man (just a fool some would say) but would love to know where she moved onto in the East Midlands after she had to move due to domestic violence from her partner. So in my view there is a case for sharing information on this site when it comes to catching out thieves and those who waste your time.

If this is true then this is outrageous.

Offline Nagilum

There are no extenuating circumstance that justify releasing those details. I do get that people could have been scammed or feel hard done by, however as others have mentioned, nobody can truely know what a person intends to do once they have her details.

You can get the law involved if it's that serious, otherwise you have no reason to make such a request.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 06:54:40 am by Nagilum »

Offline Marmalade

Giving a rough location is fair enough to allow interested punters to get an idea of where they might be going.  Something like on the Wells Road or near College Green.  That way they can work out whether to drive, bus or train.  What parking is like, if the area is safe etc. :thumbsup:

Giving an exact address is cuntish behaviour IMHO.  :dash: Same as openly naming hotels which gives the management a clue to what is happening and can then fuck up other punters. :dash:

If a punter books a prossie then the prossie, if she is genuine, will give him all the details he needs to get to her place.  End of.  :timeout: :hi:


For the first part of the postcode (ie the approximate area, so you know if it is worth your travel time) you only need to use the drop down menu at the bottom of the profile.

Admittedly occasionally a girl or her pimp doesn't bother to fill it in correctly, especially if she moves, but it is still the WG's prerogative to reveal as much of her address as she wants and in the manner she wants, not the punter.

Offline Nagilum


For the first part of the postcode (ie the approximate area, so you know if it is worth your travel time) you only need to use the drop down menu at the bottom of the profile.

Admittedly occasionally a girl or her pimp doesn't bother to fill it in correctly, especially if she moves, but it is still the WG's prerogative to reveal as much of her address as she wants and in the manner she wants, not the punter.



  • Guest
Oh Oh I sense cues for the fluffies to come out.

Taking it to the law may not be starightforward as a punter might expose his family.

Apart from giving the actual address, I think if an aggrieved punter was treated that badly then he is at liberty to release those details - what does outside hooking, what her day job is if there is one, her background etc.

Such details would have been given to the punter in trust, yet this trust would have been totally broken if in case of something like taking an advanced payment (which could be a lot of money) and then doing a runner by the WG.

an eye for an eye in that case is not unreasonable. Why should a punter suffer unjustly because of the selfish , criminal actions of a WG.

Offline Marmalade

I don't think you maybe understand what is meant by a 'fluffie' on this board.

Anyway, back on topic, if someone has been fucked about by a prossie the most effective way to deal with it is to contact Admin who will put her in a warning list and take any other appropriate action. 

If it's just a case of atrocious service, post a review.

Prossies move addresses frequently and also share rented working flats with other girls. Posting an address is against UKP rules for good reasons with punters in mind. It doesn't stop a thieving prossie. It might reduce the number of available working flats. I suggest you find your way around the forum a bit before venting your macho anger.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 08:25:20 am by Marmalade »

Offline Roth

I don't think you maybe understand what is meant by a 'fluffie' on this board.

Anyway, back on topic, if someone has been fucked about by a prossie the most effective way to deal with it is to contact Admin who will put her in a warning list and take any other appropriate action. 

If it's just a case of atrocious service, post a review.

Prossies move addresses frequently and also share rented working flats with other girls. Posting an address is against UKP rules for good reasons with punters in mind. It doesn't stop a thieving prossie. It might reduce the number of available working flats. I suggest you find your way around the forum a bit before venting your macho anger.

+1.  Agree with Marmalade.

If Mister or Miss hauaangn was really defrauded out of money on an over nighter then post a review and/or contact Admin or go to the police.  Nothing justifies listing a prossie's address on an open forum or passing it by PM.  It could be her violent ex that is doing the asking, she could of moved and another innocent prossie or civvie could be living at the given address and gets a brick through the window or worse etc etc.  Two wrongs don't make a right.  And if anyone including Eiltedongster is asking, I'm far from being a fucking fluffy! :angry: :angry:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 08:42:36 am by Roth »

Offline Roth

I'm far from being a fucking fluffy! :angry: :angry:


Okay, okay.   :rolleyes:  :blush: 

Well maybe I can be a little bit fluffy but only over my pet ferrets.   :rose: :rose:
Lovely little babes they are.  :cry: :cry:


  • Guest
Okay, okay.   :rolleyes:  :blush: 

Well maybe I can be a little bit fluffy but only over my pet ferrets.   :rose: :rose:
Lovely little babes they are.  :cry: :cry:

The mere accusation had me in stitches then add your reply & it was keyboard cleaning time  :D


  • Guest
Prossies move addresses frequently and also share rented working flats with other girls. Posting an address is against UKP rules for good reasons with punters in mind. It doesn't stop a thieving prossie. It might reduce the number of available working flats. I suggest you find your way around the forum a bit before venting your macho anger.
Well said !

The Op had genuine concerns about a published road and flat number, and was deleted.  Just following the rules.

No idea what dingdongster is on about, feel he may be overexcited over a new word he learnt since joining.

Offline pewpewpew

I don't understand this. If a stalker wants to stalk he can easily get a girls address by making a booking. I don't see how it would make a difference. Not saying i would give any info away but just seems a strange thread

Am relatively new to the game so maybe just naivety


  • Guest
I don't understand this. If a stalker wants to stalk he can easily get a girls address by making a booking. I don't see how it would make a difference. Not saying i would give any info away but just seems a strange thread

Am relatively new to the game so maybe just naivety
Fruitcakes will use anything just like rats best not to leave crumbs under the table for them to feed on.  Many lack the self confidence to do these things but the collected scraps like tracking down personal social media and addresses gives them some power.

Offline sushi

Simple question really.Would you give another member a WG's address or full postcode/road either through the forum or via pm if asked? To me following the recent spate of stalkers/nutjobs  I just cant see a reason why anybody would need to ask on here and not just phone the girl herself. I know some people will say that this is a forum for punters to share information but as a punter I don't want some WG's stalker hanging around on his obsessions street seeing me on my phone getting buzzed in to the only apartments on that street and trying to follow me in, take my photo, kick my car, give me a dirty look or whatever else he can come up with.(a stalkers imagination is probably a lot better than mine)
Scared of someone giving you "dirty looks". :scare:


  • Guest
Well just like we wouldn't want them sharing our personal details online I think we should afford them the same respect. At the end of the day an address is personal and if somebody is looking for a booking then it's up to them to sort out the details, unless it's a well known Place/Brothel.

Offline Owwhatanight

I have just sent a postcode but not house number to a fellow well known Ukp member on East Mids after he asked where abouts of a Wg who i reveiwed yesterday. Would I give the house number ? Yes to certain friends.

I would only ever do this with guys I have known for a while on here. We do communicate well with each other in East Mids but warey of outsiders and newbies just like most would.

Offline Marmalade

I have just sent a postcode but not house number to a fellow well known Ukp member on East Mids after he asked where abouts of a Wg who i reveiwed yesterday. Would I give the house number ? Yes to certain friends.

I would only ever do this with guys I have known for a while on here. We do communicate well with each other in East Mids but warey of outsiders and newbies just like most would.

I can see the point in terms of trust when it's someone you know well it would be almost the opposite of what Mr give-her-an-eyeful suggested on here. If I were discussing prossies with a punter who was a mate I might say privately, with good will to him and the WG and any other WGs involved, "It's that green house on the corner, you know the one." Or "she moved from the seaside squat to the Leith penthouses." Yet there is never any point in giving more than that: you still have to arrange an appointment with the prossie herself and she might even feel on edge if a new customer knew her address.

This is not some war against prossies. We might not lick their arses (unless that's your taste) but we're hardly out to destroy the industry.

I'm always slightly saddened when a semi-regular has to move apartment (usually because someone has grassed up the address to the neighbours, the police or the newspapers). It is much better to identify them on AW, take a snapshot of their profile and any physically identifying body features before the profile is taken down, and do a review here plus a proper report to admin. (UKP Admin in no fluffy cunt and he takes punters' concerns seriously. That should surely be obvious?) They go on a blacklist where there is reason to believe that they are criminals. Other honest prossies will turn against them.

Note that there are also nutters... abolitionists, angry pimps, jealous prossies in some cases even, who come on here with these stories. Trolls in other words. If it is just an inexperienced punter then he should take a deep breath and listen and learn a bit. We're here to help by putting the punter first. That doesn't include encouraging stupidity.

Offline Owwhatanight

I can see the point in terms of trust when it's someone you know well it would be almost the opposite of what Mr give-her-an-eyeful suggested on here. If I were discussing prossies with a punter who was a mate I might say privately, with good will to him and the WG and any other WGs involved, "It's that green house on the corner, you know the one." Or "she moved from the seaside squat to the Leith penthouses." Yet there is never any point in giving more than that: you still have to arrange an appointment with the prossie herself and she might even feel on edge if a new customer knew her address.

This is not some war against prossies. We might not lick their arses (unless that's your taste) but we're hardly out to destroy the industry.

I'm always slightly saddened when a semi-regular has to move apartment (usually because someone has grassed up the address to the neighbours, the police or the newspapers). It is much better to identify them on AW, take a snapshot of their profile and any physically identifying body features before the profile is taken down, and do a review here plus a proper report to admin. (UKP Admin in no fluffy cunt and he takes punters' concerns seriously. That should surely be obvious?) They go on a blacklist where there is reason to believe that they are criminals. Other honest prossies will turn against them.

Note that there are also nutters... abolitionists, angry pimps, jealous prossies in some cases even, who come on here with these stories. Trolls in other words. If it is just an inexperienced punter then he should take a deep breath and listen and learn a bit. We're here to help by putting the punter first. That doesn't include encouraging stupidity.

Very well put Marmalade  :drinks:


  • Guest
For a trusted (by me) few.....

Hotel = Yes
Semi permanent brothel =  Yes
Temporary prossie day time places = Postcode only
Prossie's actual home = area only

The rest can fuck off & do their own leg work.

Offline Jimmyredcab

All this talk about the girl's security is bollocks really, this is why.

If a girl works from her home and just sees 2 punters a day Monday to Friday by the end of the year 500 guys will have her address.

Unless Sergei is hiding in the spare room a girl has no security, it is a dangerous business that is why they earn more than a brain surgeon.    :hi:

Offline Marmalade

All this talk about the girl's security is bollocks really, this is why.

If a girl works from her home and just sees 2 punters a day Monday to Friday by the end of the year 500 guys will have her address.

Unless Sergei is hiding in the spare room a girl has no security, it is a dangerous business that is why they earn more than a brain surgeon.    :hi:

So you would post a list of every prossie's actual address??

It's not about prossies as far as I'm concerned. It's about fucking it up for good prossies that I want to fuck. That other punters might want to fuck. I've lost track of the number of slags that have had to move for no better reason than their neighbours found out. The idea of posting an address, and on the basis of a dubious post at that, is bollocks.

Offline Stiltskin

Good point, if a stalker wants a wg's address he just has to make a fake booking and phone her 5mins before to say he's there. He then has the door number.

I often ask other members here for a road name before I making a booking. It's not something a girl will give you without a booking and I don't want to book and then cancel when I find that the girl lives on the same street as my wife's best friend etc. That's not happened yet, but it was close enough once for me to cancel.

More often than not I'm punting far away from home, somewhere I don't know. Getting the street name beforehand gives me a chance to scope out parking using streetview which saves time and hassle later.

I have no problem with sharing street names by PM within our community of genuine punters.


  • Guest
I'd share a postcode and directions but not the exact door number. No harm in that most girls will throw their postcode out to anyone that txts them anyway.


  • Guest
I would not give the actual address, but would give the postcode or name of the street. If you call them they are going to give you that information anyway.

Offline Marmalade

I always ask or confirm, what area of town are you in? If she hesitates, i say i don't want your address yet, just the area so i know how long it will take me to get there. If she still hedges i put the phone down or cease the texts. If a prossie can't give a customer a reasonable indication of where she will do business, she's probably not worth doing business with.


  • Guest
No Nobody has asked me anything but I have seen a few posts on reviews asking for street names I know you are pretty active on the West Mids threads so you probably saw that Victoriaxoxo came on here yesterday saying she was having trouble with a stalker it made me wonder because with her road name or full postcode it would be pretty easy to at least figure out which building she works from.

If a stalker is determined enough (and IMHO most are) he'll make a booking and get the address anyway.

I would (and have, occasionally) shared basic details of a girl's location with members on here via PM. They would not get an address or even building details from me. If they decide to go, they book and find out for themselves. I imagine that's the rule most of us live by?


  • Guest
I always ask or confirm, what area of town are you in? If she hesitates, i say i don't want your address yet, just the area so i know how long it will take me to get there. If she still hedges i put the phone down or cease the texts. If a prossie can't give a customer a reasonable indication of where she will do business, she's probably not worth doing business with.

Well put :hi:


  • Guest
I always ask or confirm, what area of town are you in? If she hesitates, i say i don't want your address yet, just the area so i know how long it will take me to get there. If she still hedges i put the phone down or cease the texts. If a prossie can't give a customer a reasonable indication of where she will do business, she's probably not worth doing business with.
I always do similar just ask is there any pubs near by so I can wait and get some work done.  Most are happy to some say not sure on name then message back, anyone else it won't go through, don't drive so its a mission anyway !

Offline Jimmyredcab

So you would post a list of every prossie's actual address??

No, but I would give out her postcode to "trusted members".

A postcode gives a rough location, not a door number.    :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I remember a few years ago being given a postcode, I arrived to find a cul-de-sac with a block of flats, I phoned to say that I am outside and can I have the door number, she tells me that she can't see me ----------- I tell her to forget it, I refuse to jump through hoops just to shag a pro$$ie.     :dash: :dash:

Offline Marmalade

I remember a few years ago being given a postcode, I arrived to find a cul-de-sac with a block of flats, I phoned to say that I am outside and can I have the door number, she tells me that she can't see me ----------- I tell her to forget it, I refuse to jump through hoops just to shag a pro$$ie.     :dash: :dash:
Jim, you're doing a bit of a flimflam I think. There's no disagreement about giving out a postcode, though I think the first half is more than enough. If a deluded prossie bumps you, the postcode will rarely be enough to knock on her door and complain. Some postcodes will identify a single establishment so as a general rule I personally think it's better just to use the first half but I don't feel like getting angsty about it unless someone wants to post an exact address.

Offline rg41

No, but I would give out her postcode to "trusted members".

A postcode gives a rough location, not a door number.    :hi:

My full post code is the same for 39 houses in my road.

I think just quoting say SH12 will only give the area, even SH12 5 will only tie it down to a road.


  • Guest
I don't think you maybe understand what is meant by a 'fluffie' on this board.

Anyway, back on topic, if someone has been fucked about by a prossie the most effective way to deal with it is to contact Admin who will put her in a warning list and take any other appropriate action. 

If it's just a case of atrocious service, post a review.

Prossies move addresses frequently and also share rented working flats with other girls. Posting an address is against UKP rules for good reasons with punters in mind. It doesn't stop a thieving prossie. It might reduce the number of available working flats. I suggest you find your way around the forum a bit before venting your macho anger.

If you are trying to take the moral high ground, then at least have the bollocks to address me directly.

' Macho anger ' LOL, boy have you led a sheltered life, if you think that's MA.

To me a Fluffer is a punter who heaps unnecessary praise and money at the first hot hooker he meets hoping against hope that she will make him a special ' one " which of course always turns out to be bullshit.

I stand by what I say. end of