Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Do you ever think of writing a review during a punt?  (Read 1227 times)

Online Steely Dan

In a recent punt, as I was resting between rounds, I was thinking of what I would say in a review.  Was that session really good enough to be a positive?  Would I remember the order of what we did?  What would others think of her?

Sorry, even this does not describe the shit going on in my head - but I was NOT focused on the present.  I decided that I was simply not going to write a review, and I relaxed and got on with a pretty good punt. The last 30 min was very good.  Review NOT to follow, sorry chaps.

Some of you write amazing detailed reviews - do you think of the future review before the punt is over? Does the fact that you might write a review later ever affect the punt in any way?  If yes, is this more likely in a shit punt, or in a amazing one?

Offline Sonny Crockett

Not so much during the punt. However I do tend to write a review in the evening the day of the punt if I have had a either a great time or an awful time. I tend not to write too detailed reviews of my punts
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 08:15:39 pm by Sonny Crockett »

Offline Mi-Go

During the punt, if it's going well, I do tend to think "will I give this Neutral or Positive?".

Also, if something out of the ordinary happens, I think "must mention that bit in the review".

Offline Marmalade

No, but I try to make a mental note of objective data. (e.g. her breasts can be sagging, firm, stretch-marked, bouncy; they are not delicious, horrible, juicy, amazing). I keep track of the time she starts and finishs for my own benefit. Things like that.

There's a 'global' (or near global) benchmark that is slightly better than purely subjective. For instance, Charlize Theron is "very good looking" (which is different from saying she is a model, which she is as well) and Kathy Bates is (physically) "rather unattractive." On this scale, most prostitutes are average, ugly or "good looking for a whore" but not "one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen" or "perfect".

The reason I don't include subjective data or the idea of a rating at the time of the punt is because I'm doing my best to enjoy it. I'll get a clearer idea of how enjoyable it was, and how enjoyable she made it, on my way home. And probably an even clearer idea the next day when I'm not thinking "I've just paid £xx for that!" (paying a lot of money encourages us to think better of something). I'll get a better idea still when my balls are back to normal, I look at her and other girls on a 'see again' hotlist, and compare her looks and service and vfm to overall doables.

Offline Malvolio

If my punt is going badly, I do think that a negative review is likely to be on its way.

Offline Nagilum

For a second I thought you meant actually pulling out an iPad and writing a review on the spot. To which I say... Touché  :lol:


  • Guest
Judging from some of the ludicrous bollocks written by the fluffies on here many of them have written the review in their own minds BEFORE the punt.

Offline Nagilum

Judging from some of the ludicrous bollocks written by the fluffies on here many of them have written the review in their own minds BEFORE the punt.

I know precisely what you mean too.


  • Guest

Online Steely Dan

Short answer
So you are writing the review in your head during the punt? Do you think it affects the punt in any way? For better or worse?

Offline Marmalade

As someone pointed out, if they write a highly detailed review either a) it was such a shite punt their mind wasn't on it, or b) it's a load of made-up lies. Either way, it tends towards 'negative'.


  • Guest
May flash through my mind but my mind is not on the review at the time.

I suspect some sad fuckers have a Dictaphone to commentate on the proceedings to ensure length.and detail.

Have my suspicions they probably drink absinthe while playing back the recording.

Offline Marmalade

I suspect some sad fuckers have a Dictaphone to commentate on the proceedings to ensure length.and detail.
Doggy would come in handy if they needed two hands to type (and useful for finding her arse to lick)

Have my suspicions they probably drink absinthe while playing back the recording.

With absinthe (or a bottle of Buckfast), they probably save money too: they only need to imagine they went on the punt.

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(repeat often enough till you believe it happened, Mr FluffyFuckingFuck)

One guy boasted about what good service he was going to get after telling some slag that she would get a glowing review on UKP.  :vomit:


  • Guest
Exactly Marmalade that is exactly what I meant, , very well presented ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cannot stop laughing !  Thanks !
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 04:14:50 am by vw »

Offline musicman007

the only time i think about writing a review is on my way home after a punt...during a punt im too busy getting my rocks off,and counting sheep or thinking of cricket scores to stop me shooting my bolt too quickly :D :music:

Offline threechilliman

the only time i think about writing a review is on my way home after a punt...during a punt im too busy getting my rocks off,and counting sheep or thinking of cricket scores to stop me shooting my bolt too quickly :D :music:

+1. I tend to do a skeletal review very quickly after the punt and then put some meat on it over a couple of days.


Offline Marmalade

Exactly Marmalade that is exactly what I meant, , very well presented ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cannot stop laughing !  Thanks !

Pleased you enjoyed it. Actually this thread has made me think exactly why it is that I find fluffy reviews so vomit-inducing...

Offline Bangers and Gash

Judging from some of the ludicrous bollocks written by the fluffies on here many of them have written the review in their own minds BEFORE the punt.

And lets not forget those who - weeks before a meeting - fire detailed emails back and forth with the pro$$ie(s), detailing scenarios, clothing, make-up, back stories and even dialogue.  :wackogirl: :wacko:

You couldn't make it up. :lol:

Offline Marmalade

And lets not forget those who - weeks before a meeting - fire detailed emails back and forth with the pro$$ie(s), detailing scenarios, clothing, make-up, back stories and even dialogue.  :wackogirl: :wacko:

You couldn't make it up. :lol:

Must save them a lot of time to cut n paste it to UKP

Offline Marmalade

Was just looking through the 'reviews' in my home town (mostly I don't bother except for a quick check to see if I've missed anything that suggests 'avoid'). There's one I'd listed as a maybe, a sort of backup plan possibility. Several people asking about her then I see she has two 'reviews.' Both it would seem from fluffies. One 'reviewer' has too few reviews to judge. The other has rated all his punts as Positive, most as 10s, pretty well all of them cracking, amazing, the best, best ever etc etc blahblah sickbag blah even the ones I've seen and know are merely 'ok.' What a fucking waste of time. 2 reviews and I still am none the wiser. But some honest UKP newbie comes on, sees two positive reviews about how frickin unbelievable amazing some average wee tartlet is, goes along, and thinks, "wtf?? Is UKP another prossie site?" Because of course, that's the way it could go.

Offline Thepacifist

I do go in to punts with the intention on reviewing. Having said that, I enjoy the punt on its merits and review accordingly. I try to write it as swiftly as possible afterwards so I can remember everything.

Offline rockharders

No. If I think about writing reviews during the punt it feels like a covert inspection. I just want to enjoy myself and get my nut off.

Afterwards, absolutely. But i will usually hold off writing for a week or two so I can think back more objectively.


  • Guest
May flash through my mind but my mind is not on the review at the time.

I suspect some sad fuckers have a Dictaphone to commentate on the proceedings to ensure length.and detail.

Have my suspicions they probably drink absinthe while playing back the recording.

I generally use my dick to fuck...but hey, each to their own   :D

Offline WelshClipper

Doggy would come in handy if they needed two hands to type (and useful for finding her arse to lick)

When I first read this I imagined balancing the laptop on her back and typing as I did doggy, but that would be a bit silly would it not. Damn thing would keep sliding off...... :dash:

Offline SamLP

When I first read this I imagined balancing the laptop on her back and typing as I did doggy, but that would be a bit silly would it not. Damn thing would keep sliding off...... :dash:

Don't worry, that will soon be a thing of the past. With the latest bracelet technology, they'll soon design an app to project a touch screen onto the WG's back while in doggy, breasts while in CG, arse while in reverse CG & I'm stumped on where it will be in mish.

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  • Guest
Was just looking through the 'reviews' in my home town (mostly I don't bother except for a quick check to see if I've missed anything that suggests 'avoid'). There's one I'd listed as a maybe, a sort of backup plan possibility. Several people asking about her then I see she has two 'reviews.' Both it would seem from fluffies. One 'reviewer' has too few reviews to judge. The other has rated all his punts as Positive, most as 10s, pretty well all of them cracking, amazing, the best, best ever etc etc blahblah sickbag blah even the ones I've seen and know are merely 'ok.' What a fucking waste of time. 2 reviews and I still am none the wiser. But some honest UKP newbie comes on, sees two positive reviews about how frickin unbelievable amazing some average wee tartlet is, goes along, and thinks, "wtf?? Is UKP another prossie site?" Because of course, that's the way it could go.
Notice you mentioned your coming back South West which review was that ?


  • Guest
Don't worry, that will soon be a thing of the past. With the latest bracelet technology, they'll soon design an app to project a touch screen onto the WG's back while in doggy, breasts while in CG, arse while in reverse CG & I'm stumped on where it will be in mish.

External Link/Members Only

Already available and not bracelet, a keypad can be projected by Bluetooth onto a flat service - costs less than £100!  :hi:

Offline cueball

I don't really think about the review until I'm doing my walk back to the motor test, the review starts there with how I feel.

I do a rough draft on the night then re write a couple of days later when I've calmed down.

Offline HappyandLucky

Never, when I'm on the job it's all about me. When the baby batter has flowed I share within a review  afterwards to share the good, bad or indifferent.

Offline Marmalade

Don't worry, that will soon be a thing of the past. With the latest bracelet technology, they'll soon design an app to project a touch screen onto the WG's back while in doggy, breasts while in CG, arse while in reverse CG & I'm stumped on where it will be in mish.

Sounds ideal especially if she's a fat-arsed old minger without the energy to move about much! "10/10!" You can hear the positives already as they percolate "softly and gently" from her well-practiced back sphincter, "delicately concealed" behind her rolls of fat  :D
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 07:00:32 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Marmalade

Notice you mentioned your coming back South West which review was that ?
No plans just yet; too busy. Had a great punt once in Devon. Enough fuck ups to drive me crazy in Bristol. Not sure what you count as south west.


  • Guest
So you are writing the review in your head during the punt? Do you think it affects the punt in any way? For better or worse?
Better in most cases.... I sometimes do have punts when I am lazy

but mostly I know what is going to take place before the meet, sometimes the girl(s) do, sometimes she / they don't. :P :P


Offline nike

For a second I thought you meant actually pulling out an iPad and writing a review on the spot. To which I say... Touché  :lol:

I've done that a few times on overnighters , put up a  post in between pops.  :P

Offline WelshClipper

To be honest when I start my first full review year in 2016 I think I am at least going to make notes
at least within a week of the punt. Punts from 6 months ago, yes I can remember the gist of what
happened, umm kissed, owo, ro, mish but if you cannot remember the finer points then one punt just
runs into another.

Especially at my age   ..... :crazy:

Offline Marmalade

I once did 6 in a day. Little notebook and pen in back pocket to write down their names. In most cases preferred the excitement of trying a new one rather than 'would I return.' Pass on anything amazing enough to make an impression only after I've shagged her as often as I want. Made me realise that seeing just one, as a special treat and paying current silly prices, far too easily makes it seem that it is the whore that is special rather than the occasion.