Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Nutalicious Basingstoke  (Read 836 times)

Offline Victor7522

I occasionally get some free time in the Basingstoke area. As is often reported here it's a mixed bag in this area and my experiences have been similar.
Has anyone had any experience of External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only It would be good to find a reliable provider and, although not a stunner, she looks (and I emphasise looks) as though she could be fun. Am I deluding myself or could I be right?

Offline mh

No experience with her, but one of the few British WGs in the area so I am also intrigued and . But services seem limited and despite the professional makeup in her shots I would say it's another case of add at least 10 years to stated age.

Why not take one for the team?  :thumbsup:


Am interested myself, but seem to remember a negative report when she was called Essex girl or something like that. Can't find the report. Might be wrong though. So any report from someone who has seen her will be useful. Basingstoke really does not have many others worth visiting.

Offline Spunky34

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I have this girl in my black list because I recognise her face from at least 2 older profiles which offered bareback.  She appears to have changed her hairstyle since then (the photographs of her I remember had slightly longer hair, and her hair was blonde), but I recognise the face and also remember at least one if her old profiles also mentioned she was from Essex.  As anyone familiar with this area will know, there is a shortage of good WGs, particularly English ones, and in my mind her face is quite distinctive, so I am confident in saying this is the same girl I remember from the profiles which offered bareback.

I have no proof to support this beyond my own memory, and I realise it is a serious claim to make on that basis.  However, after seeking advice from other forum members, I decided to post here in the interests of sharing information.