Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Cassandra and Alissya back in Bristol for the week  (Read 750 times)

Offline timstella

Just a heads up that these two are in town until the 8th. I have my booking with Alissya (spelling varies from visit to visit) sorted; she's smoking hot, although I've seen both and they are both great. They take a lot of advance bookings I think so I've no idea how much availability is left.
Cassandra has a profile here: External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
Alissya may be setting up her own profile fairly soon.
Highly recommended

Offline SmokeEater


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And here I was trying to save some money this month  :unknown: Oh well  :yahoo:

Offline Roth


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Is this Alissya's profile?

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only
Yes it's got an alert at the mo.

I've had mixed meets with her. Last time was good she did anal.

Offline Daffodil

Thanks for the info Tim. Could work out perfectly for me. Not in Bristol as much anymore, but am about for the next couple of weeks. Had Alyssa on my "to do" list for a while.

Obviously a big fan of Cassandra already.