Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Victoriaxoxo  (Read 3106 times)

9 review(s) for victoriaxoxo (9 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Tattooblueman

Near China Town Birmingham

Nice apartment comms were friendly and clear.
Really friendly when arrived and nice shower and mouthwash insisted upon- I like this as means will be kissing. Great kisser very much a great. Great blowjob and lovely pussy with great reaction to oral. CIM without asking which was unfortunate as never got to have sex. Nice looking girl as reported although not sure if as good looking as in photos but I am picky lol. Great body and lovely tits with responsive nipples.
Has another girl in apartment who was definitely receiving a good pounding in next room but all very discreet.

Great personality probably friendliest most inter wg I have met.

All in all great punt with lovely girl


  • Guest
Thanks for the review, you forgot the link, is this girl?

External Link/Members Only

Must admit I keep getting tempted, but she is a little bigger than I normally go for, but then I'm very fussy..... :angelgirl:

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
Thanks for the review, you forgot the link, is this girl?

External Link/Members Only

Must admit I keep getting tempted, but she is a little bigger than I normally go for, but then I'm very fussy..... :angelgirl:

Ming  :hi:
Ming, she is no way big. 8/10 max. Lovely trim body......go and check her out you will not be disappointed.


  • Guest
Ming, she is no way big. 8/10 max. Lovely trim body......go and check her out you will not be disappointed.
Hi Dodo

I think I am going to bite the bullet, my plans A, B and C all fell through today  :mad:, I am left with ££ in the pocket and a very persistent mini Ming complaining of lack of attention, which he is unlikely to get today unless my dinner date has poor eyesight and even poorer judgment..... that reminds me, I need lots of wine  :D

Hope she has good oral skills.......?

Ming  :drinks:

Offline Placebo88

Victoria seems to deliver the goods every time.Lovely looking and she ticks all the boxes , she must be one of the very best in the West Midlands.

Offline Tattooblueman

Thanks for the review, you forgot the link, is this girl?

External Link/Members Only

Must admit I keep getting tempted, but she is a little bigger than I normally go for, but then I'm very fussy..... :angelgirl:

Ming  :hi:

Yes that's here seemed to struggle to copy link on my iPhone. She isn't big at all and has a lovely body. Not gym firm but just young and fit


  • Guest
Hi Dodo

I think I am going to bite the bullet, my plans A, B and C all fell through today  :mad:, I am left with ££ in the pocket and a very persistent mini Ming complaining of lack of attention, which he is unlikely to get today unless my dinner date has poor eyesight and even poorer judgment..... that reminds me, I need lots of wine  :D

Hope she has good oral skills.......?

Ming  :drinks:

Great oral.    Oh, and whilst yout there check out her flaps  :wacko: :wacko:

Offline samsung1

figuring whether to see this girl or not based on her boob size.

What bra size you'd think she is C or D? ..profile states D but pg pics looks like B/C
« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 12:29:25 am by samsung1 »

Offline fitasfuck

I can see why some people think she might be big. There is one pic of her facing front on that gives the illusion that she might be. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her. I would say she is a 8 at most.  :hi:

Offline WelshClipper

I simply want to see her, seen nicole already and I understand emily and victoria are just as good.

Power Packed Polish aPartment. :D

Offline kenny

Thanks for the review. I saw her profile ages ago, and did quite fancy seeing her at the time, but have been seeing a selection of regulars instead.  Now that 4 girls at the top of my HL are away :( I was looking for someone new to punt. I think I have found my next visit  :D


  • Guest
figuring whether to see this girl or not based on her boob size.

What bra size you'd think she is C or D? ..profile states D but pg pics looks like B/C

She is an attentive very attractive size 8 ish with a lovely pair of tits.....probably C's going on D's. What ever size they are they are a bostin pair IMHO.


  • Guest
Was flicking through my HL as Intend(ed) to see Victoria soon after so many recommedations and this has been posted on her feedback

" looking4femalefun (81)    02/12/2015 00:38    Seeking Services
     Victoria as good as she is unfortunately gave me an STD, this is not a joke my feedback is reputable, be safe guys."

I normally takes such remarks with a pinch of salt but this guy has quite a lot of credible feedback himself, it is giving me pause for thought!

Does anyone think this could be true / possible? I realise that this may be a sensitive issue as people may not want to disclose picking up something from a WG so please PM if you prefer.

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
Hi guys

I'm just going here to make clear a few point about this

1) I am tested regular and am disease free i care abouts my healthee

2) if you take time to look through my feedback you will see that he left a previous feedbacks but AW has removed it.

3) I'm happy to show my test results to anyone

As some you guys will know this guy has been my stalker for 6 month now. He wanted to go for coffee with me and then start to text me Unapropriate message so I decide I don't want see him as client anymore. He don't take no answer constant text and calls saying he filmed me and will put on Internet.

I had to change profile. Move apartment change number and even hide face on profile but he find me and continue to terrorize me.


Offline snoopyigor

Was flicking through my HL as Intend(ed) to see Victoria soon after so many recommedations and this has been posted on her feedback

" looking4femalefun (81)    02/12/2015 00:38    Seeking Services
     Victoria as good as she is unfortunately gave me an STD, this is not a joke my feedback is reputable, be safe guys."

I normally takes such remarks with a pinch of salt but this guy has quite a lot of credible feedback himself, it is giving me pause for thought!

Does anyone think this could be true / possible? I realise that this may be a sensitive issue as people may not want to disclose picking up something from a WG so please PM if you prefer.

Ming  :hi:

yes my thoughts exactly. was due to see her today so contacted her about this. she said this guy is obsessed with her basically and wont leave her alone. As you state a lot of credible feedback so still feel unsure on this on. Pretty much one word vs another.

Better to be safe than sorry for me, one to leave for a while maybe?

« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 12:50:49 pm by snoopyigor »

Offline snoopyigor

ahh apologies didnt see victoria's message there....


  • Guest
Hi guys

I'm just going here to make clear a few point about this

1) I am tested regular and am disease free i care abouts my healthee

2) if you take time to look through my feedback you will see that he left a previous feedbacks but AW has removed it.

3) I'm happy to show my test results to anyone

As some you guys will know this guy has been my stalker for 6 month now. He wanted to go for coffee with me and then start to text me Unapropriate message so I decide I don't want see him as client anymore. He don't take no answer constant text and calls saying he filmed me and will put on Internet.

I had to change profile. Move apartment change number and even hide face on profile but he find me and continue to terrorize me.


Hi Victoria

I am sorry to hear of your troubles and thanks for the explanation.

TBH I have my doubts about the credibility of this since it is left as "feedback only" so unless anyone has information I think you will remain on my HL.

Ming  :hi:


  • Guest
I've seen her twice in the last three weeks and no signs of any STD's for me. There have been other posters who have mentioned her saying she had been having problems with a stalker leaving negative feedback  in the past (this is why she had her feedback hidden for a while) Just to add had a great time on both visits as well.


  • Guest
Well done and thanks Victoria for that explanation.

Offline fitasfuck

I can confirm I had seen Victoria a month ago & she had mentioned about the problems she was having with a stalker. I had a great meet then which I had reviewed on here at the time. I've not had any bugs & I had my regular check very recently too. So I suspect there is truth in her explanation.

Offline Placebo88

The previously deleted feedback comment on Adultwork ( now only showing the same members name and feedback removed ) from a few months ago is near conclusive proof that the latest comment is untrue.An escort would not take a booking with someone who had previously left her a comment so bad that it required her to hide her feedback while it was removed by AW.The latest comment is feedback only , no booking was confirmed by Victoria.The Feedback Only system is rubbish , basically anyone can leave one simply by putting in a booking request , even if it is unread or ignored.

  The AW user who left the comment on Victoria's feedback now has a very dodgy comment at the top of his own feedback profile from another escort.I do not know what to make of that.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2015, 03:43:15 pm by Placebo88 »


  • Guest
The previously deleted feedback comment on Adultwork ( now only showing the same members name and feedback removed ) from a few months ago is near conclusive proof that the latest comment is untrue.An escort would not take a booking with someone who had previously left her a comment so bad that it required her to hide her feedback while it was removed by AW.The latest comment is feedback only , no booking was confirmed by Victoria.The Feedback Only system is rubbish , basically anyone can leave one simply by putting in a booking request , even if it is unread or ignored.

  The AW user who left the comment on Victoria's feedback now has a very dodgy comment at the top of his own feedback profile from another escort.I do not know what to make of that.

Agree with all the above.

Obviously this low life has it in for her and hopes that it will cause her harm by way of deterring clients. For my part she is now top of my list after my next confirmed booking.

Poor girl, hope it does not cause her too many problems.

Ming  :hi:

Offline fitasfuck

Agree with all the above.

Obviously this low life has it in for her and hopes that it will cause her harm by way of deterring clients. For my part she is now top of my list after my next confirmed booking.

Poor girl, hope it does not cause her too many problems.

Ming  :hi:

I spoke to her today. She is obviously disappointed with the attempted slander by that low-life about her but she is resilient and appreciative of the support on this forum.


  • Guest
Hi guys

I'm just going here to make clear a few point about this

1) I am tested regular and am disease free i care abouts my healthee

2) if you take time to look through my feedback you will see that he left a previous feedbacks but AW has removed it.

3) I'm happy to show my test results to anyone

As some you guys will know this guy has been my stalker for 6 month now. He wanted to go for coffee with me and then start to text me Unapropriate message so I decide I don't want see him as client anymore. He don't take no answer constant text and calls saying he filmed me and will put on Internet.

I had to change profile. Move apartment change number and even hide face on profile but he find me and continue to terrorize me.
Thanks Victoria, hope the stalker leaves you alone, hasn't put me off !

Offline Roth

If I ever break out of Bristol then Victoria is on my must do Hot List. :rose: :rose: :kissgirl:

Reading the comments by genuine punters above, it looks like she has a stalker who is making ghost bookings on AW to leave her crap feedback.  What a cunt.  :dash:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 03:38:16 am by Roth »

Offline fitasfuck

If I ever break out of Bristol then Victoria is on my must do Hot List. :rose: :rose: :kissgirl:

Reading the comments by genuine punters above, it looks like she has a stalker who is making ghost bookings on AW to leave her crap feedback.  What a cunt.  :dash:


Couldn't agree more Roth. Welcome on here. You are a top bloke! :hi:

Offline Roth


Couldn't agree more Roth. Welcome on here. You are a top bloke! :hi:

Cheers fitasfuck.  :drinks:

Offline madeinwales56

So a punter who has 80 positive feedbacks on aw leaves a negative for a Czech prossie and (on the same day) another Czech prossie in the same town posts his first negative feedback. Is this coincidence or conspiracy I wonder? Just sayin' ...