Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Ever punted with a cold?  (Read 1659 times)

Offline Nice_guy

Just curious to see if anyone has ever punted with a cold?
I've just text a Wg to cancel my punt today because I've woken up with a blocked nose and all the other cold symptoms.

Would anyone else still go?

Offline WelshClipper

Depends on how I felt but never a good idea to give a wg a cold. Downside is that she thinks you are a timewaster.
Best thing is to text her and give her the choice, that way she's knows you are still willing.


Offline Tompunt1

No, for one I want to be on top form when I punt, and I think it's inconsiderate to the WG.

Offline Nagilum

No never, you will be dripping and that's not nice.

Explain the reason and then ask for a rearrangement.  Do this by phone and not text out of politeness.


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  • Guest
Depends on how I felt but never a good idea to give a wg a cold. Downside is that she thinks you are a timewaster.
Best thing is to text her and give her the choice, that way she's knows you are still willing.


Agree, but I guess even if you don't have cold symptoms you could still pass it on. It depends on really how bad you feel but I probably would cancel

Online Malvolio

I'd give it a miss as I get more out of my punts when in top physical form - for this reason I've made it a personal rule to avoid punting when I've been drinking.

Offline lostandfound

I've read that colds are infectious for 2 weeks, so as a rule I don't punt for 2 weeks from when I felt the cold symptoms coming on.


  • Guest
You wouldn't go with an STI and a bad cold or flu can affect other people worse and put them out of action for a week or more, its selfish behaviour, just like the cunts that are martyrs and come to work then next 2 days half the office is infected.

If I went to an escort and she had a cold, negative review coming her way

Offline big-paul-86

i was ment to see someone once and i woke up that morning with the feeling that a cold was coming on so i contacted her to let her know i couldnt go and why. she told me she never gets sick and that she would wear her nurses outfit to make me feel better, i went and i felt better  ;)

Offline WelshClipper

Agree, but I guess even if you don't have cold symptoms you could still pass it on. It depends on really how bad you feel but I probably would cancel

Me too but I would still call her first. If she suspects time wasting then you won't get a second shot. So deffo call, give her the option and arrange new meeting is my choice.  :hi:

Offline Nice_guy

Thanks for the replies guys unfortunately I had already text her I should have phoned like a few of you have said.
And didn't know about still being infectious for 2 weeks I'll keep that in mind.


  • Guest
I would be pissed off if I turned up to a punt & said prossie was snot ridden so it would be hypocritical of me to turn the tables on her & deem it acceptable.

Offline purple_t

If I had a cold I would cancel the punt. The WG will hopefully understand that this in the best interests of both of you

Offline threechilliman

I would be pissed off if I turned up to a punt & said prossie was snot ridden so it would be hypocritical of me to turn the tables on her & deem it acceptable.



Offline LanceVance

I'd cancel too. For all the reasons already mentioned. Also, I would not fancy making an hour long trip in the cold either. I'd stay in, wrap up warm and save my load for later.

Offline WelshClipper

I'd cancel too. For all the reasons already mentioned. Also, I would not fancy making an hour long trip in the cold either. I'd stay in, wrap up warm and save my load for later.

Blankets, paracetamol, Lemsip, tunes, bottle and a wee dram !!!  Only time I ever drink Whiskey or Brandy.  :hi:

Offline cueball

Well, I'm full of a cold and sacked all plans to punt this week.

I'm on the bloody settee, feeling sorry for myself, it's bad, real bad  :lol:


  • Guest
Well, I'm full of a cold and sacked all plans to punt this week.

I'm on the bloody settee, feeling sorry for myself, it's bad, real bad  :lol:

That's not a cold mate that's man-flu. A debilitating condition that your average female will never understand  ;)

Offline cueball

That's not a cold mate that's man-flu. A debilitating condition that your average female will never understand  ;)

Your right pal, it effects our system differently, we get man flu, they get a cold...they have babies and moan, we have a big poo and get on with the day.


  • Guest
Your right pal, it effects our system differently, we get man flu, they get a cold...they have babies and moan, we have a big poo and get on with the day.

Offline Bigjohn

I have once.
I was over the worst of it & it was on its way out.
A local top drawer WG was retiring , so the deed had to be done.
Very selfish of me, I know & I'm a naughty boy for doing so.
But I did wait until 1 day before she sailed off into the sunset.

Offline Hungarian Lover

I had a shocking cold and had booked a girl the same week, the punt involved quite a long journey, so I phoned the parlor but they said come along anyway which I did saw the girl and gave her fanny a cold! Not much fun though!

Offline Frenchie

x3 !!! Had a lovely punt booked and all arranged in Portsmouth .. along with concert tickets that evening ... meeting up with two UKP pals for the first time for a drink   AND hotel booked for one night ..... and to top it off ,  ferry from France to Portsmouth and return ........had to cancel the whole lot due to a chest infection !!!

How pissed off was I ! .. My regular understood though .. and I cancelled with 48 hours notice .

Punt all re- booked now  .... can't wait for the 14th !!


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You don't want to be snotting all over a working girl while banging her in missionary. Personally I do not punt even with a cold. There is a lot of intimate physical contact and I would expect a working girl to not punt with me while suffering the flu.

Offline cueball

Well, I'm full of a cold and sacked all plans to punt this week.

I'm on the bloody settee, feeling sorry for myself, it's bad, real bad  :lol:

Cold fading away, I'm starting to salivate :D

Offline hungrypunt

No Not me, its out of my cock I want my juice coming from, not my nose.
Wouldnt want to pass it to the WG and hurt her income

Online Sticky

Defo wouldn't see someone with a cold, me or her.

Did see one once while suffering with a massive headache. Had to chuck in her bathroom to feel better, thank goodness she was deaf.

Offline Ivorfakename

I've been trying to get a meet together for the last few weeks, but she has a cold.

I don't mind waiting, she's going to need every ounce of energy she can muster lol.

Redhead Lover

  • Guest
Def. not - it's just common sense.

Would be worse if you turned up with a cold, she spotted it straight away and told you to fuck off.


  • Guest
Never punt when ill. Just lie in bed eat and wank. The cure to the common cold right there  :D