Iv suffered for the last 10 years with it, I put it down to when I handled lots of cash at a business
I now use hand sanitiser and have had a noticeable reduction in the return of it, it is very easy to have another flare up once you have it that first time
The nhs won't remove them unless you have it 3 times a year for several years and bad enough to make you have time off work. I had it 6 times a few years ago but never bad enough to have time off and only for a few days. Iv also had it so bad that I had an ear, sinus and eye infection along with tonsillitis and the shits, I was so low I have picked up a viral infection on top of the bacterial infection or after it. The nhs did bugger all besides put me on a drip as I couldn't swallow, blood test to confirm its not glandular fever and then strong anti biotics that made me sick. The worst 3 weeks of my life!!!
They also no longer give anti biotics for me as Iv had it to often there now in effective and the 'super' anti biotics are not used due to all the resistance these bugs are building.
Gargles Warm Salt water and corsodyl mouthwash if your out and about are best
Avoid cold drinks, the cold apparantly allows the bacteria to multiply
I find gargling 3-4 times a day with salt water gets me on top of it within 2 days, dissolvable aspirin/paracetamol in water held in the back of the mouth helps with pain along with difflam throat spray
I avoid punting out of politeness to the girls even though apparantly it's only the first 24 hours you can pass it to someone
I have also noticed that driving with the window open with cold air hitting my neck deffo makes it flare up, bizarre I know, but a doctor swore blind the cold makes it worse and I have to say he's right. I always where a scarf when out in my rag top or with a window down
Hope that's of some help