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Author Topic: get your act together sergei - glasgow_anna22  (Read 1082 times)

Offline mr small

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name - Glasgow Anna

profile - My name is Anna and I am Spanish  :dash:

Nationality - Romanian  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Think we should introduce a minimum IQ level for immigrants.

Offline seeker

Age 22 :dash:
 + Sergio Iq of 13 I'd have a guess about 35years old .
Obviously sergi thinks we apunters are daft
After all there must be loads of dafties going to see these lying skanks.
That's why they have been here for year's.  :(

Offline Squire Haggard

I had a good laugh at this.   :D  I don't know why punters take a chance on them when the reputation of many Romanians on AW is lower than whaleshit.  There are so many girls around with plenty of positive feedback on here and on AW.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 09:25:46 am by Squire Haggard »


  • Guest
Sergi's the one sat with all the cash, and he's the stupid one?

They've become very lazy granted, can't even be bothered reading never mind correcting their bitches profiles, but he probably never expected the money would be this easy.

They'll visit absolutely anything he posts on AW  :lol:  Anything at all! £60 gentlemens New sexxxy girl in town tyvm bbaby.  It's great  :)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 09:24:14 am by RandyF »

Offline seeker

I had a good laugh at this.   :D  I don't know why punters take a chance on them when the reputation of many Romanians on AW is lower than whaleshit.  There are so many girls around with plenty of positive feedback on here and on AW.
An obvious insult to whale  :sarcastic: :sarcastic:shite
Whale shit doesn't lie .

Offline GraysonD

It's not even that some of these girls look pretty good just wish you could actually get a decent service out of them or not be a blatant bait and switch 😂