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Author Topic: Rachel Glasgow  (Read 1564 times)

2 review(s) for Rachel_Glasgow (2 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline steelman

   Was very lucky to meet Rachel as this was a last minute booking.  The comms were answered quickly and all arrangements were spot on which included Rachels directions to the lift. Once in the room was met by the best looking girl I have had the pleasure to meet with an absolutely stunning figure was  dressed in some quality lingerie to show off Rachels curves. After a quick shower it was onto dfk and owo and reverse oral on a sweet tasting landing strip which was done with excellent technique. Then it was on with the condom and sex in reverse cow girl and doggy. This was the best service with a stunning girl who I will certainly be seeing again as I would say see is the best in Glasgow in my opinion.


  • Guest
Have you got a Link?
Or any clues to find a link?

Offline steelman

Sorry guys cant get phone put it up but here is the number  www Hope it helps.

2 review(s) found for Rachel_Glasgow linked to in above post (2 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative)

Offline Courtney

Sorry guys cant get phone put it up but here is the number  www Hope it helps.

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Which one is she?

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2 review(s) found for Rachel_Glasgow linked to in above post (2 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative)

Roger De Her

  • Guest
What age would you have guessed for her Steelman?

Offline tazman1002001

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Which one is she?

External Link/Members Only

Going by the rest of her pics I would guess she is the one getting her ass bitten as she doesn't have any tattoos on her hands, unless they were done after?
Banned reason: White-knight abusing facility to change another punters negative review and then getting abusive after his touting and white-knighting is exposed. Previously banned for similar reasons.
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Offline steelman

sorry to take so long to reply with work commitments. I would sat Rachel is mid twenties as her profile states and as Taz said she is the one getting hes ass bitten as she did not have any tattoos that i seen. Mind you never asked her about a possible duo which going by her performance with would be interesting. Maybe another duo for you Taz.

Offline steelman

Hello guys i would think Rachels profile age is pretty correct at about mid twenties. As Taz said Rachel is the girl have her arse bitten. Never thought to ask her about a duo when i met her but would be interesting as her performance on the day was certainly up there. Maybe another duo for you to try out Taz.

Offline pay as u hoe

Hello guys i would think Rachels profile age is pretty correct at about mid twenties. As Taz said Rachel is the girl have her arse bitten. Never thought to ask her about a duo when i met her but would be interesting as her performance on the day was certainly up there. Maybe another duo for you to try out Taz.

This rings a bell
« Last Edit: November 27, 2015, 08:28:58 pm by pay as u hoe »