Sugar Babies

Author Topic: curvalicious brooke  (Read 791 times)

Offline Suckbob

Offline ico23

I can't see anything about a deposit.

Under "how to book" she just asks that a booking request is put through AW. Pretty standard.

Offline Suckbob

Sorry, should have been more clear. After sending an email for availability she requested a booking deposit. Wont take bookings without one due to time wasters.

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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Id say avoid,
look at her feedback only has one and the guy has feedback from girls with only his feedback!
she also offers hardsports and lists a sybian  sex machine( bet she doesnt have one !) id be wary of anyone asking for a deposit
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Offline ico23

Offline Roth

Actually I'd tell her to fuck off.  :dash: :dash:


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Sorry, should have been more clear. After sending an email for availability she requested a booking deposit. Wont take bookings without one due to time wasters.

How to kill 2 birds with one stone, no more time waters and no more bookings. Great business idea!

Offline Suckbob

Thanks for the advice guys (& gal).

Offline Urban_G

If you pay her a cash deposit then you'll see who the timewaster is...

The only time a deposit is acceptable is when it's shot on their face or tits!

Seriously though, NEVER EVER pay a cash deposit of any type to a w/g, same goes for lending them cash.

Offline Roth

If you pay her a cash deposit then you'll see who the timewaster is...

The only time a deposit is acceptable is when it's shot on their face or tits!

Seriously though, NEVER EVER pay a cash deposit of any type to a w/g, same goes for lending them cash.

+1000.  :thumbsup:

Offline innocent_c

Hello All,

I've just found this post- it's making the decision about seeing this promising sounding lady somewhat easier; no deposit or no punt! I've emailed her a couple of times and the deopsit has just been requested! 'Shame, she sounds nice!

I'm not sure how/if they're related but she's definately ALOT in common with External Link/Members Only (including the feedback-er)

Will report back if I do see her.. fingers crossed!