Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: bbw keeley southampton  (Read 2289 times)

5 review(s) for Curvaceous-candy (0 positive, 2 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]


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Wrote a few comments on flemingtons review about keeley as i had seen her and cunning punt said to write a quick review so i have done as asked  :thumbsup:

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First off first time i booked her she cancelled on me

Agree with everything that's been said on flemington's review,her AW feedback is utter rubbish,she looks very different in her pics,she's enormous,smells like an animal and looks really run down like a middle aged single mother.

Came across as if she think's she's something special and seemed quite arrogant,i've also noticed her misleading selfie's on twitter and it's the same 4 or 5 moron's that comment on every pic sucking up to her so maybe this is why she think's she's something out of this world when in reality she looks like a dog.

The sex was lacklustre mainly due to her size and she seemed disinterested the whole punt,when she performed oral i could feel her teeth against the shaft i find this a massive turn off personally when recieving oral. Had a burning tingly sensation on my lips and tongue for a few days after going down on her was kinda shitting myself but i get checked out on a regular basis and luckily nothing ever came of it.

Only good thing i could say about the punt is that her flat is in a really safe area with plenty of parking.

Left feeling shocked and stunned by what had just taken place from now on i will always walk and keep my money rather than feel like i have to hand it over and go through with a bad punt and i would urge anyone else to do the same, these women make thousands off the back of us  :thumbsdown:

Take punting away and throw keeley back into the real world and no man would touch her with a barge pole,I couldn't imagine anyone having a one night stand with her let alone a relationship.

Spend your money elsewhere guy's because no one should waste their hard earned on this fat pig of a woman,like it's been said above why pay to have sex with a woman you could easily fuck for free any night of the week!


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Great first review SolentGeezer, shame it was bad for you !


  • Guest
Great first review SolentGeezer, shame it was bad for you !

after this i will never again go through with a punt that i'm not comfortable with  :dash:

Offline Cunning Punt

Thanks for your first review and the warning.

Look forward to more from you - hopefully with more positive results.  :hi:


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after this i will never again go through with a punt that i'm not comfortable with  :dash:

Did you use the bathroom  :scare: :scare: :bomb:


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Did you use the bathroom  :scare: :scare: :bomb:

yes i did  :scare: :scare: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

what i want to know is how does she fit on it????  :unknown: :unknown:


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I like my women with a bit of meat on them, but this is just too much for me!
I'm confused as to why your saying she looks fat and disgusting though, as I think she looks huge in her pics  :scare: 

And bloody hell the thought of going down on a girl who smells bad (or like an animal your words)  :vomit:   :vomit:   :vomit:


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And bloody hell the thought of going down on a girl who smells bad (or like an animal your words)  :vomit:   :vomit:   :vomit:

she stinks of fish and shit mate its vile  :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: :vomit: