Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Jess1000  (Read 2368 times)

29 review(s) for jess1000 (27 positive, 0 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by ]
30 review(s) for Jess Teesside (27 positive, 1 neutral, 2 negative) [Indexed by johnny34]

Offline mrsaxon

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 She has been reviewed often on this site so I don't feel the need to go into massive detail. Comms were great and she did everything that was requested by myself with enthusiasm. She is a well toned petite woman and I think the phrase girl next door really sums her up. As others have said she isn't the most chatty person but I prefer that as it means I can crack on with why I am there. I finished on her face and I loved how she kept my spunk there until the very end of the meet.
Highly recommended!

Offline sesalovdarlo

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 She has been reviewed often on this site so I don't feel the need to go into massive detail. Comms were great and she did everything that was requested by myself with enthusiasm. She is a well toned petite woman and I think the phrase girl next door really sums her up. As others have said she isn't the most chatty person but I prefer that as it means I can crack on with why I am there. I finished on her face and I loved how she kept my spunk there until the very end of the meet.
Highly recommended!

She is a cracker like. her and her sister double facial!! Best memory I have.

Offline johno36

Offline johnny34

Offline Kev3773

They do not cross the incest line, as reported on here in other posts the punter is there main focus of attention. I have seen Jess  and she has offered to arrange a meeting for me with her sister before I have a duo with them  :rolleyes:

Offline dirkdigler

they are not identical  :D I think that's just a fantasy most have

Offline sesalovdarlo

they are not identical  :D I think that's just a fantasy most have

100% they are. This sounds really fucking daft but they even wear the same clothes

Offline dirkdigler

They are very different but they do wear identical clothing. :wackogirl:


  • Guest
They are very different but they do wear identical clothing. :wackogirl:
even highlander commented they are identical so what you waffling on about  :unknown: :sarcastic:

Offline sesalovdarlo

They even sound exactly the same. there pussy even look the same. Lisa however has a tattoo on her hip. Jess does not


  • Guest
After all this fantastic talk about these 2 sisters i booked and i must of got a different sister, was nothing like the reviews, enough said mmm


  • Guest
After all this fantastic talk about these 2 sisters i booked and i must of got a different sister, was nothing like the reviews, enough said mmm

review them lets have a read  :thumbsup:

Offline dirkdigler

They even sound exactly the same. there pussy even look the same. Lisa however has a tattoo on her hip. Jess does not
   :crazy: there tongues looked the same length when they lapping at my bell end like a lolly pop. :rolleyes:

Offline Kev3773

After all this fantastic talk about these 2 sisters i booked and i must of got a different sister, was nothing like the reviews, enough said mmm

It's not really enough said, you should explain why or what's the point of posting ?  :unknown:


  • Guest
After all this fantastic talk about these 2 sisters i booked and i must of got a different sister, was nothing like the reviews, enough said mmm

Do a review. Sounds like some bait and switch going on... Some of you getting identical twins and some of you getting 2 different lasses :lol:

Offline mrsaxon

Actually now that I think on the lass I saw had a tattoo on her hip area. So is this Lisa rather than Jess?

Offline NotTooOld4It

Actually now that I think on the lass I saw had a tattoo on her hip area. So is this Lisa rather than Jess?

I've met Jess a few times and she has mentioned her twin. If they are identical, how can I be sure I really am meeting Jess. But who cares? I've had a good time each time.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2015, 09:21:20 am by NotTooOld4It »

Offline Kev3773

When I saw Jess a few weeks ago she said she was getting a new duo partner soon  :unknown: