I recently saw Natalie. Punt was organised by mail and phone. No problems there.
I arrived for the punt, everything running on time. Natalie is the girl in the photos. Petite, blonde, very good body, mid-forties. She is gorgeous. She was wearing Lingerie/heels. So far so good.
And then the punt begun. It was a pisstake. Very limited kissing. No tongue. RO was allowed. OW was not too bad. Then the weird part. She would not accept the full length of my cock inside her and kept on holding the base or penetrating at an angle to limit how far it could go in. This was in cowgirl. Change of positions to missionary. Each time I thrust forward she pushed her self backwrds so that proper penetration could not be accomplished. She also tried using her hand to limit penetration. If the girl was an eighteen year old virgin I can understand her reluctance. But a WG in her mid-forties? No, its a piss take. And before its suggested my cock is average in size.
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