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Author Topic: EbonyKoko - Cum once for £140 (Contrary to profile)  (Read 2702 times)

6 review(s) for EbonyKoko (3 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline GMontag

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External Link/Members Only

I booked to meet Koko about a week ago. A full figured and attractive enough black escort but for her rates and attitude I would not recommend. I know good black WGs are rare but the rates she charges as an untested WG proved totally not worth the trouble and would not recommend.

Comms: Contacted about 4 hours before meet by calling. Straightforward, with follow up text with address and confirmation. Time booked and wasn't kept waiting.

Rate: Paid £140 for 1 hour, as advertised, paid on getting into room.

Venue: Room in a nice mid-scale new hotel in Bermondsey. She didnt tell me it was a hotel until I got to postcode and had to walk almost 5 more minutes (used a taxi).

Physical Appearance: Tall, shapely with a big ass.  She is  the one definitely pictured.

Sex was actually enjoyable and she gives good DFK. Seemed to enjoy oral and I must say was very clean down there.

Cum once in 1 hour policy: At the time I arranged the booking her profile clearly stated cum unlimited. I usually aim to cum twice in an hour and usually would ask but in this case as it was on the profile I assumed this would be adhered to. If I had known I would have booked 30 mins and mentioned this to her. She denied being responsible for placing the ad though I can see the cum unlimited has been removed now; This makes me even more convinced she is part of a new group of black wgs in the same area (see )
Her attitude: This made what would have been an average punt to totally negative. After cumming within 15 mins, she started getting dressed. I now mentioned we still had plenty time for another shot. Not only did she say that it was one shot per hour but she also tried to convince me that it was 'standard in industry'! That was what got me really upset. Here was a relatively new WG (at least in the UK and on the London scene) trying to tell me what the WG standard in the UK was! She also tried to convince me it wasnt just her but also that normally guys wouldn't even want to cum more than once and used an example of a punter who paid her for 2 hours and came only once. BS, and I told her so. Then she became upset that I was trying to question her and my getting upset was an attack on her. She also tried claiming she had to check out of the hotel, this was in the evening! No suggestion of refunding me for my time and I didn't press it as would rather avoid the hassle.

I don't put much value on AW feedback but every feedback I have is positive and all are clear that I treat them with respect. I believe in showing respect especially if I want to enjoy the punt. I categorically told her she was false advertising and rude.
At this point things were getting heated so I dressed up and just left.
From the time I got in, initial conversation, foreplay, sex, argument, dressing up and getting out a total of just under 30 mins had passed.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 12:55:07 pm by GMontag »

Offline 3HK

That is a shame, she definitely should have refunded you.

She looks fun, nice curves, is she British? Does she have an accent?

Offline GMontag

Not British. Good English not a thick accent but identifiably Nigerian.

That is a shame, she definitely should have refunded you.

She looks fun, nice curves, is she British? Does she have an accent?

Offline Kalevra

I cant tell you how gutted i am about this, such as shame.

I wonder if you had booked 30min if you could have added another 30mins for a second (but this shouldnt have to be the case) £140 for 15min is out of order if it stated on he profile unlimited.

I dont suppose you know any other WGs on Aw with a shape similar to hers?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2015, 02:19:59 pm by Kalevra »

Offline claretandblue

Sorry to hear that op, firmly on the blacklist

Offline pumps

She must of been fist pumping the air with glee when you had left.  £140 for 15mins work which consisted in her getting her pussy eaten.

We've all been in this situation to some extent.....I bet you won't hand any large sums of money over without first confirming exact services face to face ever again.