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Author Topic: Vicky hot xxx  (Read 743 times)

5 review(s) for VICKY HOT XX (4 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Danj89

Plan A failed so I was showered, had cash and really horny I started going through aw in the car. no one was offering owo and Fk. Did not want to see Amy after my last experience but remembered good words about vicky. So called and texted and got a response 10mins later. She was free and I thought great asked if owo and Fk was in the rate and she said yes. Happy days.

So drove to hers 10mins later in the flat, greeted by a fit athletic lady so good. Her body is one to be admired and I generally don't like tattoos but hers looked really good on her. Sorted out the paperwork for a 30min booking for 60quid. She has a much nicer demeanor than Amy and she is a very nice girl so going how I imagined. Started off with a 5mins massage. Then turned over and asked for a kiss, got a granny peck on the lips, I asked about fk and she said she didn't do. Ok bit annoyed at this point but not a deal breaker for me so thought no worries and carried on.

Anyway she went down to the little member and put a johnny on (same thing happened with Amy ages ago). I was like what about owo, she said "I don't do" I was like you said you do via text and on the phone. Again "I don't do" at this point I was too tired to do anything about it and let her get on with it. But for me owo is normally a deal breaker. Rest of the punt was substandard the sound of the johnny sloshing as her mouth went up and down finally got hard and went at it in a few different positions and came.

It was easier to walk on Amy ages ago as she was rude and only 3 mins into the punt. I didn't want to try with vicky as it was like 10mins in at this point, she actually has a nice demeanour. Also I was desperate after plan A not going ahead and but would not return as it seems owo and Fk is not on the cards with either girl. There was no good alternative around at 1030PM and it could just be that it was late and she was tired. Only reason I didn't make it a negative is that she actually seems really nice and not rude like her friend Amy.

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Offline Cunning Punt

Thanks for the review. Very useful.

She has had some favourable comments on here, but a couple of punters were clearly fortunate and this was clearly what one can usually expect.
Typical Romanian non-services.

No FK, no OWO and she looks like a TS.

No thanks.

See Sergei has put Vicky and a number of his other Romanian girls on a £80ph "promotion" weekend.

Offline thekman100

Hi Dan, Hi Cunning.

As I mentioned on the other thread. This absence of OWO is really odd as from my first visit I got it as standard, as did the other (albeit neutral report). As I also mentioned, and didn't mean it to be offensive in anyway, I wonder if you had showered there, as I often did on my first visits, it may have made a difference? Just a thought.

As for your comments Cunning, sorry but this absence of OWO has been reported from 1 out of 3 punters on here (myself included) so I think this is an exception rather than a rule. So I think it a bit harsh to say that Vicky is a typical Romanian. The fact she offers A Levels at a reasonable £30 and can REALLY take it, makes her probably the ONLY Romanian that has ever done so for me. And I am sick of seeing it offered but always refused upon arrival, it is incredibly frustrating.

Plus as every report says, she has a pleasant demeanour, again, a contrast to most Romanian WG. As for the TS bit, yeah...those photos are pretty poor, she really needs to smile in them! lol.

What I will agree to is FK is out, but to be honest, in my experience, the number of WGs that offer a true GFE DFK is probably counted on one hand. Along with A levels it is probably the one services that is offered but rarely fully provided and there are agencies like Surrey Gems that charge you £10 for a peck on the lips!

Sorry to sound overprotective/bias/cheerleading but if you see my comments and reports on other ladies, romanian or not, I don't think Vicky deserves to be put in the 'bin' so to speak. But hey, maybe as it is because it is SO dire locally, my standards are piss poor!   :wacko:


  • Guest
Not seen this girl can only coment on romaina.s  girls in southern area
Of them all guess 30/50 girls only 2 or 3 worth seeing
Other services just so bad untrue
No kissing at all. No fingering  no owo 10 mins only from 30 min booking or 20mins from 60min booking only . total shit in the main
Dan  had a poor time leave it at that .each to there own !

Offline Fact

any WG that says yes to FK or OWO on text and then after grabbing money deserves a negative. Dan was very generous in my opinion. Better luck next punt ;)

Offline Danj89

"if" I see a Romanian again I might start showering at theirs but am always conscious that they do book back to back and feel really bad for killing their time while I'm in the shower. I literally had the shower 40mins before and was as fresh as a daisy. Wasn't running around just drove to British Pamela walked out and went back to my car then msged vicky and drove to hers.

The only other Romanian I would think about seeing is raluka in Southampton as I have heard great things.

Also had an amazing punt yesterday and will write a review on it later on.

Offline Cunning Punt

So I think it a bit harsh to say that Vicky is a typical Romanian. Sorry to sound overprotective/bias/cheerleading

Maybe. You've seen her, I haven't.

However, while it was strongly put, I think my scepticism was justified. If she turns down OWO on one punter, then she will do on quite a few.
Dan says he was freshly showered and therefore I take his word he was fresh!

If a girl is going to deny services because she has not seen someone shower, then she should say so at the beginning and give him the opportunity to have the said shower. Even better, make it clear on the profile, as some do.

Then again, how often does a WG shower while you're there. YOU TAKE IT ON TRUST. It works both ways - and they're shagging blokes all day! The vast majority of us haven't had sex for days.

I don't think Vicky deserves to be put in the 'bin' so to speak. But hey, maybe as it is because it is SO dire locally]standards are piss poor!   :wacko:

Yes, this area is sadly lacking in quality WGs and it's easy to set one's standards lower.

My standards - and punts - have risen since joining this website because it's easier to pinpoint the decent girls due to feedback and my expectations have risen. I've had two poor punts this week, but they didn't have a lot of feedback here and were basically TOFTTs.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 09:32:56 pm by Cunning Punt »