Sugar Babies

Author Topic: New Swansea girl  (Read 784 times)

Offline ampersand

Methinks one would need to be hung like a horse to stand any chance of getting even the tip in!! Risk of injury if you fell off her!

Offline ShyWolf

Not even in my worst nightmares would I even.
If she sat near me on a train I'd move so I wouldn't have to look at her  :vomit:

While I'm ranting who is the fat chick on the BT or sky advert and why is she allowed to advertise anything if they want to sell it use models not random shity celebrities.


  • Guest
That's not a phone , no no it's not a lap top , it's an I pad !

Offline Mil 34

If I got on top of her I would be scared I didn't burn my arse on the lightbulb


  • Guest
Got to admire her guts to get herself out there, wrong end of my desire spectrum but she will have callers, I'd think ?


  • Guest
Red, I agree. Give it up for her, she's out there doing her thing.

Gents, each to their own. 


Another could fry chips in that hair!