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Author Topic: Muscular women - do they turn you on?  (Read 11423 times)


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Oh yes!

Very nice  ;)  Good work Bronn  :hi:

Offline datyman

For both male and female, a bit of a six pack and some pectoral development looks great, but when you can start to see every vein and sinew, it becomes unnatural and unattractive for me. For the record, I won't be troubling the judges in a Mr Universe competition any time soon  :crazy:

I have to agree!

Offline Bronn

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all day long!

Right back to reality

Onion thanks for bringing this girl to my attention  :thumbsup:

I've just spent the last half hour looking at her pictures- she's absolutely incredible to me, with my penchant of Asian girls!

A few of my favs

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Onion thanks for bringing this girl to my attention  :thumbsup:

I've just spent the last half hour looking at her pictures- she's absolutely incredible to me, with my penchant of Asian girls!

A few of my favs

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Ha, you're welcome. Some of those pics in the subway were shot near to where I was staying in NYC recently (can't say where in case someone I know reads this), course this was before I found her. Sods law.

But its such an interesting experience the J line. Oh s**t!

She looks a bit like my ex actually, she wasn't that muscley but loved her squats and I didn't complain!

Offline Nagilum

Depends how muscular and also if she is botoxed, fake boobs etc.

Something like a Jody Marsh - no bloody way!

Offline webpunter

Depends how muscular and also if she is botoxed, fake boobs etc.

Something like a Jody Marsh - no bloody way!
JM gives me the right horn.  Fit bod [when she's eased off the body building], great legs, fantastic rack.  Bleached out hair with roots.  Looks like a right dirty essex slapper.  Ideal.  But i do have a weakness for this type of woman.  Katie Price does it for me too

Offline Demistify

Fitness model/dancer types REALLY do - slightly muscular, toned legs. But the muscled-up steroid look? No!!!


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Roxy Summer = clearly injects steroids + barebacker.   :scare:

Offline webpunter

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this one looks ok .
Yes indeed.  When i see those legs then i'm thinking of one position.  Cowgirl.  Reckon she'll be able to keep going much longer than any of us can remotely stand the chance of lasting

Offline Sonny Crockett

Onion thanks for bringing this girl to my attention  :thumbsup:

I've just spent the last half hour looking at her pictures- she's absolutely incredible to me, with my penchant of Asian girls!

A few of my favs

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It would be cool if this lady was an escort!!!

Offline Priapus4u

Yes I would!, I adore muscled women-I've been looking for them on here for ages!.

Though down here in Cornwall where I now live, not much chance.

Is there any in Devon I wonder?.

Offline Chorley

Probably most females wan't to look female to, no sadly about it !

I personally would consider it closet behaviour lusting after manly women, but thats just me.
I think that's quite a leap Virtualwaster, but respect your view.  :hi:

Offline Chorley

Samantha Kelly and Gracyanne Barbosa seem to be popular on Instagram.
I think Gracyanne has over 5 million followers?

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« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 08:23:49 pm by Chorley »

Offline Sunny

Yes I would!, I adore muscled women-I've been looking for them on here for ages!.

Though down here in Cornwall where I now live, not much chance.

Is there any in Devon I wonder?.

Try Wb270/sessiongirls for female bodybuilders/fitness/wrestlers.

Going for the same slim, normal girl gets boring. Good to try different shape/sizes/races

Offline shagmore

Well toned, firm, fit yes, not muscle bound, no fake tits.
They need to look like a woman, (ok,, that can be hard to describe as they come in all shapes and size) but I think you know what I mean.
But each to their own, I don't condemn someone who likes this, thats what makes the world great, everyone is different
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 07:50:36 am by shagmore »

Offline cdj

Yes I would!, I adore muscled women-I've been looking for them on here for ages!.

Though down here in Cornwall where I now live, not much chance.

Is there any in Devon I wonder?.

Lisa Cross lives in Plymouth, Google her. She does sensual sessions, not sure about FS though.

Offline Sunny

Lisa does offer it but very expensive. Irene Andersen tours UK frequently she's cheaper. Personally find beefy bodybuilders with big boobs are sexy.

Offline webpunter

Lisa looks hot.  I wonder how expensive ?  As a pure one-off to tick bucket list

Some tube links to have a bash over

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External Link/Members Only   She's got a massive clit.  Maybe the body building drugs are having an effect on this


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Just seen the Roxy Sumer set of pics bottom of the page here.

How could it all go so wrong??? Not for me!

Offline webpunter

Rio, ex SS, looks nicely fit but not too muscled up

Rio S xx    External Link/Members Only

Offline Sunny

My personal fav is Jana Linke Sippl huge German bodybuilder. She doesn't offer FS unfortunately only HJ. She tours UK frequently

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Offline Sunny

Amber Deluca is another one who comes to the UK but she charges even more than Lisa Cross over £500 for an hour for FS.

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Offline webpunter

Crikey - she looks strong
On her tours does she also play Rugby League ? [too hard for Union  :lol:]

My personal fav is Jana Linke Sippl huge German bodybuilder. She doesn't offer FS unfortunately only HJ. She tours UK frequently

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Think i'll stick to fit burds rather than muscled ones  :scare:

Offline tantraman

Although I'm on a mission to enjoy all types of woman, I have particularly enjoyed a couple of WGs who have had more muscle than me! ...

Phaedra Sweety:

Amy Amazon:

Both had Amazonian physiques, more super-toned rather than muscle-bound. Both I found FAF! Both also had rather manly faces, which I guess is a consequence of seeking such "body beautifuls" with a little help from steroidal friends.

To push myself further in the spirit of all-round punting, I think I might try a properly muscly WG, and I've already Hot Listed my next target, thanks to BoneToned's review ...



Offline Matrix

This one is the fittest and most toned I've ever had. External Link/Members Only

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The muscle bound one's just look like dickless dudes.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 08:02:19 pm by Matrix »


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How do you go about booking her in the UK?
Amber Deluca is another one who comes to the UK but she charges even more than Lisa Cross over £500 for an hour for FS.

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Offline Sunny

You book her through External Link/Members Only she travels to the UK often but charges premium prices

Offline beachtest

Offline jsparky

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Register since 2016 with no feedback, claimed to be 39?  :sarcastic: She does look good for her age.

Has anyone seen her? At 250ph, she is way over price.  :sarcastic:

Offline ukeros

Yes I would!, I adore muscled women-I've been looking for them on here for ages!.

Though down here in Cornwall where I now live, not much chance.

Is there any in Devon I wonder?.

Mistress Xeta was based that way but has disappeared
Banned reason: Idiot who can't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac