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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1445195 times)

Offline wolfiesmith69

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Candy Blows Hulls finest ?? Wonder what happened to her ??
Banned reason: Blatant tout, posting multiple reviews and starting a thread to advertise his reviews.
Banned by: daviemac


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Candy Blows Hulls finest ?? Wonder what happened to her ??

Damn...good throwback. I punted her during her last day of standard escorting back in circa March 2015. She then was doing webcam and overnight bookings for about 2 years thereafter until she disappeared (AW and social media).
I think she told me the stopping escorting was due to personal life/getting serious with OH, however he final 'disappearance' wasn't accompanied by any of the usual "I'm retiring" fanfare thus giving no heads up. Wonder if she'll ever return...
Won't hold my breath as similar things happened with Billie Blows and Sasha Kash just to name drop a couple. Maybe some girls in this industry find it easier to just disappear without any warning.

Offline Thecunninglinguist

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Candy Blows Hulls finest ?? Wonder what happened to her ??

£170 an hour for a VERY vanilla performance. Eight mins in before any proper action? I know it's a movie but whilst I wouldn't pay that for an hour, especially as she is attractive but nothing special. I certainly know where I can get as good if not better for £65 ph. Not VFM for me.

Offline MrMatrix

more hayley x x videos
O dear Billybob. Looks like DrConnors has identified correctly that you have a problem mate. Hes also mention the antidote....start making some contributions :thumbsup:

Offline davidgood

I have had a quick look through all the posts and I do not think this SP has been mentioned;-

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And an example of her work;-

Quite  a lot of party girls who are on AW have done porn shoots, particularly Pascal's Sub Sluts. There is lots more to look at in this thread;-

I hope the link works.

Happy viewing.



Sienna Hudson

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Just discovered this thread and I can't believe ( though not surprised) how many irresponsible skanks are barebacking punters. :thumbsdown:  :vomit:

Just goes to show that some WG's and punters couldn't give a shit about there's or others health.

My hotlist is getting a clear out, that's for sure.

For the record I have NEVER offered services without protection. I have this quite clearly stated on my profile. Some people seem to have a distorted view that pornography is reality. Many videos are recorded PoV and are uplifted to free sites giving the impression that it was filmed during an escort booking. I take my health very seriously and would thank you not to tar everyone with the same brush. Many clients book purely for the fact I DO NOT offer unprotected services and can provide concurrent health certificates. I would challenge anyone to find ONE client that I have made an allowance for. If a client requests this I direct them to other escorts who can offer services without protection no matter how much money they offer me. My health and the health of others is a priority to me and I have never done OWO or BB and I never will

Thank you

Sienna Hudson

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The funny thing about that Sienna Hudson is her profile insists she doens't even do OWO  :lol: it's all on offer if the price is right

what you read on my profile is correct. I DO NOT offer unprotected services. My health is not for sale at any price

Online finn5555

what you read on my profile is correct. I DO NOT offer unprotected services. My health is not for sale at any price

Why have you resurrected an old post  :wackogirl: phone dusty  :D

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Sienna Hudson

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Why have you resurrected an old post  :wackogirl: phone dusty  :D

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I don’t come on here often and the thread has recently been brought to my attention. Since the comments were not factual based I decided to put the record straight since comments made are damaging to my reputation, by insinuating that I can be bought off and I don’t care about people’s health and I also find it offensive when I’m being spoken of and the term skank is used 😊

Offline whiskyfan

Where did she go?

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Miramar.  :D

Yet another dumb question from you, that's 6 posts and 6 questions now in your 5 years as a member. :rolleyes: Try making an actual contribution first. :dash:

Are you going to report me for being rude again? :sarcastic: Look what happened last time.

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« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 08:41:30 am by whiskyfan »

Offline plini007

She used to work in Bristol but moved to London I think......doesn't escort anymore, there were some other vids floating about with her in but can't find them now. Started about the same time as Priya flick, never saw either though.  I Remember her name but better not post it here for her security.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2018, 02:03:37 am by plini007 »

Offline leg0nz

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral


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Where is the video ?

Very interested to see a vid of this one...if there is one. Or was it just a random comment 🤔

Add this to the collection.

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Anyone know the deal with Megan Black? She went domination sessions and webcam only about a year profile completely gone.

Offline plini007

Very interested to see a vid of this one...if there is one. Or was it just a random comment 🤔
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Bristol girl link from above.....

Anyone know the deal with Megan Black? She went domination sessions and webcam only about a year profile completely gone.

Offline Plan R

Haha  :D half expecting to see "UKP brought me here " in the comments on these vids
ala  Youtube's   "Grand Theft Auto brought me here " ubiquitous below music vids

Offline NightKid

half expecting to see "UKP brought me here "

First rule of fight club ...  :rolleyes:

Offline Plan R

First rule of fight club ...  :rolleyes:

Agreed NK - was just a joke.
I notice none of your reviewed SPs are... 'with us' anymore.
You've not buried em under the patio have you?? That would be taking this secrecy lark too far you know.

Offline NightKid

I notice none of your reviewed SPs are... 'with us' anymore.
You've not buried em under the patio have you?? That would be taking this secrecy lark too far you know.

If I tell you then I'd have to kill you.  ;)

Offline Plan R

I've just remembered...I've got a library book I need to return - goodbye !

Offline The Owl

Devon Breeze RealPunting video. I'm not sure I'd pay her £200 an hour now. I would have in the past but I was busy shagging her mate Elise Adore instead.

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Offline plini007

Does Sweet Carla have any clips doing the rounds, she's been offering filming for 5 years or so....must be something out there.

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Nice to see the busty sophie one ;)

Offline MrMatrix

Devon Breeze RealPunting video. I'm not sure I'd pay her £200 an hour now. I would have in the past but I was busy shagging her mate Elise Adore instead.
Devon is in Edinbrugh at the moment and is £120ph. Big drop from £200, why would she go ther and charge so much less?
And shes a big girl... :thumbsdown:
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 11:35:30 pm by MrMatrix »

Offline The Owl

Devon is in Edinbrugh at the moment and is £120ph. Big drop from £200, why would she go ther and charge so much less?
And shes a big girl... :thumbsdown:

She's based in Edinburgh. I noticed the big price drop after I posted the link. She seems to have a multitier pricing system now so if you want a PSE style booking or to have anal sex with her you have to pay more. The cheaper but more limited services might appeal to more punters and increase her income or maybe her new larger look has resulted in a dusty phone.

Offline peter purves

Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Drake90

Thank you to all of you heroes who have found videos to post here!

Offline Raboo

Is there any videos of Khloe In Colindale. I know she used to offer filming so surprised nothing is out there.

Offline Blazed

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Obviously comes with a chequered history.
But those BJ skills!

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Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me, but to me they all look like different girls?

Can anyone confirm?

Offline Brazilian Martian

Is there any videos of Khloe In Colindale. I know she used to offer filming so surprised nothing is out there.

Ive just looked at your post history and all you seem to is ask for info without giving fuck all back, you've been doing this since 2015 :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:


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Ive just looked at your post history and all you seem to is ask for info without giving fuck all back, you've been doing this since 2015 :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Always got to give you receive

Offline OutForJustice80

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Obviously comes with a chequered history.
But those BJ skills!

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You and I have different standards mon ami. Those videos would make me very unlikely to book this girl as that is a shit blowjob.

Offline Raboo

Ive just looked at your post history and all you seem to is ask for info without giving fuck all back, you've been doing this since 2015 :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Yes your right and I will from now. Tbh i very rarely punt but do enjoy reading the forum. Will post a review from my punt in December to start with soon.

Offline MrMatrix

Yes your right and I will from now. Tbh i very rarely punt but do enjoy reading the forum. Will post a review from my punt in December to start with soon.
Marvellous Raboo, we look forward to this. :hi: 
And dont feel restricted to doing just the one review either.... :thumbsup:

Offline AlphaLondon

I don't suppose there are any videos of DecadentlyDEElicious floating about online? ( External Link/Members Only ). Very interested in her oral talents, but would like to see them in action first.

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It's obviously the first video in her private gallery.

Read the reviews being you consider seeing her  :unknown:

Offline GoodIdea

Looks like shes checking if shes still got her shoes on.


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Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me, but to me they all look like different girls?

Can anyone confirm?

Agreed lol I'm thinking OP c&p'd one wrong.


My two cents on decadent dee- she looks gaunt to me. I don't see the appeal  :unknown:

Offline bigmc

Perhaps my eyes are playing tricks on me, but to me they all look like different girls?

Can anyone confirm?

 Might be the "before and after" she had served 30 months in strangeways for blackmailing punters
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Offline Blazed

Might be the "before and after" she had served 30 months in strangeways for blackmailing punters
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Bloody hell, what a scummy whore.

Surprised she is still escorting.

Health and Fitness

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Might be the "before and after" she had served 30 months in strangeways for blackmailing punters
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I've seen this news report before and if I remember correctly one of the victims had the offender visit him at his workplace, absolute insanity!  :scare:

Offline Stud01

Anybody knows whether this girl is still available? Her name in the real punting video is littlesusie.

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