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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1445217 times)

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
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Offline mace-window

Most likely blowing her dealing and/or pimp (BF). Only time she’d put in a decent effort. She is all about fast money. I can handle chicks like that but cant be bothered with the hassle.

Yeah. She looks like total mess and from her profile she likely a nightmare to be around and bat shit crazy if you did something she did not like.

Offline mace-window

I also thought the same, thank fuck for this forum otherwise I would've already dived in on that one and potentially wasted money, on the other hand, her 2 most recent reviews are neutral and positive, has she 'matured' and turned a new leaf?

That's the best thing about UKP. Review sites like these save your money and time on bad service providing WG. But I will admit, from looking at her AW profile we should of known that going to she her would be a terrible experience.

Offline mace-window

Which is all well and good, though surely when the law of diminishing return kicks in then that has to be taken into account also.
Really boggles the mind when women 20/30 years past their prime not only think they can maintain what they charged at their peak, but oftentimes even more :dash:  :wackogirl:

It's like saying going to a Bob Dylan concert now is still the same as it was back in his heydays ... I guess some people just can't seem to grasp the concept of ageing gracefully.

I know. That said sometimes older WG has looked after themselves at older age and provide a more enthusiastic/energetic sex that this older WG is better looking than most younger WG's and provider far better service than most young WG. Though to be real, that is far and few in between.

Offline mace-window

Save you money or better yet spend it on an overnight stay, many girls here will take that money for 8 - 12 hours of their time. Doubt it'd be allnighter in the bedroom but you're more than welcome to try. Better yet invest in Tesla/Xiaomi and in a couple years time you will seeing them  :lol:
You gotta have that oligarch/Saudi money to get an hour with them lmaoo maybe it's the broke punter in me talking here but looking at the three girls posted here I gotta say they're not attractive at all! I get eye of the beholder and all but nah it's a hard pass for me, none of these would get me off.

I think most rich/Saudi/oligarch type of person won't bother with such WG's like Rebecca More to be real. At best maybe some alright doing, rich digital Normand living in Dubai will see such WG's to trick off a bucket list. Most of the Saudi oligarch are either seeing some young Instagram model, some really attractive/pretty Eastern European/African high end WG or every now and then some famous pornstar. And to be real most of really high end attractive/pretty European/African WG's are more attractive than most pornstars.

I think Rebecca More type of punter are the rich ones (not the super rich mind you) in the UK/Europe who seen her porn/onlyfans work and know no better.

Offline NightKid

The Stones will sell out the tour they are starting next month. There will be plenty who are going thinking its their last chance to see. And again there are plenty of threads on here about escorts who are no longer working that folks would like to return.

I have no doubt they'll sell out, it's the Stones after all.

What I do question however, is if they've been charging ever incremental prices on tickets since the turn of the century and the people who've been paying them don't need their heads examining.

Offline Leaveitout

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she's featured previously in this thready but the link seems to be a dud now, so here's another:

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would defo punt that if she wasn't in the far far away land of Croydon

Offline PepeMAGA

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she's featured previously in this thready but the link seems to be a dud now, so here's another:

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would defo punt that if she wasn't in the far far away land of Croydon
Very nice :hi:

Offline puntingpumping1920

« Last Edit: May 12, 2022, 12:40:40 am by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline thundercrackerxx

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she's featured previously in this thready but the link seems to be a dud now, so here's another:

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would defo punt that if she wasn't in the far far away land of Croydon

Finally one that's actually attractive! Great find.

Offline The0neAnd0nly

Finally one that's actually attractive! Great find.

Apart from the tatts (and baby gravy) on her face defo getting Mila Kunis vibes from her.

Lovely looking lass who knows how to take a facial like a A1 champ 👍

Offline leisuretime

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she's featured previously in this thready but the link seems to be a dud now, so here's another:

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would defo punt that if she wasn't in the far far away land of Croydon/quote]

This is Kendall Kay, works on Xpanded TV


Offline NightKid

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Rick2468

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Nice one. I randomly saw Missy Persiana out in public whilst on a night out in public. I had not been tempted by her before but thought she looked quite foxy in real life not that she escorts anymore anyway!

Offline Belgarion

Nice one. I randomly saw Missy Persiana out in public whilst on a night out in public. I had not been tempted by her before but thought she looked quite foxy in real life not that she escorts anymore anyway!

She was good fun back in the day. Reduced my visits due to her increased social media activities. She's sadly retired from escorting.

Offline WelshClipper

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Thanks for this, Camilla is a pretty decent looking woman but.....

I am guessing they’re old and she now just escorts.

I have put Camilla in and out of my hot list so many times its not funny. I just can’t get by the plastic tits.....

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

This girl was in London not to long ago 
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Kiara Lord
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Sdave10000

Why would u want to know ...  :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

Offline kungpo

She was good fun back in the day. Reduced my visits due to her increased social media activities. She's sadly retired from escorting.

Only saw her once and although a bit odd I enjoyed it. She randomly asked if she could take a picture of me which was weird. Btw did you mean increased activities as in becoming more high profile?

Offline whaleears

Anyone know who this is please?

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Says in the video she's called Imogen & they were in Northampton.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 12:30:46 pm by whaleears »

Offline RAJEC

Offline aanimator

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Great find, she does look familiar, I bet she was a stunner when she was early 20s. Strange / suspect she has no reviews

Offline girthyrod

Why would u want to know ...  :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:

Trust me. She is horrible and muttered the cum prevention lines, you ready to cum babe

Awful fat mess

Offline bobby_dizzler

Thanks for this, Camilla is a pretty decent looking woman but.....

I am guessing they’re old and she now just escorts.

I have put Camilla in and out of my hot list so many times its not funny. I just can’t get by the plastic tits.....

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I really like the tits, its the 50/50 chance of having a mediocre or shit time that puts me off, especially for the money.

Offline Dennis T Menace

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I really like the tits, its the 50/50 chance of having a mediocre or shit time that puts me off, especially for the money.

Agreed, that BJ in the vid looks great but with little guarantee of a good service I'll give her a miss.

Offline Hobbit

Another video   

She looks rough in that video and considerably older than what her pictures represent. Off the HL she goes.

Offline Stevelondon

Karen Fisher not happy External Link/Members Only

Oh yes….. the whole of London are time wasting wankers.
Bollocks !!!

Offline PatMacGroin

Must have had a dusty phone.

Or punters arrived. Realised she's past her prime and had second thoughts about £500 per hour.

Offline bobby_dizzler

Why would she lie about her AW age when it can easily be verified as older?

I wondered what happened to her. She disappeared a while back, along with her Twitter page. Now back for a bit as Hanna K?