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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1445206 times)

Offline puntingpumping1920

Big gut, bareback and creampie  :vomit:

When I saw her she had a flat stomach
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

Both SPs tour London occasionally
External Link/Members Only 
External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Looks like those videos have been deleted sadly.

But she does have Pornhub account: External Link/Members Only

That said she looks tasty. But I can't say same for her pricing.

I remember when she was touring London, she was charging £1K per hour.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 09:55:02 pm by mace-window »

Offline mace-window

When I saw her she had a flat stomach

Have to say some of the USA escorts on that site (External Link/Members Only) cost more than $600 per hour which most aren't pornstars or super attractive to justify such high prices.

Just another example on how great we have it here in the UK.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Looks like those videos have been deleted sadly.

But she does have Pornhub account: External Link/Members Only

That said she looks tasty. But I can't say same for her pricing.

I remember when she was touring London, she was charging £1K per hour.
That was quick
The cam whores link works
1K bubble butt ➡️➡️➡️
Hidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 10:09:05 pm by puntingpumping1920 »
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

That was quick
The cam whores link works
1K bubble butt ➡️➡️➡️
Hidden Image/Members Only

A pass for me. Unless she has a great track record (don't think they is USA punting review site in the USA) or famous pornstar/onlyfans/IG model.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Leaveitout

Used to be called exoticglamourx or something, what was the consensus on this one? I remember talks about her being post op trans?

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline Payyourwaymate

Used to be called exoticglamourx or something, what was the consensus on this one? I remember talks about her being post op trans?

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

He is Post OP.

Offline mace-window

He is Post OP.

Really bad when these post op WG's put on their AW profile that they are female when actually they are post op females. Punting can be a Russian roulette in terms of keeping your sexuality straight and not knowing your fucking a man  :D :D :D.

Offline Payyourwaymate

Really bad when these post op WG's put on their AW profile that they are female when actually they are post op females. Punting can be a Russian roulette in terms of keeping your sexuality straight and not knowing your fucking a man  :D :D :D.

Man, shit can get dicey if you are not careful. These cosmetic surgeons are doing a madness  :lol:.

Offline mace-window

Man, shit can get dicey if you are not careful. These cosmetic surgeons are doing a madness  :lol:.

100% agree. It's coming to the point that trans are looking a lot more and more like women. Heck it is getting to the point that they are more feminine looking that regular/today's women. But hi, cosmetic surgeons are doing a madness is getting crazy as now some women tits are exploding right in front of people (Sophie Anderson for example)  :D :D :D :D.

Offline JontyR

Really bad when these post op WG's put on their AW profile that they are female when actually they are post op females. Punting can be a Russian roulette in terms of keeping your sexuality straight and not knowing your fucking a man  :D :D :D.

But presumably by your logic you would be perfectly fine fucking someone who was born female but now had a beard, a cock and called themselves Bernard.

Online Comicman

The best way to be sure of not going near one of these men lying about their sex is to avoid  anyone with breast implants but this  unfortunately will rule  out lots of proper females

Offline shed

But presumably by your logic you would be perfectly fine fucking someone who was born female but now had a beard, a cock and called themselves Bernard.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Online finn5555

The best way to be sure of not going near one of these men lying about their sex is to avoid  anyone with breast implants

What a dumb comment 🤔

Offline workinallweek

Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline mace-window

whos her friend  (not the guy )

No idea sorry. Just saw this on the spankbang out of the blue.

Offline Rick2468

She used to be a really fit stripper.
Fuck me she has let herself go.

She used to be based in Essex right? I saw her in the crowd at a music festival in Essex last summer. I clocked a couple of her tattoos and cross referenced her photos when I got home and I'm pretty certain it was her. She definitely did not look as good in the flesh. She is chunkier and has figure like an oblong box. Struck me as a bit of a try-hard muppet as well as sounded like she had a bit of a put-on Essex accent. I think she was Miss Kylie Banks a few years ago as well, she looked a lot different then but it's her.

Offline mace-window

Wonder why no reviews?

Likely due to her working in Derby. And I think the punting scene aren't that great over there. That said I don't know so I could be wrong.

Offline Sunny

Offline mace-window

Any idea who this Polish lady could be? External Link/Members Only

Better question to you, is she an Escort in the UK or not?

Offline Joe112

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Part two...

No idea who the red head is, but looks to be a fantastic duo.

Video has gone for xvideos, any luck for where this video might be viewable online still?

Offline welshpunter17

Better question to you, is she an Escort in the UK or not?

The guy has three videos, one of which is labelled hungarian escort, so a good assumption is that the toher two videos are escorts too

Offline mace-window

The guy has three videos, one of which is labelled hungarian escort, so a good assumption is that the toher two videos are escorts too

Yes, escorts but escorts in the uk? We don't know. Of course the SB account is stated in the UK but we don't know if the escorts he seen was in the uk or not. We have to wait and see if someone from UKP say this escort is this or that with her AW account.

Offline NightKid

that ellebrook has quite the following on her socials, is she on AW!?

She's made it with her follower count as it is, so I doubt she needs to be.

Offline lamboman

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Fair play to the girls if they can get away with but I can't see the point of paying way over the odds for a "porn star" (they've probably only uploaded a couple of vids to Pornhub at best).
Take this girl she's not exactly a stunner and a bit fat but wants £380 ph.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline mace-window

that ellebrook has quite the following on her socials, is she on AW!?

No idea but she has done some work with Johnny Sins. So she may be getting popular if she is getting flown to the USA to get fucked by Johnny Sins. 

Offline mace-window

Fair play to the girls if they can get away with but I can't see the point of paying way over the odds for a "porn star" (they've probably only uploaded a couple of vids to Pornhub at best).
Take this girl she's not exactly a stunner and a bit fat but wants £380 ph.

Facts. I do find Demidevinex sexy and looks like someone good for being used but like you said I am not spending £380 on her. All she done from what I know is onlyfans porn and some gangbang videos. The girl has not done anything from any big name porn companies nor have an amazing track record in terms of escorting to justify such prices. But this is the mentally of most British/western WG's. They think they are hot shit when they are average at best in looks, have limited services and charge £200 per hour plus as a newbie ontop of that instead of being humble and charge per hour at a reasonable price.

Offline delta69

The other girl is hot as fuck. I take it she doesn’t escort?
No her name Is elle Brooke mainly does only fans

Offline senordingdongs

No idea but she has done some work with Johnny Sins. So she may be getting popular if she is getting flown to the USA to get fucked by Johnny Sins.

She did a MFF with Kieran Lee and Mia Malkova two big names.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Saltnpepper

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

She sexy , but for me when that butt job isn't in proportion it puts me off. When it looks bait it don't work.