She sure did look good. I made a booking when she looked like the attached and was £150 an hour but she cancelled the booking shortly after I made it. I assumed I said something wrong during comms but I don't know what. She probably would be decent fun now but she doesn't look as good and is more pricey. She had a mate who also escorted who was fitter in my opinion but she seemed to be available for very short windows at the time and I haven't seen a profile for her for ages so I never saw her.
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I really don't get her logic as well. Like I said before about her returning, charging £300 today is a bloody rip of especially compared to the past when she was far more attractive and cost around £150 per hour. Her saving grace is that she is still as filthy as today as she was back in the day - plus I think she is more filthier today from looking at few porn videos she has done recently. One of reasons I may keep her on my hotlist
But the drama from the past as king tarzan pointed out is also something against her as well. But hi, men who don't know anything about her past won't know this, will let the dick do the thinking or know sites like this won't know if they are getting ripped off or now what they can get for £300 which is an slimmer, more attractive, younger WG.
P.S - King Tarzen if a WG starts insulting you about your manhood for no good reason, it clearly shows she has nothing else worth while to the argument and not the most intelligent lady to insult potential customers. Likely reason why is sucks dick from men who have a "broken machine" for $$$.