Indeed. I say it not as bad fanboying over Onyfans content creators or pornstars as at least you get to fuck an escort. So they is some actually transition/value going on. But it is still bad fanboying over escorts.
Agreed. If someone's only selling porn online then it's far more sensible to take down the videos as they're going to be taking away the main source of income, but an escort sells sex, so anything that can be seen online is potentially going to generate hundreds of pounds in bookings.
I remember one of Andrea Meddan's PG pictures ending up on UKP. It's quite likely that despite her blasé response to the uploading she wa probably annoyed, but in conjunction with her positive reviews it most likely brought her more bookings (especially because her pussy looked so good). Strawberry Ruth has some very nice tasteful pictures available for free but nothing that sells her services to me above a glut of other escorts on my HL. Image the potential huge impact on my interest in booking her if I saw a video of her playing with her pussy. If I liked what I saw my interest would skyrocket.