Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1388930 times)

Offline Comicman

I saw princess eve in 2016 when she was known as Roxy before she did porn 30 minutes  £60 i almost walked because of how short she is l like tall women her profile at the time didn't state she was under 5 ft if i remember correctly but i stayed due to her big tits it was a positive experience for me i got dfk owo  sex in multiple positions and cim  she has got a lot of negative reviews now so her porn career must have gone to her head i remember her being a really nice girl  it's a punt i will never forget as she is the shortest girl I've been with

Offline mace-window

I saw princess eve in 2016 when she was known as Roxy before she did porn 30 minutes  £60 i almost walked because of how short she is l like tall women her profile at the time didn't state she was under 5 ft if i remember correctly but i stayed due to her big tits it was a positive experience for me i got dfk owo  sex in multiple positions and cim  she has got a lot of negative reviews now so her porn career must have gone to her head i remember her being a really nice girl  it's a punt i will never forget as she is the shortest girl I've been with

That's the thing. I would love to see her but no way I am not paying and losing money on a WG who may not provide a great service.

Online JontyR

That's the thing. I would love to see her but no way I am not paying and losing money on a WG who may not provide a great service.

Maybe take up knitting then? There are no guarantees in this game.

Offline mace-window

Maybe take up knitting then? There are no guarantees in this game.

True but if a WG has 5 positive, 4 neutral, 12 negative reviews here, you can make a bloody good calculation that your punt with her will likely be bad. Unless you can't think logically which you will see her to make your made up. Cool but some of us don't want to waste time and money on bad service providers.

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline storm69

both on pornhub -so free to watch , Eliza Yates from Manchester huge tits my 2nd punt (2012) after yaya toures malawaian escort .
    And Tiffany Morriss - now the return of tiff - Leeds - some from silverstallion 6/7 years ago and also ukbukkakefest.
   Sorry I am not great at doing links

Offline mexicola

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There is something wrong with her tits, they are joined together in the middle of her chest.  Poor tit job by the surgeon.

Offline Bloodymary

I saw Princesseve a few years ago.  Was a really disappointing punt as she acted really strangely and just wasn’t a great experience.  I do remember her being really short and also that she had some device so tied her legs behind her head.   It was memorable for fucking her in that position but I wouldn’t return esp after the reviews I’ve seen since.

Offline workinallweek

Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline tantric talents

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 External Link/Members Only

That will be me next month   :wacko:

She reminds me of Ginger Angelica.
If she’s half as good I’ll be there like a shot even at that price!
Bit concerned about the hidden aw fb though
« Last Edit: January 26, 2021, 01:27:54 pm by tantric talents »

Offline davidgood

both on pornhub -so free to watch , Eliza Yates from Manchester huge tits my 2nd punt (2012) after yaya toures malawaian escort .
    And Tiffany Morriss - now the return of tiff - Leeds - some from silverstallion 6/7 years ago and also ukbukkakefest.
   Sorry I am not great at doing links

There are links to Tiffany's new AW profile and some of her old work in this other thread;-



Offline king tarzan

She reminds me of Ginger Angelica.
If she’s half as good I’ll be there like a shot even at that price!
Bit concerned about the hidden aw fb though

🛑 For for getting unforgettable super honey's name wrong

It was

ANGELICA GINGER 👅👅👅👅👅👅👅😋😋😋😋😋😋
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Ashbeck

2nd punt (2012) after yaya toures malawaian escort .

Good punt? She was wicked as a central midfielder for Man City back in the day tbf

Offline jayj301599

both on pornhub -so free to watch , Eliza Yates from Manchester huge tits my 2nd punt (2012) after yaya toures malawaian escort .
    And Tiffany Morriss - now the return of tiff - Leeds - some from silverstallion 6/7 years ago and also ukbukkakefest.
   Sorry I am not great at doing links

Eliza Yates is beautiful, shame she doesn't do more porn

Offline mace-window

Eliza Yates is beautiful, shame she doesn't do more porn

I must be blind but Eliza Yates is average at best in looks. And this is coming from a guy with a weird taste in women. (External Link/Members Only).

Also from what I remember, her services aren't that good with reviews here of her with 3 positives and 5 negatives reviews. 

Offline OutForJustice80

There is something wrong with her tits, they are joined together in the middle of her chest.  Poor tit job by the surgeon.
Not sure I understand what you mean. Can you elaborate?

Offline storm69

Good punt? She was wicked as a central midfielder for Man City back in the day tbf
No , nothing to write home about

Offline Golovkin

I must be blind but Eliza Yates is average at best in looks. And this is coming from a guy with a weird taste in women. (External Link/Members Only).

Also from what I remember, her services aren't that good with reviews here of her with 3 positives and 5 negatives reviews.
Seen her years back just a poor boring mechanical service didn’t seem interested left wishing I hadn’t bothered.

Offline Slinky

There is something wrong with her tits, they are joined together in the middle of her chest.  Poor tit job by the surgeon.

agreed, visible in this one too, i'd almost be tempted to say post-op on this one, has that look about her, been trying to get a proper look at her pussy in the vids

External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: Previously Banned Member Avg_Joe, The Black Knight, Norfolk-n-Chance, Blind Git
Banned by: CoolTiger

Offline mace-window

Seen her years back just a poor boring mechanical service didn’t seem interested left wishing I hadn’t bothered.

That's what I get from the reviews to. If she don't find the job interesting and don't want to put the effort to provide a great service, then why is she still escorting?

Easy, fast money should be the reason which is sad but hi that's her life.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 02:41:03 pm by mace-window »

Offline Clitheroelad

I must be blind but Eliza Yates is average at best in looks. And this is coming from a guy with a weird taste in women. (External Link/Members Only).

Also from what I remember, her services aren't that good with reviews here of her with 3 positives and 5 negatives reviews.

Shes a bit 'Agricultural' if you ask me, a bit like a Masey Ferguson.

Offline puntingpumping1920

True but if a WG has 5 positive, 4 neutral, 12 negative reviews here, you can make a bloody good calculation that your punt with her will likely be bad. Unless you can't think logically which you will see her to make your made up. Cool but some of us don't want to waste time and money on bad service providers.

Ratings don't matter most of the time.....It's the content of the reviews that matter 
Ratings are just personal opinions
She is more of a pump/ dump provider
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

Ratings don't matter most of the time.....It's the content of the reviews that matter 
Ratings are just personal opinions
She is more of a pump/ dump provider

But ratings are the only way and the best way to know if we are not going to waste our money on a service that will likely be bad or neutral. Of course a content of the reviews count. For example if one WG with many positive reviews has one bad review which is detailed that she stole her clients money and tried to threaten a punters life, then yeah she likely won't be seeing many UKP customers in the near future regardless how many positives she has. But if another WG has a sea of negative reviews, it is logically to think the next meeting with her will be terrible. Thanks to a number of punters having a similar negative experience from the same WG.

Offline mace-window

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Shit. What a great find. I always fancied this WG (aka Bella_throne -  External Link/Members Only) and wanted to see her in my early days of punting. But never got the chance as when I started punting, she retired so I thought. But thanks again Golovkin for finding her profile.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 02:56:30 pm by mace-window »

Online Garyhart

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External Link/Members Only

Nicole from HoD although not sure if she’s returning to London judging by her twitter page

Offline welshpunter17

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External Link/Members Only

Nicole from HoD although not sure if she’s returning to London judging by her twitter page

Rock solid tits and ass, could be interesting! great find

Offline Essex3

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External Link/Members Only

Nicole from HoD although not sure if she’s returning to London judging by her twitter page

Good find. The massive fake tits put me off though. Otherwise looks like a great shag

Offline TallnHung

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 External Link/Members Only

That will be me next month   :wacko:

Normally her tits wouldn't be big enough for me but she's a seriously hot ginger!!!

Offline tantric talents

Normally her tits wouldn't be big enough for me but she's a seriously hot ginger!!!
She’s a pleasant girl and has developed a little niche market for herself as a dominatrix hence the high base price.
If you want a more vanilla experience there is better value out there.

Offline punther

Banned reason: Ignoring advice and arguing over veri pic rules.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mace-window

LUNAECLIPSE_XX has some videos on porn hub. She also done some work with Real punting.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 02:35:45 pm by mace-window »

Offline Convince Me

LUNAECLIPSE_XX has some videos on porn hub. She also done some work with Real punting.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only
Some nasty fresh looking scars on her left arm. Most prominent in the secretary clip.

Offline mace-window

Some nasty fresh looking scars on her left arm. Most prominent in the secretary clip.

Just rewatched the video. Can't see any scars on her left arm but not something that turns me off seeing a WG (well as long as the scars aren't to deep).

Offline Shadow314

Just rewatched the video. Can't see any scars on her left arm but not something that turns me off seeing a WG (well as long as the scars aren't to deep).

Outer arm in the capture below.  Still, do like the look of her.
Hidden Image/Members Only

Another (paid) vid here External Link/Members Only
« Last Edit: February 10, 2021, 07:31:29 pm by Shadow314 »

Offline mace-window

Outer arm in the capture below.  Still, do like the look of her.
Hidden Image/Members Only

Another (paid) vid here External Link/Members Only

Fair enough but it looks like some kind of paint or mark on her arm. But yeah still want to see her and TOFTT.

Offline qazwsxedc

any only fan vids of platinum cindy about?

Offline Goldman2

Fair enough but it looks like some kind of paint or mark on her arm. But yeah still want to see her and TOFTT.

They look consistent with burns from someone who works in a kitchen.

Offline misterx

any only fan vids of platinum cindy about?

You’ve been obsessing about her since 2015 yet you don’t want to pay $15?

Offline CoolTiger

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any only fan vids of platinum cindy about?

You’ve been obsessing about her since 2015 yet you don’t want to pay $15?

And no reviews posted on here, 6 years on.

Offline mace-window

any only fan vids of platinum cindy about?

Were are your fucking reviews?

Am getting sick of these new members asking for videos or in another thread insulting/name calling another UKP member because he don't follow his view while that new member have not contributed on this site nor posted a review.

And no we don't have any platinum Cindy onlyfans video. But maybe go and pay for one of her videos than asking us.

Offline Kev40ish

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Were are your fucking reviews?

Am getting sick of these new members asking for videos or in another thread insulting/name calling another UKP member because he don't follow his view while that new member have not contributed on this site nor posted a review.

And no we don't have any platinum Cindy onlyfans video. But maybe go and pay for one of her videos than asking us.

I am a bit more tolerant of the newly registered people..
But this fella has been a member since Date Registered: July 12, 2015  :unknown: :unknown:

Offline workinallweek

Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline mace-window

I am a bit more tolerant of the newly registered people..
But this fella has been a member since Date Registered: July 12, 2015  :unknown: :unknown:

I understand that but these new guys got some check for example to go on a post and ask for favors or worst insult old ukp member.

Like you mentioned is the worst is members who been here for years but never post a review and out of blue ask for favors  :dash: :dash: :dash:.