I couldn't have put it better myself. Everything you say is true but unfortunately, there are many people that would disagree due to the deluded world they live in. I think there are only a few people on this forum that would call a spade a spade.
Brutal, but dead honest, mace-window. Imo, it's no bad thing that this thread resurfaces every so often to remind us of the realities of punting from time to time.
As I've noted before on here, when I began punting, my motto was, "I go for a shag, not a relationship." I had a couple of years almost 10 years ago now when I let a SP toy with my emotions, but as she's history now, that old mantra's back in place. So, whenever I see a SP these days, I'm polite and courteous - friendly, even, especially if she's a Regular - but I always say, "Pop that in your purse" as I hand over her fee to remind me why I'm there.
Besides; at my age - 74, now - the thought of settling down with a SP young enough to be my daughter for the rest of my days is an absolute non-starter. I'll settle for a nice warm friendship with one of three or four widows, whose husbands - old pals of mine from school, College or workdays - have pre-deceased me.
And without them knowing, I'll pay a nice young - well, youngish! - MILF for sex once a month. 
Thanks for the replay guys. I will say I had some feelings to a WG who I talked to for a while on UK escorting back in the day (a popular/well reviewed West midlands/Wolverhampton escort mind you - you figure that out) but she did not try to toy with my emotions and actually a kind heart lady (well what I know about her). That and the sex was amazing though only meet her once sadly as she retired a year after

But yeah you can't let these ladies play mind games with you. Home Alone, you me not know this about the ladies of today climate but end of the day these ladies will get wet for bad boys and do anything for them. Then ask were are all the good men gone when they hit their late 20's - 40's and bad boys dump their ass for younger lady. Bitch they gone thanks to these ladies and good guys either turned into the bad boys themselves, here, dead (thanks to protecting these whores) or gone monk. I to I have been fucked about with by a girl I really liked at college who used me then opened her her leg for a bad boy in day 1 after meeting (she got fucked over by the bad boy mind you when we all went to Uni - he wanted to fuck tons of uni ladies and spread his oaks). That why I don't treat ladies that special or overly nice these days. Not because I want to get into their pants and be the bad boy myself but I just had enough with ladies bullshit.
I rather focus on my life, make money and care for the people that actually love me. And every now and then I fuck a WG (doing the same in civvy world with dating and etc..... is pointless as ladies love to use guys on dates and play games to the point that it is a waste of time). And after reading older guys comments on countless stories of sexless marriage and miserable divorce from other threads, why give my heart to these ladies when they won't make love to you anymore after the 3rd year of marriage or after their first child is born (which was promised in marriage vows mind you) then divorce you for everything just because she is unhappy. Yet these women will fuck countless of guys in their 20's as many times as he wants or do an Adele and get fit/lose weight then divorce her husband so that she can fuck skepta. But not the man they calm to "love". And these hypocrite will go on mumset and complain why their husband is seeing escorts or how find the way to track their husband if he is cheating/using escorts.
Sorry for the rant (woke up on the wrong side of the bed today) and being brutal about this topic but these simps are reasons why onlyfans, whores and escorts are around at all time high - the slutwalk era. Ladies these days (WG's or not) will use these guys and dump them after taking everything they want off them. And deleting videos won't help you win favors with these WG's. Just look how some of onlyfans whores treat their fans. They treat them like shit and I bet some of WG's treat these simps the same way as well. Matter of fact if these WG's are so worried about these videos being out to the public maybe not record such videos than sending your monkeys to porn sites.
And don't get me wrong, I to treat these WG's with respect and kindness when I meet them but like Home Alone am not going to make them my girlfriend/wife as I watch them "Pop that money in her purse". Mind you I used to give WG's gifts like Wine/gifts back in my early days of punting (thought it was tradition

). But yeah the truth needs to be said. All I say I am glad it's them and not me.
Anyways, damm Home alone, your 74. I am in my 20's (and maybe one of youngest member on this site) and you could be my Grandad. Bruh I may have a lot of years fucking WG as I see it now.
But anyways another reason you don't want to spend the rest of your life with a young lady at my age is that she probably with you for the wrong reason and likely waiting for you to die to get that will money. That said you should not be ashamed to fucking young ladies. They don't have no shame in fucking older guys (or sometimes ugly rich guys) and only fucking these guys as they look rich and want some that money for themselves (ask any rich guy or rich Arab prince buy them Saint Laurent bags and send them to their mansion for some very weird bedroom action). And this is coming from a young guy who love fucking attractive 40+ ladies. The 40+ ladies are only using me;
- One: They find me attractive and
- Two: Having their big egos boosted as they think they can get any guy (when actually she can only get young attractive guys to fuck them only - not commit to them).
As for myself I find old ladies attractive and a fetish (don't know why), love how they lose if when I make them melt and sex with them is normally amazing.
Ok am done for the day.