Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1388910 times)

Offline dandoc112

There you have guys. This guy is a total cunt and a waste of space.

Don't bite...not worth the effort.
DD  :hi:

Offline dandoc112

How have I never noticed this thread before now? It's going to take forever to knock one out to all these porn links!  :lol:

LOL...good find innit?
DD  :hi:

Offline Belgarion

Offline MrMatrix

Checkout the newbie  :rolleyes:
He's already received a mauling on the last page of this thread. He logs on daily but doesnt say much now for some reason :unknown:

Offline mace-window

He's already received a mauling on the last page of this thread. He logs on daily but doesnt say much now for some reason :unknown:

It's simple. He is a coward.

Offline Charlie Chalk

You have serious issues but thanks for proving my point anyway.  :thumbsup:
I’m not feeling the love for CM on this thread, but he’s got a point. Mace does have some serious issues, being intolerant of self-important, entitled, arrogant, lazy time-wasting leeches who demand something for nothing. Terrible attitude Mace, sort it out... :D

Offline mace-window

I’m not feeling the love for CM on this thread, but he’s got a point. Mace does have some serious issues, being intolerant of self-important, entitled, arrogant, lazy time-wasting leeches who demand something for nothing. Terrible attitude Mace, sort it out... :D

I will try Charlie Chalk. Been seeing some therapists dealing with my problems.

Offline Fuzzyduck

I will try Charlie Chalk. Been seeing some therapists dealing with my problems.

Review, Mace? :unknown:

Offline Belgarion

He's already received a mauling on the last page of this thread. He logs on daily but doesnt say much now for some reason :unknown:

Noticed, that's why I stopped as I was about to "express" myself.

Nothing irritates me more than people that come here making demands whilst offering next to nothing.

Offline Belgarion

I may as well give this idiot a proper response as he not replayed and got the message.

Here is the reason why I put the restrictions on the videos I post cunt.
One: They are punters who report to escorts about any videos of theirs on porn sites and therefore the videos get deleted. If I had the videos open to everyone, people like yourself would not see the video the day after.

Two: Speaking about the escorts, some of the escorts don’t want their private videos on Porn sites available to everyone to see and therefore someone in their private life could most likely to see it. While this did not pop up to me and people have made good points against this argument which I strongly agree (e.g. maybe these escorts did not make those videos in the first place or better yet not be an escort in the first place if you are worried about your hidden hobby being found out), it still point to why I am not a selfish cunt.

Three: Speaking about having a selfish attitude, some of the members here like yourself County Militia have not put much skin in this website. You have made one review and 15 post on this site. These people are leeches and all they want to do is take take take, but not give anything back to this site. And it’s annoy getting messages by members who not contribute enough asking me about a video that got deleted on an escort. And most likely these leeches are the people who want to get these videos are record it and post it on porn hub which defects my point two.

And speaking about not having time, you’re not only one who is busy County Militia. When I was new at this site I was still at Uni and had 2 part time jobs. I did not contribute that much at the time I believe but I did not mouth off a member here or take take take information from here like you have done. I learnt the rules of this site and get familiar with being a good punter (like knowing to have punter phone, knowing which escort offers BB and etc….). Now I got a job and moving into another career soon. I am young man and trying to get my good foot in the door in life. So I not been able to see escorts yet I give my tips here and recently sharing escort videos to everyone here. What have you done here County Militia? Maybe you’re too busy masturbating on porn videos on escorts after work rather than seeing them and writing a review here. You know sharing information to everyone here.

You may go on and say I not done that much reviews and true your right. First off when I was newbie, some of my earliest escorts I saw I did not review due to either my meet up being to long for me to write a review, was busy or I was nervous to write a review. But reviews I do write are very detailed. Each review talks in depth the location, how long it take to travel, how much the meet up cost, any extras to this meet up, the WG’s look and personality,  different sites that WG advertise to , photos of the WG if available, would I  recommend her, would I meet her again and what to expect to a meet up. And that does take time to write and remember each detail of my meet ups. Most of these reviews averages around 1500 – 2400 words and these reviews have been helpful to other members when I see WGs who is not popular. Your only review County Militia is only 129 words and I doubt it is as detailed as my reviews.

So far you have not replayed to response to your stupid comment. If I was you I would of not said anything in the first place but if I did make such comment I would of apologise soon to show I got the message. But it looks like you have not at all.  And for you to come here and say I am on a power trip when you know nothing about my life. So yeah it’s a big fuck you but not to newbies or other members here who had put some skin to the game, but to selfish idiots like yourself who think everything resolve around you   :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:.

Superb post

Offline boardyhell

mace is talking sense which in my opinion is sadly lacking recently

Offline puntingpumping1920

Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline S_holmes

Offline Ben1983

She's sucking that with all the enthusiasm of a woman married for 25 years.

I think I would be genuinely bored if I was given a blowjob like that  :D

Offline king tarzan

Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline mace-window

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

I remember downloading this video without watching it. Then I watched it couple of months later. Boy. After 10 minutes I had to delete it. That girl was ugly and the punter with green hair, WTF. He looks terrible. He needs to get hair cut, dye his hair color back and head to the gym and make some muscle gains. Than spending money on sub-par WGs. As for the WG, I don't know. Gym, make-up  :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:.

Offline County Militia

Noticed, that's why I stopped as I was about to "express" myself.

Nothing irritates me more than people that come here making demands whilst offering next to nothing.

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:

Offline MrMatrix

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:
O dear CM, bad move, should have left this alone as it had gone quiet. You may not survive this time :bomb:

Offline dryanse8

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:

Contribute more in a positive manner and you might become valued.
Stop whining in the meantime.

Offline mace-window

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:

People and myself had explain why I took the actions I did for videos I uploaded privately and actually proved why my actions were not selfish or me being on a power trip. But instead of apologizing and understanding my point of view, you continued with your terrible attitude with calming I got some serious issues :lol: :lol: :lol:. You so out of touch on this issue I may think your a retard. And on top of that, instead of replaying to my recent comment, you went for someone else replay who was just making a point. After 4 daysn:thumbsup! This prove again my assumption of you of being a coward.

And you know what's funny? After seeing all of the posts you made on this site, not one post on this thread have you shared any videos but instead moaning and raving that you can't get access to some videos.

All you doing now is digging yourself a deeper hole. I do wonder what you are like in real life. Most likely a pain and probably why your a punter and only seen one WG.

You won't take this advise as you refused to take my last advise by calming I got some serious problem, but if I was you I would put some skin in the game on this site and have a better attitude. Maybe see someone about your attitude or better post a link to a video of WG you seen or post another review than coming here and being a dick. So far I have giving you some advise but don't know why I bother as so far I got from you is deride.

Another option is to put this to rest and fuck off from this thread.

Offline PatMacGroin

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:

Your comments continue to sound like you are describing him as selfish simply because you can't have what you want.  :cry:

Like many of your other posts it makes you sound more and more like a whiney child trying to behave like a big man. How about you go off somewhere else to complain about how unfair it all is. :cry:

Offline Charlie Chalk

I never actually demanded anything, I only called out selfish behavior when I saw it. My view was clearly unpopular with some people here and they tried to discredit what I had to say, however this doesn't necessarily mean that my view is dishonest.  :hi:
You really are a moron. No one said your view is “dishonest”, merely stupid, selfish and entitled. Mace has contributed to the forum in terms of posts and reviews as well as collating these videos. This gives him the right to share (or not) as he sees fit. If he wants to reward those members who have also contributed to the forum by giving them access then that’s his prerogative. Stop whining like a spoilt child and become a valued member of the site. You have no entitlement or right to benefit from other members’ work when you have contributed the total of fuck all. That isn’t selfish, it’s common sense to stop the lurkers and leeches from getting something for nothing.

I don’t even meet Mace’s posting requirements either but I’m not whinging about it.

Offline County Militia

O dear CM, bad move, should have left this alone as it had gone quiet. You may not survive this time :bomb:

Not really, I've said everything I needed to say on this thread now. Take care.  :cool:

Offline Blazed

Anyone able to help identify the AW profile of this one?

External Link/Members Only

Offline Simon_9000

Anyone able to help identify the AW profile of this one?

External Link/Members Only

Same girl, same meet by the looks of it. Lithuanian but I'd be interested if she was a WG

External Link/Members Only

Offline mace-window

Hi guys.

Some house cleaning after a certain someone being a nonsense here.

First does anyone know if any of the ladies in this video are WG's? I know the second lady is FrancescaKitten (External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only) but who are the others and do they have a AW account?

Second, I will be adding more videos on my xhasmster account soon. Though I have mostly uploaded all of my AW videos I have. So no more AW videos in the distant future.

And third, I found another xhamster account who he has a lot more AW videos than me and said he will be uploading more. Only downside is that you have to be friends with him on xhmaster and from looks of things will only be adding people who have some content on xhamster.

(removed by mod)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 07:58:57 pm by daviemac »

Offline Simon_9000

Second, I will be adding more videos on my xhasmster account soon.

Thanks MW, it's a great resource.  :hi:

Offline PatMacGroin

Anyone able to help identify the AW profile of this one?

External Link/Members Only

I don't recognise. But for anyone thinking she looks familiar, the inside wrist tattoo shown around 1 minute in should be the easiest way to confirm her identity.

Offline plini007

Smiley miley I believe, not sure if she's still working as can't find her on AW External Link/Members Only

Offline mace-window

Smiley miley I believe, not sure if she's still working as can't find her on AW External Link/Members Only

The video been posted already by the way and Smiley Miley is long gone.

Offline boardyhell

any more miley videos
she is on pornhub 5 videos,check it out

Offline PepeMAGA

Hi guys.

Some house cleaning after a certain someone being a nonsense here.

First does anyone know if any of the ladies in this video are WG's? I know the second lady is FrancescaKitten (External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only) but who are the others and do they have a AW account?

Second, I will be adding more videos on my xhasmster account soon. Though I have mostly uploaded all of my AW videos I have. So no more AW videos in the distant future.

And third, I found another xhamster account who he has a lot more AW videos than me and said he will be uploading more. Only downside is that you have to be friends with him on xhmaster and from looks of things will only be adding people who have some content on xhamster.

Guess there's no easy way for guys to send you videos to post, unless they're already added to a porn site
« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 10:41:58 pm by Head1 »

Offline boardyhell

any more miley videos
she is on pornhub 5 videos,check it out
user logs in most days, maybe smiley miley

Offline plini007

any more miley videos
she is on pornhub 5 videos,check it out

That's a shame, she looks like she sucks a mean dick!

Offline mace-window

Guess there's no easy way for guys to send you videos to post, unless they're already added to a porn site

Nah. I just very careful who I give my information to outside punting world. That being said, I don't know about the guy who uploaded all those AW videos. I don't think he is on UK punting but he said he spent money on those videos which I was like really  :dash: :dash: :dash:. I personally think all the videos that had been posted here came from him.

Offline PepeMAGA

Nah. I just very careful who I give my information to outside punting world. That being said, I don't know about the guy who uploaded all those AW videos. I don't think he is on UK punting but he said he spent money on those videos which I was like really  :dash: :dash: :dash:. I personally think all the videos that had been posted here came from him.
Bless him

Offline JonasG

Offline Zeusthedoc

It's like the Tesco Value Joker and Harley Quinn.

Brilliant description

Offline Home Alone

External Link/Members Only

She must be really short-sighted if she needs to keep her glasses on throughout. 🙄  Or is it to protect her eyes when he cums??  😂

Offline Zeusthedoc

External Link/Members Only

MV is a paid for site - quite a lot of videos on her profile tho..
Lots of 9 second previews