So anyone who doesn't meet his criteria is immediately branded a "leech" then, talk about painting everyone with the same brush, well done buddy. 
Had it not occurred to you that some members like myself with low post counts don't contribute much because we are actually busy with life and not frequent punters?
Pretty pointless of him making the videos public in the first place that people can benefit from only to then go into lockdown mode and shut out anyone who doesn't meet his post criteria. It's effectively him just giving a big 'fuck you' to said folks. That's just plain selfish and a power trip to members he is looking down on.
I'm not painting those with the required criteria with the same brush, just those that dont meet it and theres alot.
I too have a busy life and those that do meet the critera also have busy lives. You arent the only one although you appear to think you are.
This isn't a power trip as he's pissed off with people not making a contribution as indeed am I and many others.
You are relatively new and I like to encourage newbies to make reviews etc. if I'd been in your shoes as someone new I wouldn't be spouting off as someone whose entitled to access and creating waves. But thats just me.