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Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1447732 times)

Offline london_guy

I watched it-  :thumbsup:
How could it get deleted :unknown:
Not too worry Mace-window you delivered as predicted- top bunny mate :hi:

Did anyone manage to save the video ?  :hi:

Offline MrMatrix

Online NightKid

Offline mace-window

Fuck, bit annoyed I missed this one ... any chance you could do a quick reupload please?

I saved it. Don't worry.

Online NightKid

I saved it. Don't worry.

Nice one, give us a heads up if you’re about to reupload again sometime soon then.  :thumbsup:

Offline Colston36

Here you go mate. Thank me later.

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She is still at it. Very sexy lady; I made the mistake of lending her money when she was a bit desperate; never paid me back.

Offline jayj301599

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I remember her from my youth, watching her on babestation and the likes. What a beautiful woman

Offline samsung1

Well looks like the video got deleted somehow.

Some bastard reading this thread keeps reporting it to the prozzie mentioned  :dash: :angry:

Offline MrMatrix

Some bastard reading this thread keeps reporting it to the prozzie mentioned  :dash: :angry:
Not the first time a SP has been informed either. :hi:

Offline king tarzan

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Remember used to watch years and years ago..
Must be mid 40's.. certainly not 39 as stated on profile..
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline OutForJustice80

Some bastard reading this thread keeps reporting it to the prozzie mentioned  :dash: :angry:
Are we talking about a video that was uploaded without the permission of both parties? Isn’t that technically illegal now under revenge porn legislation?

Offline king tarzan

Are we talking about a video that was uploaded without the permission of both parties? Isn’t that technically illegal now under revenge porn legislation?

I'm sure the relevant authorities can't really be bothered with lovers Tiff's .
They have better things to concentrate on and iron out.
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline OutForJustice80

I'm sure the relevant authorities can't really be bothered with lovers Tiff's .
They have better things to concentrate on and iron out.
Granted but I also think that doesn’t make someone out of order for telling an unwitting prossie that her ass is being plastered all over the internet without her knowledge.

Before anyone accuses me I’ve not said anything except in one case where I was convinced the woman had been filmed without her knowledge and that was the case.

Offline Titi

Fuck, bit annoyed I missed this one ... any chance you could do a quick reupload please?

It wasn’t that exciting tbh, just the SP getting drilled in CG. I reckon she leaked the video to improve business IMO.

Online NightKid

It wasn’t that exciting tbh, just the SP getting drilled in CG. I reckon she leaked the video to improve business IMO.

You can glean a lot from body language though, so I'd still be interested to watch it if you happen to have it saved?

Offline Titi

You can glean a lot from body language though, so I'd still be interested to watch it if you happen to have it saved?

Sorry didn’t save it but Mace might be able to help.

Offline Golovkin


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External Link/Members Only Anyone know if this escort is still working?

Most likely long gone. Most of the girls in Lukey vids are.
They're older than you'd think...he obviously had a good camera for his time  :lol:


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She does look tasty...proper "girl next door look" ... I see why you're interested  :P

Online NightKid

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Thanks for that, but still can't fathom why there are those who would consider her good looking ... *cough KT cough*  :lol:

Offline Home Alone

I remember her from my youth, watching her on babestation and the likes. What a beautiful woman

Which perhaps goes to show the sagacity of the phrase, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

She wouldn't be my cuppa tea, even if she charged 1/3 of her hourly rate. :thumbsdown:

Offline Hobbit

Thanks for that, but still can't fathom why there are those who would consider her good looking ... *cough KT cough*  :lol:

Her blowjob technique looks awful in that video. Too much hand movement and she clearly doesn't like deepthroating past the head. Shame because I liked her body in that video.

Offline king tarzan

Her blowjob technique looks awful in that video. Too much hand movement and she clearly doesn't like deepthroating past the head. Shame because I liked her body in that video.

I have no idea about the nonsense in the clip
But what I can say her deepthroating is absolutely el FANTISTICO
From my experiences anyways...
Her and English Molly and Collette spicey Julia and that blonde from Slough.. can't remember her name the best deep throat blowies I've ever had..
They know how to suck munch crunch!! :cool:
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 11:43:02 am by king tarzan »
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Your_dark_knight

I have no idea about the nonsense in the clip
But what I can say her deepthroating is absolutely el FANTISTICO
From my experiences anyways...
Her and English Molly and Collette spicey Julia and that blonde from Slough.. can't remember her name the best deep throat blowies I've ever had..
They know how to suck munch crunch!! :cool:

The blonde from slough? Lisa32GG or something? Old bird ?

Offline king tarzan

The blonde from slough? Lisa32GG or something? Old bird ?

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Miss Rose in Slough

Big big time genui truncheon lover
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Hobbit

I have no idea about the nonsense in the clip
But what I can say her deepthroating is absolutely el FANTISTICO
From my experiences anyways...
Her and English Molly and Collette spicey Julia and that blonde from Slough.. can't remember her name the best deep throat blowies I've ever had..
They know how to suck munch crunch!! :cool:

I think I will believe you more once I hear it from other forum punters because at the moment you're the only one that highly recommends her and yet the video clearly shows she can't suck dick.

Offline king tarzan

I think I will believe you more once I hear it from other forum punters because at the moment you're the only one that highly recommends her and yet the video clearly shows she can't suck dick.

Fair comments..
Wait and see?????
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Tomi91

Her blowjob technique looks awful in that video. Too much hand movement and she clearly doesn't like deepthroating past the head. Shame because I liked her body in that video.

I tried her, and yes I got the same  awful blowjob as you see in the video. I was very disappointed. She is beautiful and very friendly, but horrible technic.

Offline king tarzan

I tried her, and yes I got the same  awful blowjob as you see in the video. I was very disappointed. She is beautiful and very friendly, but horrible technic.

Mine have always been high quality owo deepthroating till cim with her..
Non stop deepthroat truncheon gobbling..
Obviously that's why I kept going back..
The dfk super awesome..
Very sexy stunningly beautiful lady...

Anyways each to there own experiences..
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Avg_Joe

i'm sure she's offered BB on AW before

the association/link to scanky bambi blacks is a bit worrying
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Tom.Punter

i'm sure she's offered BB on AW before

Would not surprise me, what a chav... listening how she talks.

Offline Avg_Joe

once upon a time those two might have been cute, now they've got more timber than jewsons  :vomit:
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Stiltskin

once upon a time those two might have been cute, now they've got more timber than jewsons  :vomit:

You're too kind!

Offline Avg_Joe

given she's 50(+) i'd still be tempted, but not at those prices
Banned reason: White knight.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Home Alone

When I saw her AW Profile, her rates seemed ridiculous. When I saw the video, they moved into the category of 'totally fucking ridiculous'.

Offline dandoc112

Offline S_holmes

Have you seen the pics in this guys xvideos least one familiar face in there and I few I'd be keen to ID

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DD  :hi:

3 of his videos are of Danielle:

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Not sure if they’ve been listed before on here.... she’s looking a bit rough in them though.....

Online NightKid

That BJ technique... I'd struggle to last more than a few minutes!!

You talking about holding your erection?  :D