Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Escorts with online free videos  (Read 1388943 times)

Offline macman26

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Like the look of her in real kind milf way and tattoos, wonder if she still working and a link!! 

Offline mace-window

Like the look of her in real kind milf way and tattoos, wonder if she still working and a link!!

Here you go mate. Thank me later.

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Offline mace-window

More Smiley miley action....External Link/Members Only

I wish the bloody guy who uploads these videos would just upload the videos with there original sound instead the fake porn sounds he got from another video or the terrible music being played instead  :angry: :angry: :angry:.

Offline wolfiesmith69

Banned reason: Blatant tout, posting multiple reviews and starting a thread to advertise his reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline plums

Does anyone know if this girl, Vanessa / Jessica May is an escort?

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Offline plini007

Does anyone know if this girl, Vanessa / Jessica May is an escort?

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Mmmmmm! Nice and chavy ;)

Offline Sdave10000

This guy has got a whole bunch of Conys  Girls vids if you sift through! Some I seen before but a number of em are new to me and a couple of the birds pretty hot considering most the absolute dogs they have in real punting!

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Offline london_guy

This guy has got a whole bunch of Conys  Girls vids if you sift through! Some I seen before but a number of em are new to me and a couple of the birds pretty hot considering most the absolute dogs they have in real punting!

External Link/Members Only

nice find, do you know any of the girls on there that have a working AW link ? I do not recognise any of them

Offline workinallweek

Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
is there a database

No but the work around i have is search for any escorts I know and see if there link appears here

Offline Jamie76

does anyone know how to view the free Adultwork escort videos 
They use to work for me with Opera , but about 4-5 months ago it stopped working .  I clicked on the free video and a video 171 bytes would just download , same thing happens in firefox and chrome

Offline welshpunter17

does anyone know how to view the free Adultwork escort videos 
They use to work for me with Opera , but about 4-5 months ago it stopped working .  I clicked on the free video and a video 171 bytes would just download , same thing happens in firefox and chrome

Download vlc and open the files with that..

Have noticed that sometimes the files download as .wmvx turn on show file extensions and take that x off then open in vlc and the file start streaming

Offline Jamie76

Download vlc and open the files with that..

Have noticed that sometimes the files download as .wmvx turn on show file extensions and take that x off then open in vlc and the file start streaming

Hey mate thanks very much for that

Offline OutForJustice80

Getting back on track.......

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That’s a pretty terrible video as a) you can’t see anything apart from extended shots of his arse and his limp cock and b) I’m about 80% sure she doesn’t know she’s being filmed here which is a mega cunt thing to do if I’m right.

Offline theoldmaggot

That’s a pretty terrible video as a) you can’t see anything apart from extended shots of his arse and his limp cock and b) I’m about 80% sure she doesn’t know she’s being filmed here which is a mega cunt thing to do if I’m right.

Good spot, she doesn't even look at the camera at least once in the vid.

Offline OutForJustice80

Good spot, she doesn't even look at the camera at least once in the vid.
I’ve just realised... is this Megan/franny/YBL’s baby momma?

Still. No one deserves that if I’m right.

Offline Hobbit

I’ve just realised... is this Megan/franny/YBL’s baby momma?

Still. No one deserves that if I’m right.

Apparently, she's a size 10 according to her profile. Not in that video she's not.  :scare:
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 11:35:10 am by Hobbit »

Offline welshpunter17

Apparently, she's a size 10 according to her profile. Not in that video she's not.  :scare:

I probably would though, love a chubby.

I just watched the video again and it really looks like she has no fucking idea she's being filmed... what a twat. she can get the vid removed by contacting xhamster
« Last Edit: November 10, 2018, 12:24:13 pm by welshpunter17 »

Offline Hobbit

I probably would though, love a chubby.

I just watched the video again and it really looks like she has no fucking idea she's being filmed... what a twat. she can get the vid removed by contacting xhamster

I know what you mean but I thought she was well-known for her PSE. That doesn't seem like a PSE experience to me in that video.

Offline puntingpumping1920

I know what you mean but I thought she was well-known for her PSE. That doesn't seem like a PSE experience to me in that video.

The punter probably asked for a GFE, so she provided that service for him
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline acer123

That’s a pretty terrible video as a) you can’t see anything apart from extended shots of his arse and his limp cock and b) I’m about 80% sure she doesn’t know she’s being filmed here which is a mega cunt thing to do if I’m right.

Video has been deleted. Outrageous if she did not give permission.

Offline MrMatrix

Video has been deleted. Outrageous if she did not give permission.
Agreed, well out of order. Clearly some one here has noted this and perhaps fed this back to her.  :unknown:

Offline thecat250

Agreed, well out of order. Clearly some one here has noted this and perhaps fed this back to her.  :unknown:

External Link/Members Only

Her twitter has confirmed she was unaware and has outed his name/number (probably burner phone). The silly sod has also used same adultwork account name for the xhamster account, so most likely done the same for WG's on his feedback. Appears that they have been alerted too, although no proof yet.

Offline Cumberland

External Link/Members Only

Her twitter has confirmed she was unaware and has outed his name/number (probably burner phone). The silly sod has also used same adultwork account name for the xhamster account, so most likely done the same for WG's on his feedback. Appears that they have been alerted too, although no proof yet.
Oh dear. I believe it’s more than a bit naughty, isn’t filming someone without their consent illegal and you can be prosecuted???

Offline puntingpumping1920

External Link/Members Only

Her twitter has confirmed she was unaware and has outed his name/number (probably burner phone). The silly sod has also used same adultwork account name for the xhamster account, so most likely done the same for WG's on his feedback. Appears that they have been alerted too, although no proof yet.

The fella is a fool.

If you film a prostitute unknowingly, most likely she will out you on a forum/ social media

He showed his face :bomb:

Hopefully he used a burner phone, as some prostitutes use Truecaller ID app to trace punters
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline puntingpumping1920

Oh dear. I believe it’s more than a bit naughty, isn’t filming someone without their consent illegal and you can be prosecuted???

Yeah, non-consensual taping of private activities with the aim of sexual gratification is a crime

He could be placed on sex offender list if penalized
Although, I believe she is hotheaded girl, as a result she doesn't have evidence such as screenshots
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline OutForJustice80

Agreed, well out of order. Clearly some one here has noted this and perhaps fed this back to her.  :unknown:
I sent her a message with the link. The guy was an absolute plant and had contacted her from his work phone. Apparently he’s already been arrested and had done this to lots of other girls. What an asshat.

Offline MrMatrix

I sent her a message with the link. The guy was an absolute plant and had contacted her from his work phone. Apparently he’s already been arrested and had done this to lots of other girls. What an asshat.
How do you know he's been arrested?

Offline last_days_of_logan

« Last Edit: November 11, 2018, 11:01:12 am by last_days_of_logan »

Offline OutForJustice80

How do you know he's been arrested?
That’s according to her which is why I said “apparently”. Just hearsay.

Offline Brazilian Martian

I’ve just realised... is this Megan/franny/YBL’s baby momma?

Still. No one deserves that if I’m right.

She has a long history of fucking over people in the punting and non punting world, she's a toxic woman who created review's about punters and she was even in the local essex newspaper for fraud if i remember correctly. This could not of happened to a nicer person  :music:

Offline InMefan

Download vlc and open the files with that..

Have noticed that sometimes the files download as .wmvx turn on show file extensions and take that x off then open in vlc and the file start streaming

Thought there was no way to view videos for free on Adultwork and you can only view them if you have enough credits or have some freeviews.

Offline LLPunting

Does anyone know who the redhead is?

Named Jess according to comments.  Go do some research.

Offline qetzl

Named Jess according to comments.  Go do some research.

There are about 300 "Jess"s on AW, and none of the ones who match up in location with IzzyRoseEnglish (either her Hampshire location or Manchester tour) look like they match up. It's not for lack of trying, I promise.

Online NightKid

There are about 300 "Jess"s on AW, and none of the ones who match up in location with IzzyRoseEnglish (either her Hampshire location or Manchester tour) look like they match up. It's not for lack of trying, I promise.

Look closer at the pictures in the free gallery ...

Online Derrick101

Look closer at the pictures in the free gallery ...

Care to share?
Nothing I can see in PO or SO post codes  :unknown:

Offline theoldmaggot

« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 03:56:56 pm by theoldmaggot »

Offline GoodIdea

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Part two...

No idea who the red head is, but looks to be a fantastic duo.

Thats the understatement of the year.