Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Changing from Cialis to viagra. Advice please.  (Read 2086 times)

Offline The Beano

Will soon run out of my supply of Cialis, and the doc has suggested changing to viagra, mainly due to cost, was on the 5mg daily Cialis dose, and he has given me 50mg viagra tabs to try. Not wanting to risk getting timings/dose wrong on a punt what would viagra users recommend? Also, it says on the leaflet not to use with poppers if you have high blood pressure meds, anyone got a view on that. Thanks in advance.

Offline NelsonH

50mg is sometimes more than required. 100mg often far too much. Might try 25mg at home on the first go.
Don't take more than you need. Side effects can be a problem.

Need to drink lots of water or you can get headache.

Takes about 1hour to reach full effect. Wears off in a few hours.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2015, 10:08:02 pm by NelsonH »


  • Guest
You will only need to use Viagra on the day of the punt and not daily as you have done with Cialis.
60-90 minutes before you shag, and as suggested try 50mg to start, can be effective when aroused 12 hours later, depending on who's doing the arousing!  ;)

Avoid grapefruit juice, orange juice and even white wine...also poppers as said.

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Offline Hertsgent

Tell the doctor to fuck off would be my advice - or alternatively.... Tell him the Viagra either don't work or give you a splitting headache.....either way you get the better cialis back!

Offline george r

I find 25mg works for me, drink a full glass of water helps with the facial flushing and headache also (for me)
take at least 30 mins before you need it.

Offline george r

 do not mix with poppers under any circumstance !! or you might be hearing the ambulance siren next !! eg.heart attack !!


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do not mix with poppers under any circumstance !! or you might be hearing the ambulance siren next !! eg.heart attack !!

Good advice...BTW, what is the point of poppers????

Offline The Beano

Thanks chaps, lot of good advice there. Just taken one to see if I get any side effects. Looks like poppers are off the menu then, don't want to end up in A&E! I only use them if there's going to be strap on or fucking machine action. Quick sniff and it relaxes the necessary muscles. Gives a nice warm feel as well.

Offline Marmalade

sirens aside, poppers relax your arse, so not not much going for you unless you want a strap on punt

Offline shagbambi

On a positive note viagra will make your orgasms more intense.


  • Guest
On a positive note viagra will make your orgasms more intense.


and....makes you go longer before you pop with quick recovery time for round 2..3 (if time)

Offline Jimmyredcab

Good advice...BTW, what is the point of poppers????

I can only assume you have never tried poppers.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:


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I can only assume you have never tried poppers.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

Your assumption is correct, Jim

Offline MasterChief

Will soon run out of my supply of Cialis, and the doc has suggested changing to viagra, mainly due to cost, was on the 5mg daily Cialis dose, and he has given me 50mg viagra tabs to try. Not wanting to risk getting timings/dose wrong on a punt what would viagra users recommend? Also, it says on the leaflet not to use with poppers if you have high blood pressure meds, anyone got a view on that. Thanks in advance.

Unless you get Cialis on a private prescription not sure why you give a flying about the cost! I was on Viagra now on Cialis, would never go back Cialis is way way better for me.

Online Razor Boy

I have, over the years punting, tried them all and the new kid on the block Spedra is awesome.
No headache, little facial flushing and a hard on that could batter a door down  :D
Does not last 48 hrs but has good staying quality and last time I punted the OH wanted a portion that evening too and was able to give her a good seeing to! She even mentioned that my cock was like an iron bar so happy days all round  :hi:

I purchase from Lloyds and get them to deliver to my workplace...job's a good un.

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Two tone

  • Guest
I have, over the years punting, tried them all and the new kid on the block Spedra is awesome.
No headache, little facial flushing and a hard on that could batter a door down  :D
Does not last 48 hrs but has good staying quality and last time I punted the OH wanted a portion that evening too and was able to give her a good seeing to! She even mentioned that my cock was like an iron bar so happy days all round  :hi:

I purchase from Lloyds and get them to deliver to my workplace...job's a good un.

External Link/Members Only

Can I ask how old you are?

I'm nearly 50 & use cialis.

Although it helps give me an erection & lasts a long time, usually the next day & more, I find that I don't get the iron bar erections I had in my youth. I was wondering if its down to being a bit out of shape or whether spedra would overcome this?

Anyone else with experience of spedra?


  • Guest
try 100mg viagra  really good better than Sildenafil (viagra non patent ) for cost too
have tried levitra its good £33 for 4 x 20mg tabs is  spedra better ?

Sildenafil                Viagra   Cialis             Levitra     Spedra
                                               £9.88            £6.00          £5.06
Active Ingredient
Sildenafil citrate   Sildenafil citrate   Tadalafil   Vardenafil   Avanafil
Time to take effect
30-60 mins   30-60 mins   15-60 mins   30-60 mins   15-30 mins
Duration of effect
4-6 hours   4-6 hours   Up to 36 hours   4-6 hours   4-6 hours
Distinguishing features
Same active ingredient as Viagra   Most well-known   Longest lasting   Recommended for diabetics   Most targeted
Price per     unit£3.44    £9.88     
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 07:58:36 pm by oring123 »

Online Razor Boy

Hi Two Tone, in answer to your question, I am 53 and although run three times a week, am 17 stone at 6ft 2 inch so quite a way off fighting weight lol.

Two tone

  • Guest
Hi Two Tone, in answer to your question, I am 53 and although run three times a week, am 17 stone at 6ft 2 inch so quite a way off fighting weight lol.

Thanks.  :drinks:

I suppose the only way I'm going to see if spedra gives me a better erection is to try it.


  • Guest
I wouldn't recommend switching medication if you already have one that you're happy with. I guess the doctor's advice is more important than mine. I can at least share my experiences though. I have taken cialis in the past and had no lasting side effects from it. Viagra is giving me serious heartburn and indigestion which I'm struggling to get rid of. Taking 600mg over the past 3 weeks isn't good for me I guess!

5th Musketeer

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Although it's slightly off topic for this thread, but still in a way related. 

I have recently (2 weeks ago) been put on Xarelto for blood-thinning purposes and today I took my usual 100 mg generic Viagra and had an incredible orgasm with a new WG I have just discovered (very GFE-friendly.)   Has anyone else experienced anything similar using these 2 together?  I did check online first to make sure there wasn't a warning about a bad reaction and I found nothing to indicate that there was.

Online Watts.E.Dunn

I normally use the generic Viagra from ASDA but the side effects are a real PITA, feel like death warmed up for a day afterwards despite downing a lot of water.

Never had that problem, with Cialis but that just burns holes in the old pocket.

Might try this Spredra one when I've run out of the other stuff.

Like a lot of drugs its the UN-wanted effects as much as the wanted ones!

Offline dieseldriver

I got one Ciallis 10mg, and a few Sildenafil 100mg. So does anyone know if the 10mg Ciallis is equal either 50 or 100mg Sildenafil? I usually take the 100mg Sildenafil, so don't want to take the 10mg Ciallis in case its under-strength?

As for poppers, here I am 66 and never taken one. Few on AW say poppers available. Like someone asked earlier, why would poppers be taken?


  • Guest
As for poppers, here I am 66 and never taken one. Few on AW say poppers available. Like someone asked earlier, why would poppers be taken?

You sniff it, its a small vile of liquid, you shouldnt ever drink it.

I've not tried either, basically it relaxes your anus.  If a working girl has it with her, she will do anal if shes in the mood.

Or, will do something with yours. (FLINCH)

Max Pleasure

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I use 50 mg generic Sildenafil from Lloyds on line pharmacy.  It works well, taken on an empty stomach and just over an hour before the meeting.  Luckily I don't get any side effects but I agree with the plenty of water tip, although it usually means I'm bursting for a pee when I arrive.

Offline Marmalade

10 cialis is roughly equivalent to 50 viagra

Offline GreyDave

For what its worth ... I've been splitting the 100mgs down in to 25mg and below sized bits if taken on empty food or alcohol for 2 hrs before or more I find a smaller bit maybe 15-20mg size works fine for a one pop when I have done my day trips to soho I take 2 lots of 25mg or so with loads of water I am struggling to get a second pop but can after a few hours... how ever the point of the day trips is not the number of pops for me now but the time with the stiffey in a blonde or big titter :yahoo: :yahoo: at 20 quid a go its ASDA price in SoHo for me lads :cool: :cool: oh aged 55 average not a gym bunny sit in a chair most days for work :(

Online Colston36

For what it's worth:

I switched the other way - from Viagra to Cialis because I read that in research men and women consistently voted Cialis better.

See: External Link/Members Only

I am 79, but pretty fit. Well, one kind girl said bloody fit.

I bought the 5mg Cialis and take it every other day. It works like a charm. I generally see a girl 2-3 times a week. Happy days.

Offline dieseldriver

For what it's worth:

I switched the other way - from Viagra to Cialis because I read that in research men and women consistently voted Cialis better.

See: External Link/Members Only

I am 79, but pretty fit. Well, one kind girl said bloody fit.

I bought the 5mg Cialis and take it every other day. It works like a charm. I generally see a girl 2-3 times a week. Happy days.
79!! Wow, and here's me thinking that at 66 starting to slow down. Saying that, last night had some great OWO from a 63yo WG I'v seen a couple of times before. And in case anyone asks, wont put a link here in case someone PM's her via AW to tell her what I'v posted?


  • Guest
If its more of a head than cock problem break a 50mg in 4 and take it 1 hr before a punt. Works everytime for me and wont stop your cum so much.


  • Guest
I have gone other way up to 100mg viagra
Its so cheap now
But drink loads like min 2 litres of water
 or more as side effects after are a killer .


  • Guest
For what it's worth:

I switched the other way - from Viagra to Cialis because I read that in research men and women consistently voted Cialis better.

See: External Link/Members Only

I am 79, but pretty fit. Well, one kind girl said bloody fit.

I bought the 5mg Cialis and take it every other day. It works like a charm. I generally see a girl 2-3 times a week. Happy days.
Top work! All the best to you  :drinks:

Offline Marmalade

If its more of a head than cock problem break a 50mg in 4 and take it 1 hr before a punt. Works everytime for me and wont stop your cum so much.

A pill cutter barely leaves two halves intact. The best I've seen is breaking the slightly larger, more easily breakable, 100mg soluble ones into 2 by hand. Excuse me, but breaking a 50mg into 4 without ending up with a pile of crumbs, even if you could do it, sounds like something out of NCIS to me.

Offline Marmalade

Perhaps you might also care to leave the occasional review of these punts where it "works every time" for you?  :hi:


  • Guest
A pill cutter barely leaves two halves intact. The best I've seen is breaking the slightly larger, more easily breakable, 100mg soluble ones into 2 by hand. Excuse me, but breaking a 50mg into 4 without ending up with a pile of crumbs, even if you could do it, sounds like something out of NCIS to me.

I use a pair of small pliers. Line the pill up dead centre in the wire cutter bit and it will snap exact in half. Then do the same on the halfs. Shove the bits in a plastic bag and its a goodun. Take your time and I promise it works!  :)

I dont do reviews here because what does for me might be a shit punt for another guy. not done a wg who hasnt been reviewed before on ukp apart from a student who retired after 3 weeks.  :D Have added to postsif I dont agree with whats been said before.


  • Guest
I agree with pill cutter they dont work at all well with small calis type pills .

Offline george r

A pill cutter barely leaves two halves intact. The best I've seen is breaking the slightly larger, more easily breakable, 100mg soluble ones into 2 by hand. Excuse me, but breaking a 50mg into 4 without ending up with a pile of crumbs, even if you could do it, sounds like something out of NCIS to me.

try to get Sandoz brand mate, they have a cross already in them about 50% in depth and brake very  cleanly into half and quarters very easy..

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Offline Marmalade

Interesting idea using pliers instead of those crappy pill cutters.

I think the best value are the bigger cialis. Just have a wee top-up nibble occasionally. Never usually bother trying to cut them.

Offline Marmalade

Willmo - we mostly take reviews with a pinch of salt until we get to know the reviewer's highs and lows and, as you say, it's only a personal opinion: but twenty personal opinions go further than one or two so no pressure but again don't feel shy about chipping in mate.  :hi:


  • Guest
Are the 100mg viagras from lloyds decent? is that the strongest mg ones you can get?

Offline george r

Are the 100mg viagras from lloyds decent? is that the strongest mg ones you can get?

they are the strongest legit ones you can buy and if these don't work nothing will !!


  • Guest
Thanks George i think i will try some if they are anything like the blues ive had before half will do the job maybe even a quarter

Offline george r

Thanks George i think i will try some if they are anything like the blues ive had before half will do the job maybe even a quarter

I buy 50mg and cut into 4 and find they still work for me and it works out very cheap .

Offline Marmalade

Are the 100mg viagras from lloyds decent? is that the strongest mg ones you can get?

100mg is probably the strongest viagra, equivalent to 20mg cialis; generic cialis goes up to 60mg.


  • Guest
Willmo - we mostly take reviews with a pinch of salt until we get to know the reviewer's highs and lows and, as you say, it's only a personal opinion: but twenty personal opinions go further than one or two so no pressure but again don't feel shy about chipping in mate.  :hi:

Fair comment Marmalade. Guess Ive been thinking if Ive got nothing new to add theres little point.

I understand the logic.  ;)


  • Guest
100mg is probably the strongest viagra, equivalent to 20mg cialis; generic cialis goes up to 60mg.

So taking a 60mg cialis will give you stonker on for a week then? i recon i will have to try them out myself to see which is best

Offline Marmalade

So taking a 60mg cialis will give you stonker on for a week then? i recon i will have to try them out myself to see which is best

Well it saves money. I don't know that I'd recommend jumping in and suddenly having a whole one, but convenient to carry for a 'nibble'. 3 nibbles mean 3 lots of 20mg and no danger of losing crumbs.


  • Guest
Well it saves money. I don't know that I'd recommend jumping in and suddenly having a whole one, but convenient to carry for a 'nibble'. 3 nibbles mean 3 lots of 20mg and no danger of losing crumbs.

No chance of me having a full one in one go if they are stronger than a 100mg blue but the advice is most welcome my xmas list is full of these pills to try on some of these delightful wrong'uns from that purple site thank you

Offline The Beano

Viagra update. Did my first punt with 50mg viagra this week. Took it about an hour before with plenty of water. I did get some flushing, esp the forehead. No headache thank goodness. Hardon was fine. I thought I was going to come in doggy so slowed down and the feeling went away very quickly , which I was a bit worried about, but no loss of hard on, and I finished on her tits. It was only a 30min visit, so no time for round 2 attempt. So looks ok so far.