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Author Topic: $1.6 million in a year, is this a record?  (Read 1087 times)


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So Charlie Sheen spent $1.6 million in a year of quality punting :P Lift my hat to him :hi: pity HIV got in the mix. Well if you are going to go off the rails might as well make it one hell of a train crash :bomb: :bomb: ;)


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20 grand gbp a week  :drinks: blows my budget out the water, in fact on thar budget i could my regular for 23 hours 7 days a week   :crazy:

Offline lostandfound

Prince Jefri of Brunei claimed to have got through nearly $15 billion on partying, at $50 million a month (ie $600 million per annum).

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I recall reading tales of him having parties featuring his favourite girls from around the world flown in on chartered planes.

Offline WelshClipper

Puts my meagre £2000 per annum into perspective  :unknown:

I do wonder about these guys and how they imagine they get more out of it by spending so much. Even the top London totties can be had for £5000 for a weekend. So why £50 million???  I can only figure that its like Heroin or Cocaine, becomes an insatiable high.

I read once many years ago that when Johnny Depp was in his early twenties, he had to go into detox because he had spent weeks in bed with a girl banging away and couldn't stop. The only way was abstinence for a few weeks :timeout:


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Felix Dennis admitted to spending over $100 million on sex and drugs