Firstly, the girls on Escort Scotland are mostly foreign and, even if you get the girl in the picture, you will be short changed in terms of service or be asked for 'extras'. Experienced punters avoid this site.
Secondly, best looking girls are not necessarily the best punt. Adultwork feedback tends to exaggerate the girls' qualities and undergoes their defects. Far better to rely on UKpunting feedback. You will get the truth on this site since the girls can't rubbish you in return.
Thirdly, if you see someone you fancy meeting in the Aberdeen section of AW, ask in the Scottish section of Ukpunting if anyone has seen her.
Bad punts leave you feeling unsatisfied and cheated; avoid this with thorough research in advance. Oh, and always avoid Romanians. Be very firm about this! Mostly pimped, don't want to be here and don't want to be shagging you.
Happy punting!