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Author Topic: Advice for 1st timer  (Read 877 times)


  • Guest
Hi all, so I've decided I am gonna try out punting  :thumbsup: I could do with some help. Been looking at Escorts Scotland & Adultwork. Why do the girls on ES look like supermodels? Surely these are fake? Girls on AW seem far more genuine. Anyhow, gonna be on my own in Aberdeen shortly so if anyone has any recommendations for a first time punting experience it would be very much appreciated. Cheers  :drinks:

Offline S.X. MacHine

Firstly, the girls on Escort Scotland are mostly foreign and, even if you get the girl in the picture, you will be short changed in terms of service or be asked for 'extras'. Experienced punters avoid this site.
Secondly, best looking girls are not necessarily the best punt. Adultwork feedback tends to exaggerate the girls' qualities and undergoes their defects. Far better to rely on UKpunting feedback. You will get the truth on this site since the girls can't rubbish you in return.
Thirdly, if you see someone you fancy meeting in the Aberdeen section of AW, ask in the Scottish section of Ukpunting if anyone has seen her.
Bad punts leave you feeling unsatisfied and cheated; avoid this with thorough research in advance. Oh, and always avoid Romanians. Be very firm about this! Mostly pimped, don't want to be here and don't want to be shagging you.
Happy punting!

Offline auldie63

Can't help with the Aberdeen thing but the photos on the Agency sites tend to be taken by someone who knows how to use a camera & Photo suite and on AW a lot are more or less selfies.
Don't use the agencies myself but reading on here some images are truer than others. Which is just the same on AW, so don't hold your breath for the page 3 stunna' in the pic being she who opens the door.
Pick a couple, take a note of their names and agency, or page numbers if on AW, then come on here and do a search for them and you will probably get far more reliable info than anywhere else.
Read the Puntingwicki below, and the best of Donald to you.


  • Guest
Cheers all. Another stupid question!! Why do so many girls do OWO  & CIM? Are they not risking all sorts of STI's? Sorry for my naivety!

Offline WelshClipper

Cheers all. Another stupid question!! Why do so many girls do OWO  & CIM? Are they not risking all sorts of STI's? Sorry for my naivety!

The risks of catching anything are low because of saliva power. Also most good wgs are checked regularly. If you are that nervous do what I did when starting out. Stick to OW.