Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Sweet Angelina xxx  (Read 1073 times)

Offline CasualPaul1999

My Birthday this week and as I havent punted for a while I thought I might treat myself,Anyone seen this girl?lots of positive feedback on AW for what thats worth  External Link/Members Only

Cheers Paul

Offline PaintBrush

Great List for only £100 hr. Romanian ?

Offline realpunter

I think Charlie Sheen saw her a few years back...


  • Guest
i visited this girl about a year ago and can honestly say it was the worst punt i have ever had.
pre comms were very good but the initial welcome was very cold and after that it only got worse.
After completing the paperwork i was left in a bedroom for a good 10 minutes before she returned.when we eventually got going she seemed very bored with a i cant be bothered kind of attitude.Got fed up with the sex and asked her to just masterbate me but when i never came she just kept tutting.left very disappointed.
my advice would be to avoid at all costs although her reviews are not to bad (god knows how)

Offline Roth

Good luck  :drinks: but be prepared to walk.  :hi:

Offline CasualPaul1999

Going to swerve her now thanks Gents :hi: