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Author Topic: Liverpool  (Read 2472 times)

Offline baldick

It is a long time since I have been to Liverpool and was interested to know if  there were any  streetwalkers in any part of the city?

Online lewisjones23

Used to be by the Royal and surrounding streets

Dog rough crack heads

Not sure if they have moved on - long time since i've had reason to drive through town at night

Offline Gordon Bennett

They're still sort of there, more round the front of The Royal on Prescot Street and further down towards London Rd too. Thing is, its hard to distinguish them from the vagrants and winos. Saw one staggering about a few Sunday mornings ago and she looked like a cadavre; you'd have to be seriously disturbed to want to get within 6' of someone like her I'd say but, hey, each to their own..........

Offline livlad

Always see some on grove st and sheil road but looking at them i wouldnt touch them with a barge pole.
There are several good indies in Liverpool but not a lot


  • Guest
Canning street on the corner by the A years Anglican Cathedral was the best spot when I was a regular 19 years ago.  Think all been cleaned up though !

Offline Barclay Spank

The Red Light District in Liverpool is supposed to be the roads parallel to London Road such as Bayhorse Lane. I did meet one standing on the corner of Kempston and Gildart streets. She gave me her name then let slip her real name which is Catherine. I have never seen her again or any other street girls. I think they usually come out late at night, but this one was more desperate than usual. Nice girl though. She told me there's another area near Staples on Shaw Street.

I can remember Hope Street near the Anglican Cathedral years ago.
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Offline Willyed

I'm staying in Liverpool tomorrow for work, instead of an escort coming to see me I'm going to see what's available on the streets.
It's been quite some years since I've stated over in Liverpool so where are the street girls hanging around these days ?
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Online lewisjones23

I'm staying in Liverpool tomorrow for work, instead of an escort coming to see me I'm going to see what's available on the streets.
It's been quite some years since I've stated over in Liverpool so where are the street girls hanging around these days ?

If and a big if you find any streer girls in Liverpool then I'd double bag

AW is shite in Liverpool, I'd imagine the street scene is even worse, prob a few crack heads knocking about

Lovely way to spend an evening  :wacko:


  • Guest
Just go to AW and search 1 mile L6. You cant go wrong Have banged loads of em Young tight fit Roms. The areas packed with them.
Street girls belong on Zombie planet..Dont even think about it

Offline livlad

Tried a street girl about 4 years ago on Grove St more out of curiosity than anything 20 quid for a crap covered bj and quick fuck wouldn't bother doing it again

Offline JohnEv

Don't have any articles you want within reach of the girl, watch out for anyone sounding Irish around Sheil Road.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Noticed some over past several weeks on Grove Street by junction with Oxford Street. Seems that if you do a big circuit of The Royal you'll bump into one...... wonder why they're drawn to being round the hossy??


  • Guest
Just go to AW and search 1 mile L6. You cant go wrong Have banged loads of em Young tight fit Roms. The areas packed with them.
Street girls belong on Zombie planet..Dont even think about it

Any specific links or recommendations then?

Offline Lady Lover

Streetwalkers in Liverpool are like the walking dead, as others have suggested avoid like the plague! Most have serious drug, alcohol and mental health issues (usually a combo of all three).

The traditional red light district around Crown St and the University was cleaned up many years ago, Netherfield Road by Everton Park is another area they used to congregate.

There was talk of a legalised red light area off Leeds Street some time ago, but this seems to have disappeared off the council radar.


  • Guest
Spotted loads of young loooking Rom types down Sheil Rd at about 7ish tonight.

Offline cat1144

back in the late 90s when I used to get the 79 bus into Liverpool City Centre, there used to be street walkers around the Royal Liverpool Hospital first thing the morning at 7am !

i used to hear stories about the goings on in the Royal Liverpool Hospital toilets back then (some were used as "parlours" by the street walkers !)