Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Indian Nahdia  (Read 2328 times)

11 review(s) for ~ Indian Nahdia ~ (7 positive, 0 neutral, 4 negative) [Indexed by ]
10 review(s) for this service provider (AdultWork - 6493075) (7 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by Payyourwaymate]

Offline darkknightrises

External Link/Members Only

1 hour - £130

I was staying in a hotel at Heathrow, rang a few numbers without much luck then came to Nahdia, who I discovered was staying in the same hotel as me & on the same Floor (about 6 rooms down from me)!. I asked her to come to my room instead of me going to hers, she did'nt believe me at 1st but eventually said she would come in a few mins & 5 mins later knocked on my door.

Petite Indian girl ( pics are accurate ) who provides a good service, we chatted for a bit before helping each other to stip & part taking in:  DFK, OWO, CIM, RO(Very responsive to having her pussy licked), We fucked in the bathroom & bedroom & she ended up staying over the time  ( at least she did'nt have to travel far !!).

She's a smoker but tasted fresh .... Had a good time, of course she is in this for the money but seems to enjoy what she does.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2015, 02:47:50 pm by darkknightrises »


  • Guest
I love that story - good on yer!

Is she really 4 foot 9 inches tall?

Offline darkknightrises

she is short maybe not that short 5ft 1 maybe.


  • Guest
External Link/Members Only

1 hour - £130

I was staying in a hotel at Heathrow, rang a few numbers without much luck then came to Nahdia, who I discovered was staying in the same hotel as me & on the same Floor (about 6 rooms down from me)!. I asked her to come to my room instead of me going to hers, she did'nt believe me at 1st but eventually said she would come in a few mins & 5 mins later knocked on my door.

Petite Indian girl ( pics are accurate ) who provides a good service, we chatted for a bit before helping each other to stip & part taking in:  DFK, OWO, CIM, RO(Very responsive to having her pussy licked), We fucked in the bathroom & bedroom & she ended up staying over the time  ( at least she did'nt have to travel far !!).

She's a smoker but tasted fresh .... Had a good time, of course she is in this for the money but seems to enjoy what she does.

Thanks for you're Review darkknightrises. I've also seen Indian Nahdia on 2 occasions. You seem to have got more from her than I did? I did rate her as a Positive. But the only small disappointment for me was she didn't/wouldn't DFK, even though I am extremely clean orally, and bodily.

The only assumption that I can make is that she will DFK with punters who she feels more attracted to? Which as we all know, we are paying for a service. If the services are listed on their profiles, then provided that the client is clean, which includes orally? Then a good WG will deliver in her services?

Nahdia is a lovely girl. But for the reasons that I have given, I won't personally book to see her again, as I do love DFK, of at the very least just FK.  :hi: